I've Won A Galaxy SIII!


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May 25, 2012
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Hey all I entered the Samsung Mobile US twitter sweepstakes for a free GSIII. I was notified tonight via DM that I was one of the five winners. They had me respond with the usual info, including which carrier I preferred, I chose Verizon since that is my provider. The question I have for you all is this. Should I cancel my pre-order with Verizon, and use the free one which will enable me to not have to burn my upgrade (I don't have unlimited data). Or should I go ahead and get the one from Verizon, and sell one or the other for profit? I am torn about what to do, and was wondering what my fellow Android Central members would do if in my shoes.
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Aug 24, 2011
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my honest input would be to keep your order, and sell 1 of the 2 phones. You could be able to make a nice chunk of change from selling it. Or, if you are the nicer type, donate one of the GS3's to a dev community (maybe CM9, AOKP, etc) so the VZW GS3 will see some good roms quicker.

Joe the Insider

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Feb 19, 2011
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Use the one you have won and cancel pre order. Since you are providing your own equipment, You won't have to lose your unlimited plan. Of course depending on how long it will take for Samsung to ship your S3 would also sway the decision. If you have to wait weeks after it has already launched on Verizon, I would probably do the pre order, But of course im really impatient.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
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Guess that sort of depends on your situation. Do you have unlimited data? This is the last upgrade you can do (your preorder) if you have unlimited data so if that was the case I might just keep my preorder and then do one of the following:

  • wait a little bit to see how easy/difficult it to buy an S3 in stores after it launches and then sell it if it's hard to find for full retail (maybe even a little more depending on demand)
  • keep my preorder as a backup in the unlikely event that your main device breaks
  • keep the preorder, wait to get it, then exchange it for a different phone entirely just to have something else in the stable
  • cancel the preorder and save my upgrade for a holiday device (assuming you don't mind losing your unlimited data plan if you have one)
  • cancel the preorder, save the upgrade for the next iPhone, buy the iPhone, sell it at a huge price (once again, assuming you don't mind losing unlimited data if you have it)


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May 25, 2012
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Guess that sort of depends on your situation. Do you have unlimited data? This is the last upgrade you can do (your preorder) if you have unlimited data so if that was the case I might just keep my preorder and then do one of the following:

  • wait a little bit to see how easy/difficult it to buy an S3 in stores after it launches and then sell it if it's hard to find for full retail (maybe even a little more depending on demand)
  • keep my preorder as a backup in the unlikely event that your main device breaks
  • keep the preorder, wait to get it, then exchange it for a different phone entirely just to have something else in the stable
  • cancel the preorder and save my upgrade for a holiday device (assuming you don't mind losing your unlimited data plan if you have one)
  • cancel the preorder, save the upgrade for the next iPhone, buy the iPhone, sell it at a huge price (once again, assuming you don't mind losing unlimited data if you have it)

I unfortunately do not have unlimited data. I lost my job last year and had to return to a feature phone for awhile, and I couldn't afford to return to a data plan before last years cutoff in July. I do however have the 4GB of data for 30 a month, which is more than sufficient for my needs.

I have considered all of you options, the Iphone option is very intriguing since they always sell for outrages prices on ebay. I am really leaning towards just keeping the pre-order and selling one or the other once the demand is up, (you can bet they will probably be hard to find, especially if Apple gets it banned next month)

Thanks all for your input so far. I am curious though at how long it will take Samsung to ship the phone to me.


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May 25, 2012
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Use the one you have won and cancel pre order. Since you are providing your own equipment, You won't have to lose your unlimited plan. Of course depending on how long it will take for Samsung to ship your S3 would also sway the decision. If you have to wait weeks after it has already launched on Verizon, I would probably do the pre order, But of course im really impatient.

I also am very impatient. Thanks for your input. :)


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
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sell both. I just played with the s3 and the nexus is way better besides the camera. physical home button blows. the processor is really fast but jelly beans makes the nexus faster too.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I'm a technology freak so I would cancel my pre-order and save my upgrade for the next new device that caught my eye. Seeing as how you're using the Galaxy Nexus and already upgrading to the S III, it appears you feel the same way about tech. I'm really keeping an eye on Windows Phone 8 and the next Nexus device. Then again, the idea of buying the next iPhone and scalping someone just might make your next upgrade free.


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May 18, 2012
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Keep the free, cancel the preorder and save your upgrade for the iPhone 5. Sell it to an apple fanboy for a stupid amount of money.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
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Keeping the free phone and cancelling your pre-order makes you zero dollars.

Keeping both and then selling one on ebay makes you lots of dollars.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
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The iPhone idea actually isn't bad if you want to maximize your profit. Or if there is another Android phone down the line you might want to upgrade to and then sell your free S3. The pre-order period for the VZW S3 has been so long that I can't imagine a lot of people who want one aren't getting one when they come out. I haven't checked in a while, but I don't think orders have been cut off.


Trusted Member
Mar 9, 2011
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OP, keep your order with Verizon - no telling when you'll get the one from Samsung - but once you do, sell that bad boy.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2010
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Congrats. I was one of the lucky ones too. Trying to figure out what network to get it for since I'm on prepaid plans: Pageplus (verizon) and T-mobile...that's why I posted the prepaid question up in the main galaxy III forum :)
Really nice of Samsung...

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