It's like I got a new phone... finally!


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Apr 25, 2017
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Pre-ordered the G6, got it in early May, then promptly put a hairline fracture in the screen after owning it for 3 whole days! A few weeks ago, after (seemingly) learning my lesson, and putting my phone it a case, I dropped it about 3-3.5 feet. It missed the outer edge of the case by the width of a hair, and shattered part of the right side of the screen, and sent cobweb cracks through the rest of the screen. I tried replacing just the glass, but messed the digitizer up.

So, I ordered a new screen, watched a Youtube tutorial, and was successful in installing it. It's like I finally have the new phone that I ordered a couple months ago. I had an iPhone 6 Plus for about 2 years, always in a case, never had a single issue with the screen (the touch disease was another story altogether), so when I had the hairline crack, I was super bummed. Today, I put it in a much better case, with a screen protector (Supcase Unicorn Beetle... highly recommended) as to not have any issues in the future.

PS- I switched back to my iPhone for a day while I waited for the new screen. I thought I had missed it. I had not. I couldn't get back to the G6 fast enough!


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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glad you fixed your screen. I agree with you about the iPhone. I still have my iPhone 6 plus as a backup. occasionally I use it to find old pics and files and it's just so damn boring (iPhone). couldn't be happier with the G6 👍


Mar 6, 2012
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So glad you got your G6 working and in good condition again! And props to you for putting the screen back together on your own! Wow! I could never do that! Enjoy your new phone! Also, thanks for the screen protector recommendation!


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
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I would've been so pissed after the second time I probably would've thrown the poor phone out a window. hahaha


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Oct 13, 2010
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Interesting to read how many people have cracked their screens. My family of 4 has never had any devices with a cracked screen with more than 25 years of owning a cell phone, and last 10 with smart phones. Don't know if we are just lucky or others are just totally careless.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2016
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Interesting to read how many people have cracked their screens. My family of 4 has never had any devices with a cracked screen with more than 25 years of owning a cell phone, and last 10 with smart phones. Don't know if we are just lucky or others are just totally careless.
I've found there's 3 types of phone people when it comes to damage based on my families usage.

You've got me, who deliberately thinks about where my phone is about to be placed, how I'm handling it, what kind of conditions I'm walking into and what could possibly happen based on where I've placed it. Never broke a screen.

Then there's my daughter, who doesn't think about it unless she's using it, gets a message or lost it. She's focused on everything but her phone when it comes to carrying it, setting it down, running with it etc. She has broke a few screens. Her current phone has a crack on the bottom corner due to running with it in her hand and dropping it on concrete without a case.

Then you have my wife, who doesn't let her phone go but doesn't necessarily think about the consequences of where she sets it, how she carries it etc. She cares just enough to put a good case on it knowing she will eventually drop it. I call her the lucky one. She has never broken a screen but has dropped her phone more times than I care to remember.


Trusted Member
Sep 3, 2014
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Pre-ordered the G6, got it in early May, then promptly put a hairline fracture in the screen after owning it for 3 whole days! A few weeks ago, after (seemingly) learning my lesson, and putting my phone it a case, I dropped it about 3-3.5 feet. It missed the outer edge of the case by the width of a hair, and shattered part of the right side of the screen, and sent cobweb cracks through the rest of the screen. I tried replacing just the glass, but messed the digitizer up.

So, I ordered a new screen, watched a Youtube tutorial, and was successful in installing it. It's like I finally have the new phone that I ordered a couple months ago. I had an iPhone 6 Plus for about 2 years, always in a case, never had a single issue with the screen (the touch disease was another story altogether), so when I had the hairline crack, I was super bummed. Today, I put it in a much better case, with a screen protector (Supcase Unicorn Beetle... highly recommended) as to not have any issues in the future.

PS- I switched back to my iPhone for a day while I waited for the new screen. I thought I had missed it. I had not. I couldn't get back to the G6 fast enough!

Great u have your phone back to normal.... But I think u mite have compromised with the water resistant... I would recommend not to get the phone any wear near a water body...


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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I've found there's 3 types of phone people when it comes to damage based on my families usage.

You've got me, who deliberately thinks about where my phone is about to be placed, how I'm handling it, what kind of conditions I'm walking into and what could possibly happen based on where I've placed it. Never broke a screen.

Then there's my daughter, who doesn't think about it unless she's using it, gets a message or lost it. She's focused on everything but her phone when it comes to carrying it, setting it down, running with it etc. She has broke a few screens. Her current phone has a crack on the bottom corner due to running with it in her hand and dropping it on concrete without a case.

Then you have my wife, who doesn't let her phone go but doesn't necessarily think about the consequences of where she sets it, how she carries it etc. She cares just enough to put a good case on it knowing she will eventually drop it. I call her the lucky one. She has never broken a screen but has dropped her phone more times than I care to remember.
This is a perfect breakdown. I am in the same category as you and have never once broken a screen. Heck, even with a naked phone, I've barely put a ding in my current handset (Droid Turbo) in over 2.5 years. Not even a visible scratch on the screen. Though, I admit it took a spill while I exited my car a few weeks ago, but only came away with a nick on the back rubberized edge.

My wife falls in your wife's grouping. She tends to drop her phone more often (granted, she uses her phone at work and I do not). She cashed in on her one free screen replacement on her Droid Turbo within a couple months of buying it. And while she never cracked her old iPhone screen, by the time she retired the device it looked like her pockets were lined with grains of sand.


Active member
Apr 25, 2017
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I would've been so pissed after the second time I probably would've thrown the poor phone out a window. hahaha

I came VERY close!

Great u have your phone back to normal.... But I think u mite have compromised with the water resistant... I would recommend not to get the phone any wear near a water body...

I figured that was the case. I became accustomed to the iPhone, and not having water resistance, so I've always acted like the G6 was not resistant. Even more so now!

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