Nook Newbie friendly?


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Jul 16, 2010
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I have a brother and sister that are both looking at the Archos 70, but it seems like the nook might be a better option (build/availability/screen). My question is, these 2 are tech illiterate. If I do the rooting/flashing/installing Gapps for them, is there any reason they could not use it? There's no special muddling that has to be done or anything once you have everything setup?

Also, I heard something about CM7 coming or being worked on at least? Is that true?


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Aug 3, 2010
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I'm not tech illiterate but I am new to rooting and I've managed not to brick the thing. :p

The only worry I would have is if they get into some of the super user programs and break something. Other then that, I would say that they should be fine using it. It's almost exactly like a non-rooted phone it just has a couple extra features that allow for tweaking of the tablet.

The only other thing, would be that over the air updates will break root and things must be done to prevent that. So you might have to watch for updates and stop the update/update with the rooted update for them.

Will Shanklin

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Jul 29, 2010
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Yeah, I second what ndchem said. Getting them set up, they should be fine, but little (or big) things tend to come up from time to time with hacked devices, so maybe the question is if you'll be available and willing to help with upkeep should anything happen along the way.

Also, OTA's could be a concern, but the tricks in our disable OTA thread are looking promising. Also, if you put Nookie Froyo on for them, no worries about updates - plus it takes on much more of a legit tablet feel. I think we'll see a Nookie update soon that fixes the youtube and audio issues.


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Jul 16, 2010
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Yeah, I would have loaded nookie.

Also, about the upkeep. I'd be doing that either way. If it wouldn't be the nook, it'd be the archos, or the iPad, or whatever. :p They'd need help with whatever they buy.

I just emailed my sister about the nook. Appearantly, it's too "ugly" and she wants the archos. I dont understand people some times, I think the nook looks way better.


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Jul 16, 2010
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I was reading around, and I saw some people with nookie on internal memory having market problems. They could start, but not complete the download and install. Is this a common problem? My brother is loving the look of the nook, but him and adb would not be friends.


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Aug 3, 2010
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I've had that market problem once. I'm not sure what causes it but I've never been able to repeat the problem. Maybe it is a problem with a weak wifi signal? Not sure. But I don't think it's wide spread but a possibility.


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Jan 4, 2011
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I tend to root lots of stuff, so I've found a LOT of fun in playing with this new device. Several friends and co-workers have been blow away with the functionality of my Nook, and have run out and bought one as well... Then come to me because they "don't get it". Most of them are pretty tech-tarded, and while it's possible to either do the initial setup for them, or walk them through it step by step, when things like this unwanted software update come through, the whole process starts over again. A couple people have been frustrated that their Nook isn't "just like mine" but they're not willing to take the time to find the balance of apps, tweaking and coding that I have. I'm no programmer by any means, but I CAN follow directions (and MAD thanks to all the folks who take the time to put the time and effort into the step by step how-tos on here, you guys and gals are AMAZING), and I do my research before I plunge into a project (hence holding off on the Nookie for now... not convinced it's my time to upgrade). I would just say, as with rooting phones or any device, if you're doing it for someone who isn't big into it themsevles, be ready for a LOT of tech support down the road.

As far as the "ugly" statements about the Nook, been there, done that... had a friend who decided she wanted a motorcycle, and it took FOR-EVER to find "just the right one" because this one was too manly, this one was too big, this one was too ugly, this one was the wrong color.... never about specs or ability... just "ugly or not" ... and don't even get me started on jackets and helmets... "wrong SHADE of pink" my a$$ ;)


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2010
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It sounds like your sister might be better off wth an ipad or maybe the new hp tab. They look better and ios or webos are easier to use and more integrated.

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