In Car Bluetooth Voice Dial/SMS Application


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Sep 21, 2012
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So I have had my Galaxy S3 for about 2 weeks and so far my biggest gripe is with the awful performance of S-Voice over bluetooth, especially while in my car, when i need it for safety reasons.

  1. Phone will not wake up when button is pressed on bluetooth device
  2. On occasion, when it does wake, it barely waits for me to speak before it shuts off
  3. Voice recognition is awful (My MotoSpeak on my old phone was far better but lost the moto headset so can't reinstall)
  4. Too much physical intervention for confirmation (have to read the screen or press a button to perform some actions or confirm voice input)

Maybe I am asking too much from an app, but I'm really just looking for:
  • Something that will launch automatically when BT is connected
  • Phone will respond when locked and/or asleep when button is pressed on BT headset
  • Sit quietly in the background until I press the button on my BT
  • Be reasonably accurate on voice recognition and ask for verbal confirmation before performing the action.
  • Compose SMS messages
  • Read incoming SMS messages
  • Optional: Navigation/Search options

I've already tried VLingo and it force stops every time the incar feature is activated. I've seen this mentioned by others so i think there is a compatibility issue. Is there another option? Free is nice, but if the app is rock solid, I would be willing to pay good money.
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Oct 20, 2010
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I use a Motorola t505 in my car and hitting the call button on the t505 automatically brings up a s voice no matter what music is playing or screen is off. The t505 picks up my voice pretty good so long the windows are closed. What exactly are you using for bluetooth? Is it the cars built in system or a stand alone like what I use?

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Sep 21, 2012
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Given the fact that there are so many people who love (or at least really like) S-Voice and have no problems with it, and then so many people who have the same issues as I am, either there are some differences between models for the different carriers, or there is a right mix of settings that needs it to make it behave "correctly".

But to answer your question, I use both, depending if I am in my wife's car or my car. S-Voice is just hit and miss, so it works when it locked sometimes and doesn't work other times. But even when it works, the lack of any kind of voice feedback and confirmation bothers me and now I have to look at my phone to send a text message.
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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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Given the fact that there are so many people who love (or at least really like) S-Voice and have no problems with it, and then so many people who have the same issues as I am, either there are some differences between models for the different carriers, or there is a right mix of settings that needs it to make it behave "correctly".

But to answer your question, I use both, depending if I am in my wife's car or my car. S-Voice is just hit and miss, so it works when it locked sometimes and doesn't work other times. But even when it works, the lack of any kind of voice feedback and confirmation bothers me and now I have to look at my phone to send a text message.

I have experienced the same things as you. It seems that the phone mic is what s-voice is using rather than the BT mic. If I hold the phone close to my mouth when giving a command it seems to work much better. Audio however, is played through my BT headset. Even in driving mode I can't get a text to be read to me through my BT headset. I have tried a couple different apps, but none have gotten the job done. I am hoping Google Now will solve these issues when JB comes out.

Compared to Siri, s-voice is not even close.


Dec 11, 2012
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I think S-voice is a fail because it is also deadly so at times.
True the 'S voice' is sort of a Fail but try:

'Voice Control Test '(VERY good and FAST dialer)
'Assistant' by 'speakoit' Speakoit assistant is amazing and much faster than S-Voice. She can do anything that S-voice can and faster. She also sets-up a morning 'briefing' of things you do that day using your calendar, email, task, weather...etc (actually speaks them to you). It also will incorporate your facebook account, evernote account, etc as well. It's a very complete Asisstant (better than Siri) and you only pay for a better voice. I purchased the UK female voice because I liked it. They have many voices though. That is the only cost.

So I have had my Galaxy S3 for about 2 weeks and so far my biggest gripe is with the awful performance of S-Voice over bluetooth, especially while in my car, when i need it for safety reasons.

  1. Phone will not wake up when button is pressed on bluetooth device
  2. On occasion, when it does wake, it barely waits for me to speak before it shuts off
  3. Voice recognition is awful (My MotoSpeak on my old phone was far better but lost the moto headset so can't reinstall)
  4. Too much physical intervention for confirmation (have to read the screen or press a button to perform some actions or confirm voice input)

Maybe I am asking too much from an app, but I'm really just looking for:
  • Something that will launch automatically when BT is connected
  • Phone will respond when locked and/or asleep when button is pressed on BT headset
  • Sit quietly in the background until I press the button on my BT
  • Be reasonably accurate on voice recognition and ask for verbal confirmation before performing the action.
  • Compose SMS messages
  • Read incoming SMS messages
  • Optional: Navigation/Search options

I've already tried VLingo and it force stops every time the incar feature is activated. I've seen this mentioned by others so i think there is a compatibility issue. Is there another option? Free is nice, but if the app is rock solid, I would be willing to pay good money.


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Jun 4, 2010
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FWIW, I have a Motorola H730 and it always worked fine. I'll note that I've upgraded to a Jellybean ROM so am now using Google Now, but I was using S-Voice pretty consistently.

I had to double-tap the call button to bring up S-Voice, but it always worked pretty much flawlessly for me....and much better with the BT headset than without, which leads me to believe it was using the BT's mic and not the phone's (phone was typically in the car dock a couple feet from me and didn't work that great without the BT headset connected).

I can probably only help with a couple of these, but here goes.
  1. Voice recognition is awful (My MotoSpeak on my old phone was far better but lost the moto headset so can't reinstall)
  2. Too much physical intervention for confirmation (have to read the screen or press a button to perform some actions or confirm voice input)
I never really had too much problem with voice recognition, but of course that will vary with people and accents and whatnot. As for physical intervention, there wasn't a lot of it for me. Like even if I said "CAll Amy" and it asked me which one, I could specify by voice. Same with composing a SMS. It would say something like "Ok, here is your message. Would you like to send it?" and then it would wake back up and I could say "Cancel" or "Send"....granted I had to read the message and it wouldn't read it to me, but I rarely had to physically touch the screen when using it. In in fact I posted in another thread ( Google Now was as hands-free as S-Voice was.

Maybe I am asking too much from an app, but I'm really just looking for:
  • Something that will launch automatically when BT is connected
  • Phone will respond when locked and/or asleep when button is pressed on BT headset
  • Sit quietly in the background until I press the button on my BT
  • Be reasonably accurate on voice recognition and ask for verbal confirmation before performing the action.
  • Compose SMS messages
  • Read incoming SMS messages
  • Optional: Navigation/Search options

Odd...I never had any issues with any of that. S-Voice did all of that with my BT headset. Well, except the first one (I didn't want it to launch on a connect anyways...just when I pressed the button).

I know that's not much help.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2012
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I also have problems with S-Voice in my car. It seems like it won't accept audio input from the car microphone. If I get close to the phone and yell into its microphone I can get it to respond sometimes. It works better when it isn't connected to the car and is in speakerphone mode.

Oddly, my wife's car has a blueant bluetooth device for calls and s-voice works better with that. It's still dodgy at recognizing speech on it though. I suppose S-voice functionality depends on the bluetooth device used.

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