Win a free Evo 4G from Android Central [contest]

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phone addict
Nov 8, 2009
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How can you choose one feature in such a great specd phone. How can I choose between a 8mp camera a front facing camera 720 recording and out. That big beautiful screen. The os. So I sat my favorite feature is the phone its self. And how HTC packaged all this in a good looking sleek best. That is sure to make the ladies love you and guys jealous. Great job HTC


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Apr 26, 2010
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I am looking forward to its feature of making my iPhone 3G toting brother envious, please read this 100% original, non-plagiarized, anecdote regarding my dreams of the HTC EVO 4G

----- regarding my dreams -----
I had a dream, and when I told it to my brothers, they hated me all the more. I said to them, "Listen to this dream I had: We were using our phones at a bar when suddenly my phone became Evo 4G and stood upright, while your feature-phones and iPhones gathered around mine and bowed down to it."

My brothers said to me, "Do you intend hold that Evo 4G over us? Will it actually be better than ours?" And they hated me all the more because of my dream and what I had said.

Then I had another dream, and I told it to my brothers. "Listen," I said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to the awesomeness that is the new HTC phone."

When I told my father about this new dream, he rebuked me and said, "What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and admit that some Android phone is better than our iPhone 3G's?" My brothers were jealous of me, but my father kept the matter in mind.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Please pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!! The feature I am most interested in is the hotspot I just canceled my mobile wifi service because I was afraid of going over the 5gb cap, and really I can run through 5gb cap in a day


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May 17, 2010
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I am unable to pick one feature that I am excited about because the awesomeness of this phone is the sum of it's features enclosed in a thin and shiny package that will make everyone I meet green with envy. Wicked fast processor and a screaming 4G connection that will enable me to use tons of media apps/sites (orb, pandora, slacker, ampache, etc). An 8MP camera that will allow me to take and upload high-res pictures and high-def video to facebook, flickr and other sites and use great apps like barcode scanners and augmented reality browsers. The front facing camera means that when I travel for work or leisure I can keep in touch with my girlfriend/family and friends via video chat and with a press of a button I can switch to the back camera to show them the cool place that I'm at. And what's great is all this information will be presented to me on a georgous 4.3 inch screen. This phone is the king of the heap and I need it, badly.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2010
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I am excited about 2 features
1). For work I travel alot and the idea that i will be able to video chat with my wife and see my daughter when i call is very exciting, I miss her growing up being gone as much as i am and having the chance to see her from anywhere in the country is exciting.
2). I am also excited about the HD video. We are always lugging around the video camera and a flip to catch those moments you never wanna miss as our little gril grows up the idea i can now just carry a phone and be able to have them with me always is very exciting.


New member
May 17, 2010
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I am most excited for..

the WiMax speeds, the camera and the HDMI output. Basically everything!

It will be a God send for parents with little kids. Capture great pics and video and send them off lickity split!!;)
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