Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 won't charge


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Sep 26, 2016
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Thank you Scortillion :)

I was charging via a multiport and changed it to a dedicated 2AMP usb port on a powerboard and now it is charging like a dream.
Before this, it was on charge for about 10hrs and nothing, it just kept turning off and not charging.

thank you, thank you :):D


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Nov 30, 2016
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Re: samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 wont charge

Ok I found a way to fix the red x problem as well as the problem when it shut down completely and the battery icon showed it self only filling up a portion of it then shouting down I have a solution but if you want it contact me at
I found and invented a way to making this tablet Samsung Galaxy 2 10.1 work NO NEW CHARGER NO CAR CHARGER SAME CHARGER CAME WITH OR ANY THAT YOU WANT EVEN PHONE CHARGER if you want the solution email me first one I contact here. If it work only want for you to spread the info I will give you. email me thanks and taking my own time for this
Okay so i have a older version and will hope this works, what did you do? Im trying to avoid factory reset...


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Dec 18, 2016
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Hooray my problem is solved. The tablet battery has been drained to zero and refused to charge. The yellow progress bar was growing up to the 2nd step ( something like 20% of the battery logo ) and then shutdowned off and the cycle was starting all over again and again. I tried the factory charger as well as 3 other different chargers without success. The car charger thing did the work. The yellow progress bar was immediately able to go all its way to the top with the car charger. I charged in the car for 20 minutes then I completed the charge with the original wall adapter. I am really grateful for the tip so I created an account just to confirm that trick actually works. Thanks.

Mary Laing

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Jul 21, 2013
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I have read many of these questions and answers but am still at a loss.
The original cord and charger are still being used to charge my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1.
There is no damage to the cord. I do not plug it into my laptop to charge. When shut down, it takes more than 12 hours to reach full charge (98%) and the battery drains quickly.
Being frustrated, I thought it might be best to replace the battery, so I did at $70. And I still have the same issues. Same red X; drains quickly and still takes more than 12 hours to charge.
I've used an alcohol swab on all the connections and also used compressed air to blast any dust that may be on the contacts.
I have also used the Samsung USB plug from my Kindle; used a generic brand plug and this has not made any difference.
Could it possibly have anything to do with the age of the tablet itself? I'm not sure what to think anymore, but I am frustrated.
Any other suggestions???


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Nov 26, 2017
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The post on page 5 #118 from siggy1494 solved my problem.
I had tried everything else everyone had recommended, even taking the tablet apart.

The red X means it's not charging and one of the reasons can be as simple as dirty connections but it's more likely to be from poor contact between plug and socket caused by a loose fit. With the amount of times that small plug gets inserted and removed it's no wonder the metal sides start to bow outwards and cause poor contact. So, simply press the two metal sides together between thumb and forefinger to squash them tighter together. Don't get carried away as the tablet has a mating part that has to be inserted between the two metal sides when the plug goes in.
Doing this got my tablet charging perfectly again.

Well done to siggy1494
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