Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues (With Car)

Ian B

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Sep 17, 2010
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No luck at dealer today with 6p and 2015 camaro. Nothing wrong with car audio, just bluetooth compatibility for now. Called google and set up rma to return tomorrow. It is a shame as it is a beautiful great phone.

Ian B


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Feb 23, 2015
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2009 Mazda 6...

Bluetooth seems to be connecting fine.
Phone Calls seemed to be okay so far.
Music is playing correctly over Bluetooth.

Only Problem:
Using Google Maps and having the directions over Bluetooth. The last second of audio is cut off. Hopefully this is fixed in a future update.


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Mar 21, 2010
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

I have a 15 WRX, i'm able to delete the phone from the car, repair, and it will work until next time I get in the car. If i try to connect it manually it will do audio only. Never had any issue with my OnePlus One or Nexus 5 with this car. Hope some kind of firmware is on the way.

I have a 15 Legacy and have had this happen twice. The biggest issue is when I'm trying to listen to music on GPM and it starts stuttering until it eventually cuts out completely. I usually have my Moto 360 and UP2 paired up to the phone while I'm in the car. I have tried days without one of those two devices and I still see the issue. With the Moto 360 I noticed that when a notification comes through on my phone, the music will start to cut out until the notification reaches my watch after a few seconds and then it takes maybe 10-15 seconds to recover.


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Nov 4, 2010
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

Tried my N6P on our cars last night

'15 ES350 - paired quickly, streamed right away without stutters, etc. Turned car off and streaming paused. Used the phone at ur destination, got back into car and phone reconnected quickly and streamed right away.

'11 G37 - took as long as our other devices to pair and connect and re-connect after car is shut down. BUT I got stuttering/skipping audio the whole time. Ive had this issue before on other devices and its usually fixed by installing V4A and/or sometimes a modded kernel (not with a fix specifically for this but something in them seems to resolve the issue).

I personally think its Google's tendency to eff up bluetooth on every new OS release and it will eventually be fixed with a s/w revision. The fact it works fine on our Lexus makes me think its not the phone, and the fact that Ive had this same problem in the G37 makes me think its not the car either.


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Jun 10, 2013
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

It's probably an issue with Marshmallow instead of with the Nexus 6p:

I'd just like to add that if you have this problem, go to that bug report and "star" it. Also, add a comment for Google to increase its priority. Right now, they've got it at a "small" priority. People have been commenting for at least 3 weeks in that bug report that this is a safety and legal issue and affects the core functionality of the phone (i.e., that it should be much more important than "small"). There's been no response.


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Oct 24, 2015
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

I'd just like to add that if you have this problem, go to that bug report and "star" it. Also, add a comment for Google to increase its priority. Right now, they've got it at a "small" priority. People have been commenting for at least 3 weeks in that bug report that this is a safety and legal issue and affects the core functionality of the phone (i.e., that it should be much more important than "small"). There's been no response.

Good call. Starred and commented.


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Oct 24, 2015
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

I'd just like to add that if you have this problem, go to that bug report and "star" it. Also, add a comment for Google to increase its priority. Right now, they've got it at a "small" priority. People have been commenting for at least 3 weeks in that bug report that this is a safety and legal issue and affects the core functionality of the phone (i.e., that it should be much more important than "small"). There's been no response.

Good call. Starred and commented.


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Jan 6, 2011
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

Add me to the list of unhappy bluetoothers.

2010 VW CC. I don't have bluetooth audio (music) but I do have phone system. Nexus 6P connects, autodial names come up.... try to make a call, immediately disconnects bluetooth for about 15 seconds then switches back on. Back and forth every few minutes... handset to car, car to handset... big mess.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Re: Nexus 6P Bluetooth Issues

I have a 2013 Mozda CX-5 and the only problem is that the phone book didn't transfer over. I was trying the car's hands-free dialing and it wasn't working because only about a dozen contacts transferred over. However, I found this app and that did the trick.

No other complaints...other than the 3 second audio lag when playing bluetooth media, but that's the cars fault.


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Sep 2, 2013
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I'm only having one bluetooth-related issue that I can't quite understand: for some reason all my contacts will appear on my car's infotainment system except those in which I have programmed pauses or waits (to enter passcodes, etc.) Never had a problem with that on my previous phones (Android, iOS and Blackberry) paired to the same car system. But, with the 6P, even when I dial those contacts from the phone - while connected to the car's system - it won't recognize the pauses. Not sure what's up with that. Not a huge deal, but odd ... and a little annoying.
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Mar 20, 2011
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I'll add to this list as well. 2016 Honda Civic with Android Auto. Phone and AA work fine, but the phone randomly disconnects from Bluetooth Audio (according to the car), which then halts AA. A few seconds (or sometimes minutes) later, it will resume back to where it was in AA.

Tested with my 6P and a Note 5. The Note 5 had no issues whatsoever with AA, but the 6P kept having problems.


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Feb 23, 2015
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All is well with my 2009 Mazda 6... I was having an issue with Google Maps cutting off the last part of the directions, but the Maps issues seems to have been fixed by the last Maps update.


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Nov 18, 2015
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I have the issue connecting with bluetooth with my honda civic 2014. music normal phone calls work fine. but whenever call through hangouts, messgener, whatsapp internet calling voip it there is lots of disturbance. I checked without bluetooth works fine. it used to work fine with my nexus 5.


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Apr 28, 2011
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Phone calls and streaming music works fine in my '15 Mazda CX-5.

Only issue I noticed is that the music data (Google Play Music) isn't updating when the song changes. Pretty much stuck on showing the Artist, Song & Album Title of the first song that plays.

I have a Nexus 6 (last year's model) and a 2015 Mazda6 with the NB1 stereo with the same exact issue. Song metadata get's stuck on the first song played and never updates. This occurs with both the built-in Google Music app and others such as Amazon Music. It was fine until I upgraded to Android 6.0. I've also found that the phone book doesn't match incoming calls to phone numbers in the address book with names since the 6.0 upgrade. Both are bummers.


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Dec 9, 2011
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Over 4 hours of streaming on my Tundra with Entune. Slight delay in YouTube video and audio but that's it. Phone calls work and switching works just fine for me.

Nexus 6P

Does your call log show up in the correct order of last placed call at the top? It seems like the call log on my tundra doesn't update properly at all. I will try and remove the phone from the head unit and the truck from the bluetooth devices and try again.

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