So Who Should Be Blamed for "Delays?" Not Verizon, IMHO


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Nov 11, 2011
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As much as everyone wants to jump on Verizon's nuts about this release, I can't help but think it isn't necessarily their fault. The consensus around here seems to think that the Nexus was available and ready for distribution in October.

- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the Razr.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the ReZound.
-Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to continue to propagate the starvation of children in Ethiopia.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the fact that too many people wanted it.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the fact that the hoped-for launch date ended in 'y.'
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to load bloatware (two apps that actually would help a good portion of VZW users).
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to hold back on Google Wallet (in which all of 2% of users actually utilize).
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to issues with their network.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the Droid 4.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch because they simply don't like you.

So let's all take a collective breath and consider some other possible explanations...

It strikes me as being equally plausible that Google was in a hurry to push ICS at the same time as the Apple announcement of their new product (whatever they assumed it could have been) was going to be announced with the intent to steal some of the thunder.

- Then Google delayed it due to Steve Jobs' (Apple's Litigator in Chief) passing.
- THEN Verizon was provided with the device for testing.
- Then Verizon delayed it due problems encountered specifically with the CDMA network (because they couldn't test it prior to the announcement because Google jumped the gun, whereas Apple tends to test things fully prior to product announcement).

Verizon said "before the end of 2011" for the release. It is possible that they had to be that nebulous because Google jumped on the announcement before Verizon was ready. It is also possible that the timing made it difficult for Verizon to lock in to a date that could be announced anywhere near a week or two before they could actually launch it. And it is also pretty apparent that Verizon had several launch dates in mind before all the testing started to show problems that had to be addressed (as evidenced by the numerous launch dates that have leaked).

To their credit, Verizon has never announced a launch date. And to their credit, they have not once released a statement blaming Google or Samsung. And to their credit, they have been working feverishly to get the device launched (as referenced by aforementioned target release dates). Verizon is not sitting on this phone. To assume as much without direct insider knowledge would border on selfish and arrogant ignorance. And to ignore possible missteps that belong in the court of Google (primarily) and Samsung (possibly secondarily) would be myopic at best and hypocritical at worst.

Take it for what it's worth, but I don't think the blame of the delays lie with Verizon on this. And their failure to share whatever information we feel like we are entitled to (like a spoiled 7 year-old brat) is a much classier move than to besmirch the reputations of their business partners (Google and Samsung).
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Nov 7, 2011
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I think it is among them all but more on verizon. If verizon had this phone since oct and was testing it, the bugs should have been worked out. I mean what are you paying the testers for if they can't find these bugs? Second there seems to be a lot of politics going on behind the scenes which if true, put blame square on verizon for trying to muscle their way with the phone.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Please close down this thread. Just another Verizon sympathizer trying to make an argument that Samsung doesn't want to make money and Google doesn't want people to have access to Google Wallet and that Verizon has been trying so hard to release a device that is plagued by so many problems.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2011
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As much as everyone wants to jump on Verizon's nuts about this release, I can't help but think it isn't necessarily their fault. The consensus around here seems to think that the Nexus was available and ready for distribution in October.

- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the Razr.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the ReZound.
-Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to continue to propagate the starvation of children in Ethiopia.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the fact that too many people wanted it.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the fact that the hoped-for launch date ended in 'y.'
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to load bloatware (two apps that actually would help a good portion of VZW users).
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the desire to hold back on Google Wallet (in which all of 2% of users actually utilize).
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to issues with their network.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch due to the Droid 4.
- Then Verizon withheld the launch because they simply don't like you.

So let's all take a collective breath and consider some other possible explanations...

It strikes me as being equally plausible that Google was in a hurry to push ICS at the same time as the Apple announcement of their new product (whatever they assumed it could have been) was going to be announced with the intent to steal some of the thunder.

- Then Google delayed it due to Steve Jobs' (Apple's Litigator in Chief) passing.
- THEN Verizon was provided with the device for testing.
- Then Verizon delayed it due problems encountered specifically with the CDMA network (because they couldn't test it prior to the announcement because Google jumped the gun, whereas Apple tends to test things fully prior to product announcement).

Verizon said "before the end of 2011" for the release. It is possible that they had to be that nebulous because Google jumped on the announcement before Verizon was ready. It is also possible that the timing made it difficult for Verizon to lock in to a date that could be announced anywhere near a week or two before they could actually launch it. And it is also pretty apparent that Verizon had several launch dates in mind before all the testing started to show problems that had to be addressed (as evidenced by the numerous launch dates that have leaked).

To their credit, Verizon has never announced a launch date. And to their credit, they have not once released a statement blaming Google or Samsung. And to their credit, they have been working feverishly to get the device launched (as referenced by aforementioned target release dates). Verizon is not sitting on this phone. To assume as much without direct insider knowledge would border on selfish and arrogant ignorance. And to ignore possible missteps that belong in the court of Google (primarily) and Samsung (possibly secondarily) would be myopic at best and hypocritical at worst.

Take it for what it's worth, but I don't think the blame of the delays lie with Verizon on this. And their failure to share whatever information we feel like we are entitled to (like a spoiled 7 year-old brat) is a much classier move than to besmirch the reputations of their business partners (Google and Samsung).

I don't blame Verizon at all, honestly. All the conspiracy theories about how they "want the Nexus to fail" are simply anger talking. I guess the average consumer doesn't understand the price of exclusivity rights, you don't pay that premium for a device you "want to fail."

And "they don't know the demand for this phone." Are you kidding me? They obviously know after the temper tantrums we have been giving them. I'm just as upset over this as anyone else, but lay the blame where the blame is due.

I believe Verizon is partially responsible for this delay, which I'm willing to bet is because of Google Wallet. But also Google is to blame, they sold exclusivity to Verizon, it's Verizon's choice what is technically done to the phone. And really, who honestly cares about Google Wallet at this point? Very few, but Google has obviously made a HUGE deal out of it being disable on the Nexus and now, apparently, Verizon is reenabling it since they were made out as the "bad" guy, so they're tryinbg to save face. Google is always the "good" guy in the public's eyes, it seems.

Verizon is corrupt, and they're not perfect, but they want to be making money off this phone as much as anyone else wants to spend money on it. They're not doing that by keeping it in stock rooms, and they know that.


Trusted Member
Nov 7, 2011
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What the conspiracy theorists don't want you to know is it's been delayed too. It should have been out, at least according to the same rumors we are listening to for the gn.

no, the latest rumors had it for a dec 22 launch( that was from same source that said 12/9 for nexus) although they were right about the xyboard launch tho...


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2011
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no, the latest rumors had it for a dec 22 launch( that was from same source that said 12/9 for nexus) although they were right about the xyboard launch tho...

The "latest" rumors don't count!! Lol if the "latest" rumor counted then the gn is on time too since its latest rumored date is the 15th or whatever.

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Jun 8, 2010
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What the conspiracy theorists don't want you to know is it's been delayed too. It should have been out, at least according to the same rumors we are listening to for the gn.

Exactly, which is kind of the point. So many people who are whining about the GN and want to act as if VZW is committing some type of horrible thing towards them seem to miss the simple fact that it is not only the GN that hasn't been released yet, and also wasn't given an specific release date, other than to say that it will be released by years end.
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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The "latest" rumors don't count!! Lol if the "latest" rumor counted then the gn is on time too since its latest rumored date is the 15th or whatever.

Click to view quoted image

This one was posted a few days before the 9th and the validity was questioned because nobody had heard anything about the Droid 4 being launched this week. The Droid 4 had always been talked about launching in late December.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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Please close down this thread. Just another Verizon sympathizer trying to make an argument that Samsung doesn't want to make money and Google doesn't want people to have access to Google Wallet and that Verizon has been trying so hard to release a device that is plagued by so many problems.

Bummer, it must really suck for blind VZW haters when there are people in the forum who do not buy into their conspiracy theories.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Exactly, which is kind of the point. So many people who are whining about the GN and want to act as if VZW is committing some type of horrible thing towards them seem to miss the simple fact that it is not only the GN that hasn't been released yet, and also wasn't given an specific release date, other than to say that it will be released by years end.

You talk about whiners, yet you're obviously more interested in the Droid 4 than the nexus. So lets see if Verizon pulls a Thunderbolt/Galaxy Nexus like-launch on the Droid 4; then come back and talk to us about being whiners.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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This one was posted a few days before the 9th and the validity was questioned because nobody had heard anything about the Droid 4 being launched this week. The Droid 4 had always been talked about launching in late December.

While VZW has stated that the GN will be released by the end of the year. Have we reached the end of the year already?
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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You talk about whiners, yet you're obviously more interested in the Droid 4 than the nexus. So lets see if Verizon pulls a Thunderbolt/Galaxy Nexus like-launch on the Droid 4; then come back and talk to us about being whiners.

Oh that's right, mentioning another phone means that someone is interested more in that device. Something you might want to understand about forums like this is that everyone's opinion isn't always going to match up with yours. Not everyone is foolish enough to believe that VZW is all bad, even in situations like this. Until you recognize that, you will probably have the issues you are displaying here where posters create threads that go against your opinion.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2011
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Well a redditor said it was because Google wanted to make last minute software changes. I don't know how reliable that information is, but he was said to be the most reliable source in reddit, and apparently worked closer to the higher-ups in Verizon.

Anyways, there's no reason to be blaming anyone anymore, it's still delayed and all we can do is wait.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2011
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This one was posted a few days before the 9th and the validity was questioned because nobody had heard anything about the Droid 4 being launched this week. The Droid 4 had always been talked about launching in late December.

And the nexus has ALWAYS been talked about launching before the end of the year. What's your point?

But let me get this straight through , the date on that paper for the Droid 4 is rumor but the date on it for the gn is fact?


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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Why should anyone believe Verizon after that press release from ealier in the week. If VZW wants their customers to respect them. If they want us to believe they're not delaying the phone because their network is experiencing problems or they're more interested in selling RAZRs how about not lying about Google Wallet.

Also, if Verizon cared about this phone they wouldn't have announced it in a end of day press release on a Friday. When Verizon did that horrible marketing move it was clear they didn't want to release the phone.

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