Please help me choose zenfone 2!!!!!


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Jan 29, 2015
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Hello guys,
I am thinking to buy Zenfone 2 as soon as it launches but the only thing that's concerning me is the screen size, I'll be using for it for 2-3 years and want the devices future proof,
Now the main question.... Do you all think that soon the era of big screen will fade out or it'll continue as of now, well I am comfortable using a big phone but it shouldn't bcom obsolete soon as it launches soooo please help me out......
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Dec 4, 2012
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I think if you wanted a device that was as future resistant (when it comes to technology, I don't believe any device is future proof), with a small price tag, this is probably the device to get.


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Feb 4, 2013
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I agree with the other poster. It's impossible to buy a device that you know will still be relevant 2-3 yrs from now because we don't know what technology will be developed by then.

Screen size is more of a personal preference, so if you're not sure if you want a 5.5" device for the next 2-3 yrs, maybe get something around 5 inches.


Nov 3, 2012
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yup you should go to the shops and see how 5.5 and 5" feels in your hands to be able to compare.. Personally I found 5" already big and adding 0.5" to it is not a huge step.. it's already big ... that's why I intend to change from galaxy s5 (5") to zenphone 2 (5.5")


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Jul 14, 2012
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Yeah I'm wondering if its not big enough because I had a 4.7" then a 5" and it seems every time I jump up I use my phone more and continually want a larger screen. (I think around 6 I would max out) but just saying that it really is preference. Who cares if it goes out of style, its do you personally like the size?


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Sep 14, 2010
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If screen size is the thing you're worried about being future-proof, then that's not something to worry about because it's completely your own preference and you said you are comfortable with the size. As far as the rest of the phone, the specs are generally good and I would expect you would have no problem using this phone for some time.

However, there will certainly be innovations and changes within the next 3 years so you may find yourself wanting some of the new features that will inevitably come out. This is true of any phone you could get at any time. There is also the issue of software updates. Most phones are not supported for 3 years. I don't personally know how long Asus usually supports phones with upgrades. Typically manufacturers support phones for 18-24 months from release. So if you have the phone for 3 years, you may not be able to upgrade after that unless you root and load a different ROM, which may or may not still be being developed either that long after release.

If you get the 551ML model with 4GB RAM that's ahead of the curve right now so others will have to catch up at the moment. And choose the faster processor since there are two options and the 64GB storage size.

Now I'm not sure if the 64GB SD card max is a definitive permanent limit or not. I'm not sure why it doesn't support 128GB but we'll see soon if it recognizes one (my 128GB card got damaged so I only have 64 and 32 sizes now, but someone else on here said they are going to try their 128 card). It's possible you may need more storage space in the future as app sizes are getting larger and larger and it depends on what you store on your phone - like video or large files. But many people never even use 32 GB so it depends on your own personal usage whether this even matters to you. You can get 64GB internal storage plus 64GB SD card and have 128GB total - minus system size. For the average person that's plenty, but for some that may not be future-proof.

There's also the battery to consider. Battery life will certainly decline over that period of time, so it matters how dependent you are on long battery life on a normal basis. If you need it to last all day off charger day after day and expect you will still have this need 2-3 years from now, you may towards the end of that period be getting far shorter battery life than you started with.

Three years is pushing it with any phone as far as being up to date with current tech - hardware and software. If you're leaning more towards the two year side, I wouldn't be worried unless you're the type of person who is going to miss not having the latest and greatest.
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
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As great as this phone is right now, the battery drain is killing me, and this will probably be my last day with it. I don't see it getting better until Asus puts out an update, and we really have no idea when that'll be. I shouldn't have to charge my phone 3 or more times a day to make it through the day. I do a lot on my phone so I need long battery life and can't be tethered. I may come back to this phone when the US release happens and I see that they've fixed the drain. By then, prices should be a lot more reasonable too.


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Mar 9, 2011
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I agree. I've gone back to my z3. I was never able to get rid of the noisy camera either. I'll keep the phone though, and see if future updates improve things.

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Mar 9, 2011
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A little OT here but I have owned a z2 and a z3 compact. Highly recommend either device, the z3c is unique because of the (fairly) high end 801 chipset plus unmatched battery life in a 4.6" screen device. The android IPhone 6.

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Mar 9, 2011
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Yes. Good color and dynamic range, but grainy and noisy compared to competitors. A bit frustrating, because the camera software is so capable.

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Apr 18, 2010
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All of the OEM's and Apple laughed at Samsung when they came out with a 5+" smartphone and now everyone has one or more on the market 4 years later, what does that tell you.

In terms of screen size 5.5" is a good size and if the OEM can managed to get that into a smaller feeling device then awesome it makes it even better. Apple attempt to make a large one phone handed is a joke, the point of a larger phone is to use the whole screen not a reduced screen.

Plus having 4GB of RAM to run apps will carry you for a long time even longer than 2-3 years. Most OEM's are still on 2GB of RAM, or if you are Apple 1GB of RAM since their OS doesn't multitask at all. Android is like a real computer you can have multiple things going, holding and working on what you need, Apple has you pause and go back later. I think you will do well, get the best you can afford, and if you can afford the 4GB/64GB 1080p device you will be set for the time frame you are looking. The only thing you will need is to maybe get the battery swapped in a couple years.


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Aug 11, 2012
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I would not try to future proof a $300 phone. If it lasts you 3 years, thats just $100 a year. Cheap. Not worth getting gray hair over.