What do you want in Kit Kak?(2013)


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Sep 2, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I would like a lot of the customization options offered in custom launchers like Nova such as
-options for screen transitions (turn on/off, change type, continuous/noncontinuous, ect)
-options to change the grid layout (possible to switch to a 4x5 or 5x5 layout on bigger phones instead of default 4x4)
-toggles for hiding dock and notification bar
-(as has been mentioned before) easy theme changes

While the above are my pipe dream changes for KLP, the thing that ABSOLUTELY needs to be fixed is how Google syncs up with its own calendar account. It needs a native way to edit its cloud calendar (not just the one on the phone) so that appointments aren't lost if your phone messes up or you need to reset it and ability to add/edit/delete Google tasks needs to be a part of this as well. Better calender widget and a task widget. These are 2 of the most important functions I use my phone for and the fact that they are so good on the web and completely lacking on Android (without 3'rd party apps) blows my mind


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Jan 14, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I would like Notification toggles, native home screen landscape mode, app drawer groups, scrollable folders, custome apps on the lock ring, digital clock widget, better weather widgets (I like the Google Now card)...

Basically, I want the options that I get on AOKP, without having to unlock and root my phone. I have to use my phone for work and this requires certain security profiles to be pushed to my phone, and the IT department is not thrilled with an unlocked and rooted phone.


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May 27, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

All I want is a more flexible power control widget.
Voice actions to control phone stuff like "Google, Turn on WiFi."

Better cards in Google Now. Right now the only one I use is weather.


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Jul 12, 2012
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I would like to see:
*Application data backups to Google Drive
*Tighter integration with Google TV and Nexus Q e.g Screen Mirroring
*Security features such as remote wipe (not 3rd party)
*Show lockscreen before entering password as someone mentioned previously
*Notification Widgets
*4.2/5.0 not to be name Key Lime Pie
*Introduction of Google Notifications. Notication sync across all your devices and can be viewed in the browser as well. Swipe the notification normally to remove from just one device, or swipe with two fingers to remove from all devices.

A couple of thing which aren't strictly android but help the ecosystem
*Make more content available globally, I want to be able to purchase songs from Google Music
*Make Chrome OS look closer to tablet UI (mockups below) and add Google Now to create consistency between Google products.
*Make Chrome OS DVD installs available.
*Include Chrome apps in Google Play store rather than it's own Web Store
*Play Store gift cards made internationally available


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Dec 1, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

The biggest disappointment with JB has been the voice operation.

I know, I know, the animations are cool - but they really don't offer anything that wasn't there in Voice Search previously. If anything, it has gotten slower and clunkier since ICS. Did a short vid on the differences here.

Ice cream vs jelly bean voice search - YouTube

Lets face it. Although we like to do it, talking to your phone is just weird. The only point of doing it is if it occurs faster than manually using the device - otherwise you're just showing off (not that there's anything wrong with that).

ICS voice operation times were almost instant, even GB was faster than the new Jelly Bean.

There's also STILL no bluetooth for voice operation. Kind of annoying considering combining these two would be extremely useful - almost to the point of Google Glass utility capabilities. Think about it -

"Call Gamestop in Michigan" - without even looking at your phone, as fast as Voice Actions can take you.

BT support is obviously available with Vlingo et al - but they are never nearly as fast as Voice Actions - so it's doable - it's just not 'done' - not by Google anyways.

I would also like to see a less clunky 'set calendar' appointment than is available. The 'send text' function works, but not very well. I'm not a fruitloop by any means, but Siri has the kabosh on setting appointments above and beyond the functionality of Voice Actions. It works - but it's kinda messy.


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Sep 1, 2010
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I really want to see expanded support for peripherals. It still bums me out we can't get things like USB Microphones working. I'll probably end up with a Surface for that feature alone.


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Dec 26, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

Better support for group messages from iphone friends. I just want these types of messages to wait until they're filed under the right thread, THEN do all the notification stuff (plus popups), I've been bouncing between GoSMS and Handcent and they either notify twice (once for received, once for filed under group thread), or do not notify... frequently I find myself hunting for the correct thread as I have multiple group chats going, and they don't always "float to the top" despite being the last one to get the group message.



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A "find my device" service built-in.

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Jul 5, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I also want to be able to play a video over HDMI to my TV, but be able to do something else on my device. At the very least I'd like to be able to have the video play while my phone/tablet has dedicated controls. I feel like it is such a waste to have both screens doing the same thing. This was one of my favorite features on my BB PlayBook. I guess this probably falls under "better/true multitasking."


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Jan 5, 2012
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

1) group MMS with iphones and blackberries

lets focus on this first as it is my single biggest grievance with android


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Aug 24, 2011
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I know some of these can be accomplished by 3rd party, but it would be nice to have it built in.
-delete/reply/Mark read emails from notifications
-delete/reply/Mark read emails from gmail widget
-more widgets
-better battery life
-combine messenger and gTalk
-multitouch actions like switch running apps
-toggles in notifications for wifi/data/volume/etc
-group messaging
-images in gTalk
-better exchange mail support


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Dec 1, 2010
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

I'd like for Google Talk to get some love. As is, it is horrible, clunky, crappy notifications, just a bad service. Either improve it or remove it.

Also, less is more. I don't want to fall into the Windows trap of building everything into the OS and make a bloated, laggy experience. I think Android has the potential to remain streamlined and light, but the pitfalls are numerous and it could easilly overburden itself and make a mess of itself.


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Mar 31, 2010
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

With Key lime Pie I'm only asking for three improvements That I need. I use an iphone and a Galaxy Nexus and these 3 things will make me leave my iphone forever!! lol.

1. Integrate Gtalk, google+ messanger and hangouts. Somehow just make it one app. Similar to what google just did to gmail.com. When you video chat hangout comes up now. Make gtalk/google+ messanger everything bbm was for rim but better!! (read receipts, send files ect)


3. Let me backup my ENTIRE phone using google drive so if I decide to get a new google phone everything can be where i left it on my old phone. Like the iPhone.


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Jan 5, 2012
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

i also realized I want a clear all button in the recently viewed apps much like on the pull down bar for notifications


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Nov 5, 2009
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Re: What do you want in Key Lime Pie?

Integrated location awareness functionality. When used right, this is so handy (I use Llama). We already have the building blocks ala different sound profiles and things like data/BT/wifi/gps/airplane mode toggles. Passive management of all those things seems like the next logical step. This seems like a pure OS function.

Integrated anti-theft functionality (remove locate, remote wipe, remote alarm etc.) Again, this seems like the natural progression of an OS task.

Better web browsing experience.
Whether that's in the form of integrating Chrome or the current stock browser is up to Goog.

Ability to send multimedia (video, sounds, pictures) to Gtalk users.
More of an app update, but this seems pretty basic.

Loyalty program support for Google Wallet. By this I mean ability to 'load' all those supermarket, CVS, PetSmart, Sears ShopYourWay Rewards tags into Google Wallet.
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The Hustleman

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May 28, 2010
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Well considering android has taken major steps forward, they have also taken some steps backwards on many phones (non removable battery, removal of sd card, removal of apps 2sd) so I'd like to see all of that returned across the board.

I'd also like to see the side by side apps running.

Better voice control

Better memory management

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2


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Jul 17, 2010
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- WebOS-esque gestures throughout the OS
- Pinch and Zoom in Gmail
- GTalk and G+ integration in Messaging
- Better app/OS backup and restore feature between devices through Google Drive
- Remote wipe and "find my phone"
- More Google Now features, and make it more interactive and "aware"
- Display Google Drive, Dropbox, and Facebook photos in the Gallery app

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus