Note 3 decline in battery life


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Nov 6, 2012
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When I first got my Note 3 it was easily getting 5 hour screen time with medium to heavy usage. Currently with the same usage I get 2 hours 30 mins of screen time. That's with about 75% brightness which hasn't changed since I set it when I first got the phone. I normally watch movies or shows, stream music and browse the Web. Data signal is always pretty strong as well.

Any else notice a decline is battery performance?

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Jun 21, 2013
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I say look at what apps you may have recently downloaded. There are some apps that even when not in use, runs in the background. I had to get rid of the instagram app after the update to instagram direct. It was the culprit in the decline of my battery. I now just use it on my tablet, until they fix the battery optimization for that app.

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Jan 31, 2011
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When I first got my Note 3 it was easily getting 5 hour screen time with medium to heavy usage. Currently with the same usage I get 2 hours 30 mins of screen time. That's with about 75% brightness which hasn't changed since I set it when I first got the phone. I normally watch movies or shows, stream music and browse the Web. Data signal is always pretty strong as well.

Any else notice a decline is battery performance?

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Post a screen shot of your battery stats so we can see what is going on? Are you using Google Now? Have you done a good ol' fashioned reboot!?


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Nov 7, 2011
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When I first got my Note 3 it was easily getting 5 hour screen time with medium to heavy usage. Currently with the same usage I get 2 hours 30 mins of screen time. That's with about 75% brightness which hasn't changed since I set it when I first got the phone. I normally watch movies or shows, stream music and browse the Web. Data signal is always pretty strong as well.

Any else notice a decline is battery performance?

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Yes. We have two Note 3's in the household and both have noticed a drastic decline in battery in the last week. From well over a day of battery with heavy usage and 4 to 5 hours screen on time to just about 3 hours and barely making it to 11pm. Last night my phone was unplugged at 11 am and died on my computer desk at midnight for the first time since I owned it. Gsam reports nothing unusual that I can tell and I've double checked all my Google Now settings. Will post screen shot later.

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Apr 27, 2013
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I agree with what others have said, about apps doing something different. My battery life has been awesome. Also, this is puzzling, we have the Note 3, which has this great feature of a "removable" battery, and it seems nobody using it.. I have two spare batteries, but NEVER get a chance to use them. :D I only used one just to see if they worked. :D

Again, battery has been awesome on my Note 3.


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Jan 31, 2011
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I agree with what others have said, about apps doing something different. My battery life has been awesome. Also, this is puzzling, we have the Note 3, which has this great feature of a "removable" battery, and it seems nobody using it.. I have two spare batteries, but NEVER get a chance to use them. :D I only used one just to see if they worked. :D

Again, battery has been awesome on my Note 3.

LOL, you're right! I would be getting 4.5-5 hrs. screen on time with Bluetooth on, GPS, Google Now, and 4G on 100% of the time! I unplug at about 8 a.m. and by the time I plug it in at 10-11 p.m. I still have 30-50% left (generally I'll have between 2-3 hrs. screen on time at that point). This includes calls, texts, surfing the web, Gmail, snapping some pics,etc.


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Dec 23, 2013
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I too noticed this change. Just ladt week my battery life was pretty good i could play, watch movies the whole day without worrying about the battery but now i noticed it to be draining faster than before, i didnt install any new apps or did an update. I cant find whats the problem. Any help guys? I already made a thread about this too i hope you could view it. Thanks!


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Dec 14, 2013
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Screen time depends on the type of content you watch.Being an amoled display,you are going to get better battery life watching videos and movies than doing web surfing.Web pages contain a lot of white and this consumes a lot of power in amoled screens.


Nov 10, 2013
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I've noticed the same thing as well over the past few weeks. I think it has to do with some sort of updates the device may have downloaded for the OS. Battery life was better in the first month I got the device, maybe 6 weeks ago. Its not a huge difference, but a difference nevertheless. I have disabled a lot of the bloatware - but only what I felt was safe to disable after researching it. I had Touchdown installed, but found that was a real battery pig, so I got rid of that and just decided to use the crappy Samdung mail client for connection to my Exchange server. Also disabled the Gmail app and setup a Gmail account within the crappy Samdung mail client as well. Still, battery isn't as good as it was.


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Nov 12, 2010
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On Oct 28th, I did my second battery calibration, it lasted (to 10%) 34 hrs with 8 hrs screen on, in a good cell signal environment (lot of green bars).

On Nov 22th, I did my third battery calibration, it lasted 48 hrs (to 7 %) with 7.2 hrs screen on, in a poor cell signal environment (predominantly yellow bars).

Consider the standby time, cell condition, I cannot say the battery degraded in anyway.

Try turning off data during standby, with time goes by, background activity with Internet connections may begin to creep up and eating more batteries.

Also, try to take care of battery the right way.
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Dec 27, 2013
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I am also having battery drain in my Note 3. The cause is a bug in Android OS that prevents the Note 3 from deep sleeping. See also the thread:

The only solution is to do a soft reset every time the problem starts. I also saw another forum in which they say the problem started after MJ7 update:

I have tried many things now without rooting my Note 3 but nothing fixed the issue. Maybe only the kitkat update will fix this or will cause even more problems:(

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