Official Battery Life Thread


Oct 12, 2010
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Update: Went to my local store and they had the extended battery on sale still. I ended up getting the package with the standard battery and the y-cable charger.


Dec 15, 2009
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I wonder if you did a wipe and started her phone fresh if it would solve the issue.

Or maybe there is a hotfix coming out because others have complained also.

I still hate the red case she has on maybe that's doing it :)

Here is an updated comparison between my wife's Nexus and mine. The two main differences between these two phones would be her's is on wifi 95% of the day whereas mine is on wifi probably 20% of the day. And my phone has an unlocked bootloader, while her bootloader is still locked. My phone is running stock everything.

They both have similar apps installed, Facebook, G+, email syncing, etc.

Her Android OS is awake 9.X hours out of a roughly 13 hour drain. My Android OS is awake 2.5 hours out of a roughly 13 hour drain.

Her usage isn't that much different that mine. She has a laptop that she uses for most of her computing during the day. Also, her screen usage as a percentage of battery drain is fairly close to mine, so I'm guessing our screens were on similar amounts of time.


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Mar 9, 2011
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Also I get better battery life on 4g. I assume I have bad 3g reception but good 4g at home?

Batteries drain pretty badly in areas with poor data signal, yes. Particularly in areas where its borderline 3G/4G and the phone radio is trying to hang on to the LTE signal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


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Jun 8, 2010
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For now, I have disabled 4G and am running CDMA only (3G). Seems to have improved battery life substantially for me. I may load Th3ory ROM to see what the 4.0.3 build with the upgrades does for overall battery life.


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Aug 18, 2010
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Here is my result, Charged phone last night until was 100%, reboot, unplug from charger and left alone... That is using the extended battery, G+ and FB removed/disable. Locations and gps off.


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Nov 7, 2009
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I should have taken screen shots yesterday so I could fully remember the numbers.

I looked at my battery stats yesterday. The phone had been unplugged for about five and a half hours, used mainly for email and voice calls. My extended battery was down to about 20% and I noticed that the Android OS had used about 40% of my battery. I looked at the stats and my voice calls were 58 mins, Screen on time was about 23 mins and my Keep Awake on the OS was 3:58 mins. I do keep BT on for my car, 4G was on (good reception) and there were about 3-4 more items in the list that were using 2-4% each. Does that seem right?


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Dec 22, 2009
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Here is an updated comparison between my wife's Nexus and mine. The two main differences between these two phones would be her's is on wifi 95% of the day whereas mine is on wifi probably 20% of the day. And my phone has an unlocked bootloader, while her bootloader is still locked. My phone is running stock everything.

They both have similar apps installed, Facebook, G+, email syncing, etc.

Her Android OS is awake 9.X hours out of a roughly 13 hour drain. My Android OS is awake 2.5 hours out of a roughly 13 hour drain.

Her usage isn't that much different that mine. She has a laptop that she uses for most of her computing during the day. Also, her screen usage as a percentage of battery drain is fairly close to mine, so I'm guessing our screens were on similar amounts of time.

how is your os more than your screen time? my os activity is usally around 30%. i'm not sure if it should even be that high. my screen is always the highest around 30-40%


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Dec 22, 2009
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how can i keep my os battery activity below 20%? mine is always over 20%. is it due to something running?


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Sep 15, 2010
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full brightness, email syncs on. lots of apps downloaded.

averaging about 25-30 hours per charge. standard battery.

phone spends half the day in a zero bar area.. that should affect it negatively.


Dec 19, 2011
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Today will be my second full day with the Nexus. Upon receipt of it Wednesday evening, I applied an XO Skin before installing the extended battery ($25 @ a corporate store) two hours later and allowing the phone to charge overnight (~7 hours) without having ever powered it on.

The following morning at 05:50, I powered it on and proceeded to treat it like a new toy, exploring it every few minutes throughout the day on top of my normal, moderate usage (20-30 texts, several short-to-medium length phone calls, google searches, setting up apps, options, etc). I had yet to disable anything, other than changing the live wallpaper to a static image. On the drive to and from a friend's birthday party, I used navigation for ~20 minutes each way. I powered off the phone at ~23:30 and set it on the charger; it was at ~7% charge at the time.

The next morning, I powered the Nexus on at 05:45. I installed a dozen apps and a wallpaper over the course of the day, many of which involved navigating to and downloading from links on webpages via chrome-to-phone. However, the Nexus was plugged into my netbook for a total of ~15 minutes on and off while I tried to figure out how to get MTP working in linux (fail). I then spent 1:55:55 hours over 5 phone calls embroiled in a legalese battle with Sprint to finally get my ETF down to $0 (success!). At some point I read something on this forum about disabling Window/Transition animation scale, so I set those to 'off'. During the evening, I used Google Talk video chat with my wife to make sure she didn't scold me for picking up the wrong thing at the store (success!). Upon returning home, I gave her (new to smartphones) a Nexus tutorial. Later at night, I didn't not power off the phone before bed, as it was still at 16% (2:4:18 hours screen on).

Now at 24 hours, the battery is at 12% . Wifi assumes connectivity duties at home while 4G takes over whenever I'm out (28.5 Mbps+). I don't actively manage any radios, auto-brightness is on, and the syncing options for Google+, email, and the rest are currently default (I don't have a facebook account). I am certain that once my 'new toy' syndrome calms down, I'll be getting in excess of 30 hours to a charge. It's not quite my old Nokia candybar which would go on week-long power fasts, but I'm pleased with the substantial improvement over my HTC Evo 4G.

Edit: The wife's Nexus was at 32 hours and 13% when she turned it off for the purpose of charging this morning.

Edit: I'm not rooted.
Last edited:


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Dec 15, 2011
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Eighth day of owning the Nexus and I decided yesterday to run it down to empty. At 1 day 7 hours now and it is at 50% with my normal use - probably 30 minutes talk, 20 texts, 50 emails read, 10 sent, a couple of short videos on YouTube, downloaded 5 new apps and screwed around with some settings and apps, read a small book. Yeah, I don't use it much and I push the sleep button to turn off the screen when I am not using it. On WiFi most of the time, solid 4G signal at all times, not rooted and with the extended battery.


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Mar 23, 2011
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How the hell do you guys have such good battery life? I went to disneyland yesterday, read like 5 emails, took 3 pictures, posted one on FB, and I lasted 10 hours on an extended battery. I had G+ disabled, but location and FB enabled. No GPS, screen brightness at it's lowest.


Nov 7, 2011
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How the hell do you guys have such good battery life? I went to disneyland yesterday, read like 5 emails, took 3 pictures, posted one on FB, and I lasted 10 hours on an extended battery. I had G+ disabled, but location and FB enabled. No GPS, screen brightness at it's lowest.

I feel you!!! that why im debating returning mine for a new one


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May 25, 2011
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How the hell do you guys have such good battery life? I went to disneyland yesterday, read like 5 emails, took 3 pictures, posted one on FB, and I lasted 10 hours on an extended battery. I had G+ disabled, but location and FB enabled. No GPS, screen brightness at it's lowest.

That is puzzling. I've been very happy with about 12-16 hours of battery life, but it's amazing that some are getting that much!


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Mar 15, 2010
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Jesus Christ, how are you people getting that great battery life? Mine will barely last into the afternoon! I guess I just use it too much...?


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Apr 21, 2011
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if you haven't already, root. Custom rooms/kernels help. Running Android revolution HD - not a heavy use day today but still...( 2 calls, wifi on, gps off, listened to about 1 hr of audiobook, facebook), extended battery too - only at 77%

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


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Dec 23, 2011
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I think the difference is screen time. WRL's post says he only had 2 hours and four minutes of screen time. I charged mine last night and disconnected at 100 percent (nomally will charge through the night but im putting the phone through its paces so I want to see how it idles). Went to bed at 4am and woke up at 11:20 ish. The phone has screen time being reported at 45 minutes on at 50% brightness. Over night the Idle took the phone from 93% to about 88%. THe phone had a random crash and when it rebooted, said it was at 83%. so 45 minutes of screen time= 11% battery Usage. if I kept mine to 3 hours that would only be a 33% drain. by normally my screen time is like 4 to 5 hours a day so far which would account for over half the drain. with other apps running, the Os and antenna usage, that would probably put me down to about 15%.


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Aug 7, 2010
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Ok I give up, for everyone posting these amazing battery life stats, how about telling what you have done to your phone? Ya know, root or not? Apps installed / running. Screen brightness, how long the device was on wiFi, using 3G or 4G or both? I would be helpful to those of us that are lucky to get 8 hours a day after husbanding our devices.

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