Things people miss from WebOS


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Sep 9, 2010
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I'm a new EVO user from a Palm Pre, I don't miss much. I'm still learning how to use my EVO but I like the bigger phone, WebOS was nice but the phone was way to small. I've only had my EVO since Sat. 10.2.10 so my first impression of the OS is excellent. The Palm app catalog was easier to find an app, and it had some very good games, but I think that's about all I miss.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2010
Hahahaha, this is funny. I just had to use my old Pre (my GF has it now) since, as usual, something was screwing up and I have to fix it, and damn its slower than ****. I had to remove all the overclocking and stuff from it cuz its battery life was a few hours at best. I'll take a working OS that I don't have to wait on over flicking cards any day of the week :)


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Sep 22, 2010
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I really don'get the pain in the *** to multitask. Press and hold the home key brings up the list of active apps and you choose it. It's actually quicker than going to card view, swiping and enlarging. It's never more than two steps.

When the task switcher shows 20 thumbnails instead of 6 icons, it will be getting close to approaching webOS' elegance.

Not hating.... I bought an Epic to replace my Pre and would not trade back. Just defending those Pre users who miss the card view because although I've embraced android I miss it too.

I realize it's not functionally that different. But imagine on a Windows PC if instead of selecting from multiple open windows in view on your monitor, you were limited only to using alt+tab to switch.



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Oct 23, 2009
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It wasn't a question of elegance. Clearly the webOS way is the more elegant and polished solution. I liked being able to partially view another card while typing in anothe Would like to see it on a tablet with two full size cards being viewed in landscape mode. Quite a few just couldn't figure out how to multi task, and others thought it was button press intensive when it requires less presses than webOS. I'd also like to see a poll on how many cards people leave open at a time. I'm sure if 6-20 was an option it would have less votes than 1-5. I think it's unrealistic to think people are using 20 cards at a time. At most I have 3-5 open. And one plus with Android is it does recent apps too. So if you swiped up on an app, it is gone and no longer part of multitasking. Android will have closed apps on the list if they were recent.

The windows alt/tab doesn't work because there is no direct button press. You have to cycle through icons like you have to cycle through cards on WebOS. So that reference is closer to webOS than android.

And don't get me wrong, cards are one of the features I'd like to see on Android. I'm just not buying a lot of your argument.


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May 29, 2010
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I miss being able to scroll back in Pandora to see what songs I've listened to. Come and think of it is it me or was the pre speaker louder?


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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Oh and I really REALLY miss the patch that let you download and save any streaming file...... and here I thought the "Android phone is for porn "....... lol;-)


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
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It wasn't a question of elegance. Clearly the webOS way is the more elegant and polished solution. I liked being able to partially view another card while typing in anothe Would like to see it on a tablet with two full size cards being viewed in landscape mode. Quite a few just couldn't figure out how to multi task, and others thought it was button press intensive when it requires less presses than webOS. I'd also like to see a poll on how many cards people leave open at a time. I'm sure if 6-20 was an option it would have less votes than 1-5. I think it's unrealistic to think people are using 20 cards at a time. At most I have 3-5 open. And one plus with Android is it does recent apps too. So if you swiped up on an app, it is gone and no longer part of multitasking. Android will have closed apps on the list if they were recent.

The windows alt/tab doesn't work because there is no direct button press. You have to cycle through icons like you have to cycle through cards on WebOS. So that reference is closer to webOS than android.

And don't get me wrong, cards are one of the features I'd like to see on Android. I'm just not buying a lot of your argument.

Oh oh... you're starting a flame war when you say it's more elegant. :p I just got flamed for saying something like that in another thread.

Agreed on the multi-tasking comment. But i'm sure i'll be flamed again.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2010
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And don't get me wrong, cards are one of the features I'd like to see on Android. I'm just not buying a lot of your argument.

Fair enough. I'm certainly not going to argue one subjective opinion over the other. I was just trying to point out that most of the people who have used both for any reasonable length of time seem to prefer webOS' card implementation. Perhaps my reasoning leaves something to be desired and thus is unconvincing by itself, but it remains that most people who have used it wind up preferring it.

I have seen people say that Android is better than webOS and back it up with the argument that so many more people have chosen it, so I don't think such a point in favor of webOS' card implementation can be summarily tossed aside.

But as I said I'm not trying to make you change your position at all. We each are free to decide what we like best.



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Sep 22, 2010
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Some other things that I don't know if they're true on the EVO
  • Browser requires a home page. Why? When I start the browser, I really don't want to wait for it to load some page that I didn't want, so that I can start typing in the page I did want. No option for blank home page.

On my Epic, the default browser has a setting for designating the desired home page. I just blanked it out and like magic I don't get any homepage loaded when I start the browser.



Well-known member
Oct 23, 2009
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Didn't think we'd change opinions. Both OS's have their ppros and cons. I wouldn't go back to a webOS device until it had office editing a google voice app (not a workaround) and some semblence of active info for wallpaper. I like widget functionality and I missed it quite a bit when I used my Pre again for a brief period of time.

I'd love to see a big screened webOS device so I could do a dock bar ala advanced launcher and my open cards could reside there and I could drag them up to open and down to minimize. This would leave the wallpaper open for widget like functionality without interfering with the card OS. You could have a shortcut 'minimize all' to access the wallpaper. I think it would be pretty cool.

In short, there are more dealbreakers with webOS than with Android, at least for me. So I gladly give up card multitasking and the highly polished messaging and email for everything else android brings to the table with hardware not having to come into play. To me, those three things along with a higher level of fit and finish (like comparing an audi's interior to pontiac's) are the only strengths of webOS. Homebrew brings functionality that should already be there and things android does stock or via 3rd party apps, and that's about it (for me). Still keeping my Pre as a bedside unit and to follow webOS. Giving away my Evo so I can make use of another upgrade (palm or wp7) and keeping my Epic as a daily user.
I have seen people say that Android is better than webOS and back it up with the argument that so many more people have chosen it, so I don't think such a point in favor of webOS' card implementation can be summarily tossed aside.

But as I said I'm not trying to make you change your position at all. We each are free to decide what we like best.


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