It takes ~7 hours to go from zero to full charge with wireless charging.


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Feb 10, 2011
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I let my Nexus 6 go down below 10% yesterday before I put it on my LG-700 Qi Charger... 6.5 hours later it was at 99%.

Just in case anyone was curious how long it takes to charge wirelessly. :cool:


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Nov 15, 2012
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I let my Nexus 6 go down below 10% yesterday before I put it on my LG-700 Qi Charger... 6.5 hours later it was at 99%.

Just in case anyone was curious how long it takes to charge wirelessly. :cool:

I notice that here LG WCP-700 | LG USA it says "High Charging Efficiency will fully charge a standard battery in under 3.5 hrs" - the question is, what do they consider to be a standard battery? At 3,220 mA, the Nexus 6 battery is quite large.

I would also verify that the Nexus 6 is positioned as accurately as possible on the charger as best charge rate will occur when the two coils are exactly aligned. See steps 6 and 7 here to get a good idea of the location of the N6's charging coil.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I let my Nexus 6 go down below 10% yesterday before I put it on my LG-700 Qi Charger... 6.5 hours later it was at 99%.

Just in case anyone was curious how long it takes to charge wirelessly. :cool:

WOW.. I have the TYLT Vu and I went from 4% to 99% in just over 3 hours..... It chargers about 28% per hour on the Vu...... At work last week I twice timed how much additional charging went in after exactly 1 hours and I got 29% and 27% on both days in a timed 1 hour.....

I've not even taken the turbo charger out the OEM packaging... I have 3 Vu chargers.. One in my kitchen, one on my nightstand and one on my desk at work... I've been charging wireless exclusively for 2 years now...


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Apr 19, 2010
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I am really starting to doubt the value of wireless charging. Way too long to wait for a phone to charge, no matter the size of the battery.

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Jun 7, 2010
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I am really starting to doubt the value of wireless charging. Way too long to wait for a phone to charge, no matter the size of the battery.

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I don't know about value... It's much slower than plugging it up via a USB cable plugged directly into a wall socket.... and without a doubt way slower than the Turbo charger included... but if you work in an office at a desk 8 hours a day it's a much easier way to charge (In my opinion) than fumbling with a cable that could fall behind your desk/night stand or get hung on something when you go to pick it up... I have charged via a wireless charger exclusively with my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (and now my Nexus 6) I've never had it take more than 3 1/2 hours before.... I've now had my Nexus 6 two full weeks and from 5% to fully charged is roughly a 3 hour 20 minutes process on average.... but during the day at work I set it down for an hour here and there and it just keeps the battery fully charged before I leave for the day... At home I have one in my kitchen for when I walk back in from being out and about.. I set it down for an hour here and there as I go in and out of the house over the weekends.... and then on the one on my nightstand at night while I sleep...

With my Nexus 5 if I knew I needed a good boost before going somewhere I'd plug it up via the cable and go into airplane mode to charge faster..... With the turbo charger I wouldn't need to go airplane mode... but my Nexus 6 easily last 12 - 15 hours on a single charge and when I "Top Charge" an hour here or there my battery can easily last 24+ hours.....


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Nov 15, 2012
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I am really starting to doubt the value of wireless charging. Way too long to wait for a phone to charge, no matter the size of the battery.

Posted via the Android Central App

I wireless charge overnight so the amount of time to full charge simply doesn't matter to me. During the day, I may sit the phone down on a wireless charger at my desk whenever it is convenient to do so, though I find less need for this with the Nexus 6 as opposed to the Nexus 5 which often needed topping off at some point during the day.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I wireless charge overnight so the amount of time to full charge simply doesn't matter to me. During the day, I may sit the phone down on a wireless charger at my desk whenever it is convenient to do so, though I find less need for this with the Nexus 6 as opposed to the Nexus 5 which often needed topping off at some point during the day.

Topping off with the Nexus 5 was mandatory...... I always made sure it was on the wireless charger at work an hour before I went to lunch and roughly two hours before leaving for the day if I wanted it to make it to bed time...

The 6 easily makes it to bed time without any top charge... but I do usually top charge about an hour or two before leaving each day.... just makes a difference of being at 10% or less at bed time vs 40% at bedtime...


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Nov 15, 2012
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Can you wireless charge with a case on it?

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Some cases yes, some no. It's very important when selecting a case to ascertain whether it will work with wireless charging by viewing the manufacturer's website and/or user comments.


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Jun 7, 2010
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Can you wireless charge with a case on it?

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I think it depends on the wireless charger.. I have the Spigen Neo Hybrid, Diztronic TPU, Rinkle Slim and Tudia Ultra slim cases and they all charge just fine and just as fast with my TYLT VU charger... I've seen a few people with issues with the Spigen Neo Hybrid and other chargers.... the TYLT VU seems to be just fine but it's a pricey charger at $70 each....


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Nov 15, 2012
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... the TYLT VU seems to be just fine but it's a pricey charger at $70 each....

I was going to say, "but everything is 50% off at through the end of today..." however it seems that they are conveniently sold out of all Tylt Vu chargers.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I was going to say, "but everything is 50% off at through the end of today..." however it seems that they are conveniently sold out of all Tylt Vu chargers.

Yeah I posted last week the code for the TYLT but it was only for "In stock" I got 2 of my 3 last year when they ran that sale... I paid full price for the first one and just love it.... Great charger...

Also I've found it charges best in portrait vs landscape.. The charging sweet spot on the Nexus 6 seems to be slightly off center towards the bottom of the device..... I've set it down landscape dead center and it won't even start charging but if you move it a little off center towards the bottom it chargers just fine.... portrait there is no guessing or lining it up.....


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Apr 17, 2012
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Yeah I don't see a reason for wireless charging .. especially if it takes that long. That is crazy.


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Apr 23, 2011
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Probably the charging plate. I was seeing between 700-800mah charging on my nokia plate. There are plates that can charge quicker. At 7ish hours, you are looking at around 450mah which is pretty slow even for inductive charging

Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 4


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
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I notice that here LG WCP-700 | LG USA it says "High Charging Efficiency will fully charge a standard battery in under 3.5 hrs" - the question is, what do they consider to be a standard battery? At 3,220 mA, the Nexus 6 battery is quite large.

I would also verify that the Nexus 6 is positioned as accurately as possible on the charger as best charge rate will occur when the two coils are exactly aligned. See steps 6 and 7 here to get a good idea of the location of the N6's charging coil.
It lists the vs910(revolution) and vs920 (spectrum) which have a 1500 and 1830mah battery, respectively.

Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 4


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Jun 7, 2010
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Resonance wireless charging is supposedly the future and charges much faster.

A ton of potential with Resonance wireless charging.. Needs a lot more backing and adoption... Google back Qi and it's become pretty mainstream with most Android OEM's right now.... According to most calculations the turbo charger takes you from 0 to 100% in 1 hour 58 minutes... I've gone from 5% to 99% in 3 hours 20 minutes with the TYLT Vu wireless charger and a case on the phone.... considering the difference between a "Turbo" charger and a wireless charger an extra 1 hour 20 minutes (Give or take a minute or two) is pretty good... I'd have to guess either Wingnut had a bad wireless charger, it wasn't line up very well (Which can be a problem with Qi) or exaggerated the 7 hour charging time..... Going on two weeks with my Nexus 6 and in an hour I get 28% on average back in the device.... It's never been plugged up once and I only charge via Qi Wireless charging.... It's not super fast but it's not even remotely close to 7 hours slow....

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