Why is my battery life draining so quickly after the must recent update?


AC Question

On 9/23, I installed an update to my phone and since them the battery is draining excessively fast. Before install I could go to bed with a fully charged battery and wake up only losing 6 to 10%. No I am losing 70 to 80% in that same timeframe while the phone is just in standby. During the day, I could play IHeart from 8am to 3 pm along with check FB and play candy crush periodically and only lose 50% of my battery life. Now, i am losing 70% from 8am to 11am. In addition, my battery is taking longer to charge! Why is my battery not charging as quickly as it did prior to the system update? When will this be fixed? Can we revert back to old system until issue is resolved?

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