Permission difference between running app from screen v.s. running from setting window


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Jun 28, 2023
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On pixel 3a (probably not limited to this model), I met this strange problem. I have an app that would run if I long press its icon then go to "basic info" then select "open". But when I try to run it by just clicking its icon in my phone screen, I got a "app isn't installed" error.
Is Android system starting an app in different ways depending if I click its icon or run it from "basic info" window?

Extra info: the app is a game made through Unity. I tried multiple different builds (including signing with both default debugging key and production key, building full game, building just 1 scene, etc). All led to the same result that the game will only run if triggered from "basic info" window.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! Is this an app you're developing, or is it an app you sideloaded from the web somewhere (rather than from the Play Store)?