Tasker - Let's Contribute Profiles


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Nov 12, 2011
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I've made a profile that locks both my phone and tablet when I'm not near them. It scans for my smartwatch and if I'm not in proximity for more than a few seconds than they immediately go into lock mode with a pretty tricky password. I'm thinking about making it take a picture after a missed attempt at unlocking.


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Apr 18, 2015
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Hey bro how can I record the time between a night to morning?? like I want a task that tell me if I firstly open my phone in morning that " Good morning Naim are u sleep %timebetweenhours or minutes if is greater than 7 hrs it say it is not good
Bro plz tell me or anyone tell me how can I creat this task ???

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Android D

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Dec 2, 2014
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After I upgraded my Note 4 to Lollipop, the Tasker profile to shut down Data automatically isn't working...When I set a specific time to shut of Data (before going to bed), it doesn't shut down data..Yeah the Wifi will be shut off,, not the data..what's the fix for this?


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Feb 26, 2014
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I could use some help. I would like to set up a profile that would bypass my headphones and use my phone's speakers instead at a certain time of day. Thank you for the help.


Sep 8, 2011
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I would also like some help. I'd like to create a task that will turn on and turn off my mobile hot spot. I will then create an NFC tag that I'll stick to my laptop and program it to run the task. Problem is, I cannot figure out how to make tasker run the task. I used the Secure Settings plug in and ticked the application wifi hotspot to run. When it runs, wifi shuts off (which it normally would) but I get an error message: An error occurred - wifi hotspot. I'd like to think this can be easily fixed, but I'm really not understanding how to program Tasker.


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Aug 31, 2013
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It means "something"
%PACTIVE (Profiles active) matches something , PROFILE A , something

What does that mean though? If more than three profiles are active, one being PROFILE A?

Also, has anyone been able to figure out how to have "silent mode on" as a task? Now I am setting individual volumes (ring, notification, media, etc) to 0, however, the phone still vibrates on notification. Is there any way to set it so that, say, if my phone is face down, put everything on mute and vibrate off?


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Aug 24, 2013
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I just found this thread. It's pretty cool.

So I've got quite a few profiles and tasks. Here's just a few of them.

3. Rebooting my phone every second day at 2am to keep it running smooth.
5. Car mode - pauses music, reads out who the msg is from and what the msg is, sends the sender a msg letting them know I'm driving and will get back to them when I stop driving, lets me know the automatic response has been sent and restarts the music.
15. Phone face down to silent mode.

Sorry if there are heaps of mistakes in what I've written, I wrote this on a nexus 7. If anyone wants to know how I've done something please feel free to ask.

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I'd be interested in setting these up. bar turning off music, as I don't use that via my phone.

I realise this is an old post, so if anyone else can help?

Brad Charboneau

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Apr 8, 2013
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I'm a bit of a Tasker addict. I've currently got 17 profiles, and there's probably about 3 or so more I've been meaning to try and set up (and at least 3 I've had to remove due to changes to Android OS over time security wise). But I'm no programmer, so my profiles aren't at all that complicated (except for one which I imported from the wiki and tweaked to my own needs). I'd be willing to share any though if people want details. Here's what mine do:

1. Alarm - Sets an alarm on weekday mornings if it's not a holiday or vacation day (based on calendar entry)
2. Home - Turns on wifi and bluetooth when I'm at home (based on cell towers)
3. Work - Turns all volumes down while I'm at work
4. Evening - Turns all volumes to what I consider a "normal" level
5. Sleep - Turns all volumes way down to almost silent
6. Weekend - Same as evening, perhaps I should figure out how to merge the two in context
7. Weekend sleep - Same as sleep, just at a different time cuz I'm up later. Also something I could probably combine context wise into the other profile
8. Holiday - Sets volumes to what I consider a "normal" level as well, but based on calendar entry
9. Weather Speaker - My most complicated profile, taken from the wiki and modified to my needs. Turns up volume, then gets and speaks time, day, weather, location, then plays the local radio show in my area for half an hour in the morning. I also have a widget that can activate this at any time when I press it (minus the radio part). Turns volume back to previous levels when done.
10. Stop Radio - Not sure this works since I'm not rooted, but it was an attempt to stop the radio playing from the above task. Luckily another task happens to fire off right after this that accomplishes it
11. Sports Tracker - This changes my display timeout and brightness and turns bluetooth on while I'm using the Sports Tracker app at the gym, then reverts back to the previous settings when done
12. Conserve battery - Changes display brightness and screen timeout when the battery goes below 15%. Used to turn off a lot more, but my galaxy nexus battery life was so abysmal that I had to take them out or I'd never get to use the phone because this profile was triggered so often haha. Now that I've got a nexus 5, maybe I'll reconsider adding some back in
13. Play music - Puts the phone into silent mode whenever any music apps are running (4 different apps) so that notifications don't interrupt the tunes.
14. Connected to speaker - Same as play music, only the context is when I'm connected to a particular bluetooth speaker instead of by app
15. Meeting - Puts phone into silent mode during events on my work calendar only
16. Ski club meeting - Same as meeting, but context by location/day/time instead of calender
17. Full battery - Plays the 1up sound from super mario when my battery is full and shows an alert notification with a battery icon

As for stuff I'd like to add, my biggest one is the popular unlock while at home one that many people have. Problem is you can't do it with pattern lock. So I have to switch to pin code, which I've been procrastinating doing. Hoping that and secure settings is all I need to pull it off, not root.

I'd also like to add something to my weather speaker that tells me how many calendar events I have that day, but haven't been able to figure this one out.

I like the profile someone mentioned earlier in this thread that takes a picture when there's a certain number of failed unlock attempts. Might try that once I get secure settings.

Great thread, thanks.

Hi jennyfur, I have been struggling to get a profile working that does exactly Edgar you described for #1. Could you please share your setup?


Mar 4, 2014
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Anyone have some links for good guides to start using Auto apps?

I'm looking into automating my new home with Domoticz and looking into if I can use Tasker for voice automation.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Hey folks,

I'm new to these forums, but thought I'd share this task I created to play notes (like piano notes) using the alert->beep.
I haven't compared many notes with a piano, but I think/hope it should be right. Also I don't know how Tasker beep frequency works, but I basically matched freq 1760 to 440 Hz by listening, and did the rest of the math from there.

par1: octave.note
par2: duration.amplitude

par1: 4.5
par2: 1000.50

Should play 4th octave, note E (5th half-step from C) for 1 second with an amplitude of 50%.

A1: Variable Split [ Name:%par1 Splitter:. Delete Base:Off ]
A2: Variable Split [ Name:%par2 Splitter:. Delete Base:Off ]
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%oct To:%par11 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A4: Variable Set [ Name:%note To:%par12 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A5: Variable Set [ Name:%dur To:%par21 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A6: Variable Set [ Name:%ampl To:%par22 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A7: Variable Set [ Name:%freq To:1760*2^((%oct-4)+((%note-10)/12)) Do Maths:On Append:Off ]
A8: Beep [ Frequency:%freq Duration:%dur Amplitude:%ampl Stream:3 ]

Let me know if you have questions...



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Mar 8, 2016
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I'm reading over these profiles and I feel like an ***** because I am having a hard time getting it LOL. I feel like what i'm trying to accomplish is relatively simple as well. Can someone help me input a profile where when I plug my phone into the car charger (or any charger, I suppose) it'll automatically try to connect with a specific BT device? (Which I would designate to my car's)

Also how can I make it so that my tablet always time's out to the Night Time mode in the Clock app? (Daydream will eventually just go to sleep)

Thanks in advance!

Jakob Aaes

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Oct 9, 2013
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First of all, this is a post for contributing tasker profiles, not questions and before questioning, its normal to google before posting. When that's said I won't be an arse and don't answer your question. About the bluetooth stuff: Make a profile which triggers at the event of "charger plugged in" which turns on Bluetooth. If your car is a known device, it should just connect automatically. That's how bluetooth normally works ;) So no need for searching for a specific device. About nighttime, if you want your clock to change colors, as it seems from what you are writing, it's necessary for the clock to have some Tasker integration, which stock-clock doesn't.



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Mar 8, 2016
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First of all, this is a post for contributing tasker profiles, not questions and before questioning, its normal to google before posting. When that's said I won't be an arse and don't answer your question. About the bluetooth stuff: Make a profile which triggers at the event of "charger plugged in" which turns on Bluetooth. If your car is a known device, it should just connect automatically. That's how bluetooth normally works ;) So no need for searching for a specific device. About nighttime, if you want your clock to change colors, as it seems from what you are writing, it's necessary for the clock to have some Tasker integration, which stock-clock doesn't.

I asked a question, actually, and if someone wants to help me understand exactly how one makes a profile, I'd much prefer that. Google actually brought me here.


Anyway, I don't know how to set up such a profile. Or any, for that matter. Computer Engineering degrees obviously mean nothing since I'm an *****.

I wanted a specific device because I have a smattering of Bluetooth devices around me that I don't want my phone randomly connecting to every time I plug it to charge.


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Nov 24, 2013
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Connecting to a specific Bluetooth devices is simple. It is the nature of Bluetooth to create a PAN or Personal Area Network so generally, you can only connect your phone to one device at a time. Connecting another active device like a computer, or another phone or tablet generally requires additional authentication every time for security reasons. Other inactive devices, like headsets, speakers, fitness devices, and a car radio do not always need authentication every time. If you have more than one of these devices, switching between them is easy. In your phone, just change to the device you want to connect to, and the one you are already connected to will disconnect and the new device will connect. The question comes down to how will Tasker know when I entered my car, house, or other locations?

I have a Profile called Kitchen that opens iHeart Radio when my phone connects to the Bluetooth speaker in my kitchen. The Task uses one Plugin: Volume Profile, Save a new profile with all volumes at maximum with the name Max Volume.

Profile: Kitchen
Status: Bluetooth Connected -> Select the Bluetooth device you want to connect to. (This is easier when you rename your devices in Bluetooth Settings)

Task: Kitchen
1 Plugin -> Volume Profile -> Max Volume, Lock
2 App -> Open App -> iHeart Radio

The Secure Settings plugin does include an option to make the phone connect to a specific device. Just go to Actions -> BT Connect -> Select device