Please tell me to replace my N5 with a N5X...


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Nov 30, 2012
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I've had my little Nexus 5 since November 2013. It has mostly served me well, but lately it's been harder to ignore the troubles with it:

- the sensors inside are broken so I can no longer:
- rotate the screen to horizontal
- take photospheres, panoramas, lens blur photos
(when taking a horizontal photo I have to manually edit a rotation later)
- the battery is fairly "ok" still but could be better
- the mic sometimes makes my voice very quiet on the other end during speakerphone calls
- I'm constantly hovering at less than 750MB free space (which actually could be solved by deleting all the Google Photos on the device, but I'm stubborn with that (yes, I know they're saved online)).

Part of me wants to get the N5X (especially during the current sale), but:

- I keep reading accounts of the "stuttering lag" and whatnot that a number of users have encountered.
- Perhaps it will be too big for me (I haven't yet actually touched one, have just seen side by side photos).
- I'm currently unemployed so don't have tons of $ to toss around.

As one that likes to take photos, I would embrace the N5X camera (especially since I'd be able to take photospheres, etc. once again). I think I'm just looking for someone to push me over the edge. Help.


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May 16, 2015
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Any android these days can do photospheres, all you need to do is download the Google camera app from the playstore. I don't personally use photospheres but I've tried them out on Sony and OnePlus phones. My wife just got the Nexus 5X and hasn't experienced any lag, but she's not a heavy user of anything other than Facebook, WhatsApp, Chrome and the camera.
There's other good (and cheaper) budget phones out there with good cameras, OnePlus 2 or X, and Honor 7 (and others) all cost less to buy outright.

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Feb 8, 2016
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Any android these days can do photospheres, all you need to do is download the Google camera app from the playstore. I don't personally use photospheres but I've tried them out on Sony and OnePlus phones. My wife just got the Nexus 5X and hasn't experienced any lag, but she's not a heavy user of anything other than Facebook, WhatsApp, Chrome and the camera.
There's other good (and cheaper) budget phones out there with good cameras, OnePlus 2 or X, and Honor 7 (and others) all cost less to buy outright.

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He said he can't use photosphere because of the sensors appear to be damaged on his phone therefore he cannot rotate it.

I think you are right about the OnePlus as a serious alternative though especially as he doesn't want to spend loads of cash.
I've had my little Nexus 5 since November 2013. It has mostly served me well, but lately it's been harder to ignore the troubles with it:

- the sensors inside are broken so I can no longer:
- rotate the screen to horizontal
- take photospheres, panoramas, lens blur photos
(when taking a horizontal photo I have to manually edit a rotation later)
- the battery is fairly "ok" still but could be better
- the mic sometimes makes my voice very quiet on the other end during speakerphone calls
- I'm constantly hovering at less than 750MB free space (which actually could be solved by deleting all the Google Photos on the device, but I'm stubborn with that (yes, I know they're saved online)).

Part of me wants to get the N5X (especially during the current sale), but:

- I keep reading accounts of the "stuttering lag" and whatnot that a number of users have encountered.
- Perhaps it will be too big for me (I haven't yet actually touched one, have just seen side by side photos).
- I'm currently unemployed so don't have tons of $ to toss around.

As one that likes to take photos, I would embrace the N5X camera (especially since I'd be able to take photospheres, etc. once again). I think I'm just looking for someone to push me over the edge. Help.

That said I'm a NEXUS fan boy but really I'm a glory hunter because I'm only a fan because they genuinely are fantastic phones. I loved my Nexus 6 and now I'm loving my 6p even more.

If you can afford it upgrade to the Nexus 5x however, I know you are stubborn but free up some space by deleting those photos. You can double back them up to Dropbox or something.


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Jan 29, 2016
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I have never had a Nexus 5 before, but I have a 5" screen phone currently (it was/is my primary device). I thought that the difference would be huge but it isn't. I'm still able to use it one-handed, pretty much in the same way I have before. It's just a little taller. It is also barely wider, just barely for the 5x.

Hope it helps some, good luck with taking a chance!


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May 5, 2010
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Or... Find a used OG Moto X for your carrier. Still blazing fast, nearly stock Android but with useful Moto additions, and the right size for you. Should be VERY affordable on the used market.

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Nov 30, 2012
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He said he can't use photosphere because of the sensors appear to be damaged on his phone therefore he cannot rotate it.

Correct. The accelerometers started getting flakey awhile ago and then just stopped working altogether. Things like photospheres and panoramas require accelerometers.

I think my worst fear is that I'll pull the trigger, get a 5X, and then 8 months from now Google announces The Most Awesomest Nexus 5"-ish Phone Ever.


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Jan 29, 2016
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There will always be something better
This. For now, I think the 5x is probably the best phone I have ever had, and I am not a flagship device person. I like the midrange, it hits the sweet spot. I'm pleased, and really that is all that matters. It's worth the $300 to me. I don't know if I would have bought it at launch price, but at this price, it's great.


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Feb 23, 2015
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Correct. The accelerometers started getting flakey awhile ago and then just stopped working altogether. Things like photospheres and panoramas require accelerometers.

I think my worst fear is that I'll pull the trigger, get a 5X, and then 8 months from now Google announces The Most Awesomest Nexus 5"-ish Phone Ever.
Honestly, I think you should get a new N5. They're cheap now, and the best phone ever. And if you're worried about the 5X size coming from the N5, you should be. It's quite a bit bigger, and bigger than it needs to be. Add the fact that it's slippery plastic instead of the awesome rubbery plastic on our N5 and it gets EVEN bigger because you now have to put a case on it for grip.


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May 16, 2015
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Correct. The accelerometers started getting flakey awhile ago and then just stopped working altogether. Things like photospheres and panoramas require accelerometers.

I think my worst fear is that I'll pull the trigger, get a 5X, and then 8 months from now Google announces The Most Awesomest Nexus 5"-ish Phone Ever.

When I said any android could do photospheres these days with the Google camera app installed, I only meant you don't need a Nexus to take them. When the Nexus 4 launched photospheres were exclusive to that phone, some people still don't realise that you can download the Google camera on other androids. I understand your phone is broken and you need a new one. I was simply pointing out that you don't necessarily need to have a Nexus for photospheres.

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Mar 14, 2015
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Personally, I love my 5X. My biggest problem with it is that the back plate has become creaky. That's fairly minor though. As regards to stutter or lag, I only have a stutter every once in a while.

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No one should have to tell you to replace your Nexus 5 with a Nexus 5X.


Mar 6, 2012
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Having had the Nexus 5 myself (it was my introduction to Android, coming from BlackBerry), I know it's a wonderful phone and I get that you are having your hesitations about upgrading. I did too. The 5 was an awesome deal and the idea that you'd be stuck with spending more money on a new device could be scary/unpleasant to think about.

I had similar problems to you with my device, after having it for 16-18 months. The battery began to suffer, and having it drop 20% overnight for no reason was never fun. If your mic is damaged and you feel like you are no longer getting your money's worth of the phone (and you've obviously had it for well over two years, so it was money well spent and it served its purpose), I would suggest getting a new device. Go to your local carrier's store and try out the 5X.

If you are worried that something "bigger and better" will come out, I would wait a few months to see what Nexus/other manufacturers have in store; and maybe once you've waited a bit, the 5X may have dropped in price by then (I waited diligently for the G3 to drop in price... That was four or so months of pain, lemme tell yah); and maybe you will feel like it would be more of a worthwhile/a better buy by then.

Good luck with your decision! I loved my Nexus, so I approve of you stickin' with these dudes. However, you can always take a look at other devices if you're looking for more bang for your buck (I..e, mid-range phones). Check your carrier's online store to see what the current prices are of other devices.


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Battery life is night and day for me from the 5 to 5x. I loved my 5 but battery life was always atrocious. Plus the huge jump in camera quality is awesome as well.

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