[OFFICIAL] GB Bugfix Update (4.5.602) now available


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Dec 8, 2010
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I'm just thinking one thing that made this update a success for me thus far was doing a factory reset after the update. Admittedly, it was a pain in the ass having to set my phone back up the way I like it. But my phone has been rocking steady ever since.

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Nov 3, 2010
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Does it solve the problem where blank areas aren't filled in properly?

example see how below the TNT episode it is grey intead of the apps color?:


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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Does it solve the problem where blank areas aren't filled in properly?

example see how below the TNT episode it is grey intead of the apps color?:

Do you have more than one episode of TNT primed for download or ready to play? If not, I think the display is as I would expect it to look on Doggcatcher.

The grey area is just the neutral background color where there are no other program entries, I think.

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May 4, 2011
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After the update, I seem to be having many more reception issues. Places that I used to get at least 1 or 2 bars, now the phone says searching for service. Also, I still keep bouncing around between 4 bars of 3G and then like 1 bar of 1X, some of which could be the towers I guess. I never had the reboot issue, so it looks like this update is pretty much a bust for me. Now kinda wishing I hadnt installed it at all.:(


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May 5, 2010
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Mine is running perfectly and I did not do a factory reset. If you do have issues, I highly recommend a factory reset. If that doesn't help, I suggest uninstalling all your apps that are not blur related, then do a battery pull, then use the phone minus the extra junk for a day or two and see how it runs. You've got to come to grips with the realization that with over 300,000 apps that you can choose to install from, there will be people who will choose to install the wrong combination of junk that ends up conflicting with the OS of the phone. It will never be a perfect world.


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Jul 16, 2010
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Corey, i would tend to agree with the folks who say perhaps another unit would be a good thing. another thought, if you haven't done it already, would be to factory reset and then reinstall. i've had excellent luck with gingerbread so far, with very few (and minor) problems. certainly none of what you listed in your post. the closest i can say i've had is perhaps a two-second lag when doing something, like dialing a number found on a webpage.


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Apr 13, 2011
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Well all most 2 days for me now and still running just fine. No reboots yet, signal strengh is dramtically improved. Going to still give it a few more days before I give it a full thumbs up.


Apr 13, 2011
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I am still having a lot of problems with GB on my X even after the bug fix. The keyboard is still laggy, I have trouble dialing out calls, etc. But has anyone else's Droid X had any problems with random screeching noises after the update. Mine has done this once yesterday and once today. It lasts for like 25 seconds. I tried to call Verizon but they are just giving me the run around.


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Sep 18, 2010
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I downloaded the bugfix yesterday. I have not had any issues with losing data signal and having to restart the phone like I did before. However, I am now dropping calls. I have 4 bars and 3G reception but for whatever reason my phone will randomly drop the call. This has happened 3 times, each with another Verizon customer. I will try to do a factory reset and see if that helps. Anyone else having this issue?


Dec 12, 2010
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I downloaded the TBH .602 file and I still have root!!! It was a little process to get it done, but if you know how to SBF your phone it's no problem.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
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My problem is solved. I SBF'd back to Froyo. Now my phone is trouble free AND I have great reception. It felt like I owned an iPhone for a while there.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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so sbfing the thing back to froyo will solve all my issues with this phone? use to love it but lately havent been, i keep stalling the bug fix cause i was one of the ones who jumped as soon as gingerbread was availabe..ill never make that mistake again


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
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so sbfing the thing back to froyo will solve all my issues with this phone? use to love it but lately havent been, i keep stalling the bug fix cause i was one of the ones who jumped as soon as gingerbread was availabe..ill never make that mistake again

I will promise nothing. As this thread can attest to, some people have no problems with GB and plenty of problems with Froyo, and some people have the opposite. For me, personally, Froyo was flawless and GB was a complete mess. Going back to Froyo put my phone back to near flawless. I know I could swap out for another DX, but quite honestly, I don't think that would fix much. From the threads I read here and elsewhere, it looks like there are a number of common problems that I don't find acceptable, chief among them being the loss of reception and connectivity. I have a functioning phone (with Froyo at least) at the moment. I don't feel it's worth the risk or aggrevation dealing with a hit or miss replacement. I did that song and dance with a BB Storm 1 and a BB Tour, and each replacement unit was worse than the one it replaced. I'll stick with the working unit for now and hope that those still waiting on other phones for the GB update don't have to experience this kind of half-assed update.


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Apr 22, 2010
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My problem is solved. I SBF'd back to Froyo. Now my phone is trouble free AND I have great reception. It felt like I owned an iPhone for a while there.

Happy to read that all is well for you with Froyo. I just have a question, that I ask just to help me understand, and not intended as a challenge.

Did you first try a Factory Reset on the DX while HC was installed, to see if that might provide any improvement? If not, do you think it's possible that the stability improvement you are now enjoying might be associated with the effective Factory Reset that the SBF back to Froyo included, rather than the firmware change?


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Jan 26, 2010
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Happy to read that all is well for you with Froyo. I just have a question, that I ask just to help me understand, and not intended as a challenge.

Did you first try a Factory Reset on the DX while HC was installed, to see if that might provide any improvement? If not, do you think it's possible that the stability improvement you are now enjoying might be associated with the effective Factory Reset that the SBF back to Froyo included, rather than the firmware change?

Didn't take it as a challenge, so no prob. When GB first hit, I did a basic install without wiping the device. After experiencing problems, I did a factory reset. When the same problems remained, I booted the phone into recovery and wiped the cache and memory and anything else that could be wiped clean. The problems continued. I then formatted the microSD card and did a factory reset. Same problems, no fix. I left the phone pretty basic afterwards, with no additional apps installed except the ones that came stock and some of the Google stuff that I need (google voice, updated mail client, etc). With the new bugfix update, I did a factory reset before applying the update. I think I posted the numerous attempts to get it to work in the initial Gingerbread findings thread along with all the problems I'd had with the update. This phone has been wiped clean a number of times and the same problems persisted on GB. So, back to Froyo for me until the next update hits, but next time I'll wait a few days and see what the overall response is.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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@Corey Thanks for the detailed explanation of all that you did to try to improve performance on your DX on HC.

I'm still shaking my head over the difference in experiences from one person to another.

Hypothetically, it would be fascinating for two individuals with opposite experiences with their DX's to physically exchange with one another, then report their results. It wouldn't necessarily settle anything, but it could be interesting.

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
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@Corey Thanks for the detailed explanation of all that you did to try to improve performance on your DX on HC.

I'm still shaking my head over the difference in experiences from one person to another.

Hypothetically, it would be fascinating for two individuals with opposite experiences with their DX's to physically exchange with one another, then report their results. It wouldn't necessarily settle anything, but it could be interesting.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

No problem. After a little huffing and puffing, I'm cool with my DX on Froyo. At the end of the day, the phone works great and does everything I could hope for with little fuss. I was almost upset about the whole situation, but then I spent an hour reading all the comments on PreCentral. What a cathartic experience. Even running a version of the OS that's slightly behind, I feel like I'm lightyears beyond some of those poor souls. Some are still holding on to their release day Pre, holding on to the small glimmer of hope that the Pre3 will be released before it becomes totally obsolete. They've even given up hope that the Pre3 will hit Sprint at all and seem poised to accept any carrier. If you feel depressed about any phone you own, check out that desolate wasteland for an instant pick-me-up. It's a fascinating glimpse into fanboys coming to the realization that their platform is dying an agonizing death.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2010
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I did the update and while I lost root, every second time I restart the phone goes into clockwork recovery.

That's weird but my phone also sucks now. My reception says it's fine but I dropped 4 phone calls along a rout I've never lost a call on before. My phone also reset itself 3 times within two hours.

Not really looking forward to a reset but this phone is unusable.

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