Using DINC2 as a LongTerm Global Phone


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Aug 27, 2010
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Hey guys...
I'm in the process of moving to Brasil for 3-4 years so my girlfriend can finish college. I currently own a Incredible 1, but was considering the Incredible 2 since it's a global phone. Am I nuts if I try to use a global phone abroad for a long period of time?

I remember someone telling me that using data-only could work, but now that I've been looking at international rates and they seem to be a bit nuts. If I'm reading correctly, Brasil isn't even listed on their international data would that mean I'd have to spend $20/MB per month? Will the phone even work in Brasil?

Could the person who told me possibly meant that I should do a Wi-Fi-only with the phone while I'm there?

It will be tough for me to afford an Android phone in Brasil. Right now they're selling the iPhone 3gS for like $800-$1,000 USD, so I can't imagine what a new-generation phone will cost. If I were to buy a global phone like the Incredible 2 without a plan, would I be able to bring the bare phone down there and use it on a network there since it's global?

Any information you can give me would be great. Thanks!


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Feb 21, 2011
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You can get global roaming information for Brazil here:

Calling From Brazil

If you are going to Brazil for 3-4 years, I would suggest freezing your Verizon Wireless account. You can unfreeze the service when you come back to the US for visits.

Then pick up a phone locally in Brazil or buy an unlocked Global phone on eBay or Craigslist. It will be much cheaper to use a local wireless provider. If you are concerned about receiving phone calls from the US, there are options. I use a GeoSIM dual number global SIM card. It has a US and a UK number. My friends and family can call either number and it will ring through. There are other global SIM products that offer a similar dual number system. I will warn you though, that the data rates are not as competitive.

Or you can stick with a local provider in Brazil and use a service such as Skype. For a reasonable fee, Skype can supply you with a local US phone number and an international calling plan. This allows your friends and family to call via a US phone number. The call quality is not as good, but it works reasonably well.

In any case, I don't suggest long term use of Verizon's global roaming plan. The rates are high enough to bankrupt most Americans. I use the Global Value Plan for trips abroad of 4 weeks or less and offset my calling costs by using the GeoSIM.

Hope this helps.
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Jun 13, 2010
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I would have to agree. Using a US phone internationally for a long term move does not make sense. Even if you got VZW to unlock it for you so you could use a local SIM, it may not be compatable with the data networks down there. I would go with a Local carrier.

Here are links to the Top 2 Wireless carriers in Brazil:
Voc?, sem fronteiras| TIM

Hope this helps.
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Aug 27, 2010
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Thanks to both of you. This information helps a lot! Do you know if it's common for companies to allow unlocked phones on their networks? Or is it one of those situations where I would buy a phone down there, and then have a SIM card that I could just switch into my new phone...

Again, I appreciate any information you can give me. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the technical aspects of these phones.


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Apr 27, 2010
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Depending on where in Brazil and what type of service is offered there, the incredible 2 could work. If it is CDMA, that would be up to the carrier if they allow the phone on their network, plus getting it programmed for the network may be difficult. If it is a GSM network, then if you had Verizon give you the unlock code, you could just pop the local provider's SIM card in and go. Now as far as data goes, 2G data on GSM should work, but 3G would require the carrier to use either 900MHz or 2100MHz band for 3G. So it comes down to what network you will be using down there. You need to research what carrier you would use and find a phone that will fit it. Unlocked GSM phones are fairly cheap on ebay and you should be able to use one without incident on a GSM carrier if the data bands are correct. And if the data bands match the incredible 2, you should be able to utilize it fully. Just don't expect much help from the carrier getting everything set up.


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Jul 10, 2011
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Go to eBay and buy an AT&T iPhone that has been unlocked. Then when you are in Brazil buy a prepaid sim card and you will have a local phone. Using phones with U.S. carriers in foreign countries is a temporary solution for traveling while on vacation. It can get very expensive over the long haul.

As for your idea about getting the Inc 2, while a great phone, it would not meet your needs. First, its global capabilities are based on a Vodafone (Verizon's partner) sim card and Vodafone doesn't have a great network outside of the UK. They have a patchwork of expensive roaming agreements in some places, but I don't think Brazil is one of them. Second, you will pay much more for an Inc 2 with no contract than you will for an unlocked AT&T iPhone on eBay. Plus, if you want to get data the Inc 2 only has frequencies for the North American market in the phone, whereas the iPhone is programmed for overseas markets. Still, data use is expensive in other countries and you would be better off sticking to using wifi.