Is it bad....

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May 18, 2010
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Is it bad that I was so annoyed with having a blackberry for so many years that now I occasionally go to Crackberry and mess with them in the threads regarding which "leak" or "hybrid" is the best? (since I no longer require constant leaked updates to enjoy my obviously superior smartphone) ;)


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Feb 4, 2010
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You guys are what's wrong with that site. There's no reason to be assholes just because you picked the wrong phone and had a bad experience with it.

I seriously hope someone steals your 'obviously superior smartphone'. It's called humility, try it sometime.


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May 18, 2010
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You guys are what's wrong with that site. There's no reason to be assholes just because you picked the wrong phone and had a bad experience with it.

I seriously hope someone steals your 'obviously superior smartphone'. It's called humility, try it sometime.

lol@you, I may just be a noob on this site but do you even realize that you ridiculed a forum moderator as well? HAHAHAHA!

BTW, This is General Chat, we can post whatever we want within forum guidelines.


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"lol@you!" I couldn't care less. Encouraging someone else to screw with other people (btw I checked..all you do is tout your behind-the-curve phone) is a **** move, regardless of site status.

That just makes me wonder if this is a site worth coming to, if people in power encourage their members to insult and attempt to humiliate other people because of their phone selection.
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Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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"lol@you!" I couldn't care less. Encouraging someone else to screw with other people (btw I checked..all you do is tout your behind-the-curve phone) is a **** move, regardless of site status.

That just makes me wonder if this is a site worth coming to, if people in power encourage their members to insult and attempt to humiliate other people because of their phone selection.

lol@"behind the curve phone" cry more please :)

seriously, you are like a little girl. me poking fun at the few people left running a RIM product with obviously outdated firmware and software is not life ending. you act as though I am harrassing a grieving parent days after their child died. please go get a tissue and move along.


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With phone's like the Droid X, EVO, etc, your phone is indeed behind the curve. That's how technology works.

The fact that you can't admit that to yourself though is already proving what minimal levels of maturity, (not that I assumed any differently based on how you write) you barely have.

No, I'm not making it out to be anything except exactly what it is; immature, and pointless. The fact that you made a thread here shows how you want to boast about how you pick on the 'poor fickle BlackBerry users', and it's stupid. That's the gist of what I'm getting at.

It's immature, stupid, and completely unnecessary.

Also; this is General Chat. I'm allowed to post whatever I want within forum guidelines. ;) Remember?
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Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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With phone's like the Droid X, EVO, etc, your phone is indeed behind the curve. That's how technology works.

The fact that you can't admit that to yourself though is already proving what minimal levels of maturity, (not that I assumed any differently based on how you write) you barely have.

lol, seriously? is this your first day with technology? The EVO has the EXACT same specs as the incredible, the only difference is screen size and a service provider that is below par to verizon. In fact my sister has one and the camera is not as good either (yes, i know they are both 8mp)

The droid x is just another gimmick, HTC produces far better product. Motorola has a tendency to have a short life span on all of their phones. I am not gonna say it's a bad phone but being that it has almost the exact same specs as Incredible and EVO (minus the good camera) How can you even call the Incredible "behind the curve" Up until a few weeks ago The Droid Incredible and the iPhone4G were the 2 most sought after phones on the planet. The 3 phones you are comparing have virtually the same specs and all run on the same OS kernel. Your lack of knowlege on the matter just makes you look more ridiculous when you are the one attacking me for messing with a couple people over the internet.

Thank you, Come again.


Retired Super Moderator
Jan 15, 2010
No need to get all mad about something so harmless. All he does is ask a simple question, people state their opinions and that's it.

Coming to this thread and name calling isn't any better. In fact, it's worse. It's a harmless prank the guy does from time to time. Not like someone is getting killed.

Please have more respect also. (Both of you)

- Jorge


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Feb 4, 2010
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Buddy, I've been using computers and cellphones since you were learning on All The Right Type. ;) But keep telling yourself all that stuff is true. I believe you. Bahahaha.

Sorry. Hard to type that with a straight face.

@Jorge: Name calling is in fact, just as harmless as what he's doing. It's merely words typed on a forum on the internet, and yet somehow, that makes me more 'wrong' than him? Nah, I don't think so.

Also, I will definitely show respect when I see respect being shown. By approving of what he's doing, you are insulting not only members of CrackBerry, but a sister site of this one, regardless of how harmless it is.


Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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Buddy, I've been using computers and cellphones since you were learning on All The Right Type. ;) But keep telling yourself all that stuff is true. I believe you. Bahahaha.

Sorry. Hard to type that with a straight face.

@Jorge: Name calling is in fact, just as harmless as what he's doing. It's merely words typed on a forum on the internet, and yet somehow, that makes me more 'wrong' than him? Nah, I don't think so.

Also, I will definitely show respect when I see respect being shown. By approving of what he's doing, you are insulting not only members of CrackBerry, but a sister site of this one, regardless of how harmless it is.

I love when people make cracks at my age as if they know me, I am Microsoft certified in C++ and Network Security, I have a degree in web design and am an IT for multiple hi-end businesses in my city. Please, as I said before, Cry more. You have only came back to me with ad-hominems, no counter activity to the FACTS I presented about the 3 phones you brought up.

One more time, THANK YOU , COME AGAIN.:rolleyes:

P.S. What you are doing is called "feeding a troll", just sayin'
I just so happen to actually have knowlege unlike most of them.


Retired Super Moderator
Jan 15, 2010
@Jorge: Name calling is in fact, just as harmless as what he's doing. It's merely words typed on a forum on the internet, and yet somehow, that makes me more 'wrong' than him? Nah, I don't think so.

Also, I will definitely show respect when I see respect being shown. By approving of what he's doing, you are insulting not only members of CrackBerry, but a sister site of this one, regardless of how harmless it is.

What he does away from this site has nothing to do with me being a moderator or having power. If this guy goes and plays in traffic, and I approve it doesn't mean I'm being disrepectful to people who love their lives. He's just having in his own fun without insulting them as you are us.

Asking a question on another forum is one thing, but coming to this one and insulting members for what they do on their own time is another. You're entitled to your opinion, but within forum guidelines as you said. Insulting either of us isn't within the guidelines, remember that.

Also, no ones asking you to come to this site. If you feel like leaving, then leave, no hard feelings. But basing a whole community on one thread is a bad way to look at it.

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