LG V20 Signal and connection issues


Active member
Jul 26, 2011
Has anyone else had any signal issues with the LG V20? I have been on AT&T for a long time and had MANY phones even quite a few recently and never had an issue. Since upgrading to the V20 I no longer can connect at all while at work. I rely on my phone for the camera and email functions at work but this is pretty much a paperweight while there. I have noticed this while out at a few restaurants also. I love this phone but obviously I need one I can use. I know its not the location because I have never had an issue in these places before. Just trying to find out if it is the V20 in general or if maybe it is just an issue with my device and need to exchange it. Thanks in advance for any feedback anyone can give me.
You know it can be the sim card. I had that issue with another phone and when I got a new sim card that fixed the problem
Has anyone else had any signal issues with the LG V20? I have been on AT&T for a long time and had MANY phones even quite a few recently and never had an issue. Since upgrading to the V20 I no longer can connect at all while at work. I rely on my phone for the camera and email functions at work but this is pretty much a paperweight while there. I have noticed this while out at a few restaurants also. I love this phone but obviously I need one I can use. I know its not the location because I have never had an issue in these places before. Just trying to find out if it is the V20 in general or if maybe it is just an issue with my device and need to exchange it. Thanks in advance for any feedback anyone can give me.

It's funny you mentioned this,I just upgraded to the lg v20, I'm on att as well and have been noticing if I have 2 bars I'm doing good but when I had samsung phones in the same area will be full strength. I been searching for a post about this but this is the only one I found.I believe their is some issue on att and this phone.You are not alone.Other than that have had no problems
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I'm on ATT as well and have no issues. Have had the Note 7(and still have a HTC 10 on ATT as well) the LG V20 has similar signal to the HTC 10.

Has anyone else had any signal issues with the LG V20? I have been on AT&T for a long time and had MANY phones even quite a few recently and never had an issue. Since upgrading to the V20 I no longer can connect at all while at work. I rely on my phone for the camera and email functions at work but this is pretty much a paperweight while there. I have noticed this while out at a few restaurants also. I love this phone but obviously I need one I can use. I know its not the location because I have never had an issue in these places before. Just trying to find out if it is the V20 in general or if maybe it is just an issue with my device and need to exchange it. Thanks in advance for any feedback anyone can give me.
I'm on T-Mobile. I just got the phone Friday night, and I've noticed the last two days I've gotten cut off while driving home around the same area both times. I haven't encountered a cell 'dead spot' in my town since the mid 2000's. It could be coincidence, but it makes me wonder lol
Verizon user here. I have had NO issues with signal or WiFi.
I think I get better signal with my V20 than my V10 and I am very sure it is better than past phones.

Whats your network strength in dBm? I hate going by bars, because every phone probably measures a bar differently.
You can check under settings, more, mobile network, network type and strength. Or several apps can measure and display it all the time so you can find weakspots.
I'm also having problems, it seems to be band 30 issues for me.
when it slows down on band 30.
I went in today and got a new sim card hoping that would fix it but not sure it's going to. At the moment I'm at -103 dBm. I've been averaging between -99 and -105
Did this fix your signal issue? I just got the lg v20 a couple weeka ago and im having the same issue.

I went in today and got a new sim card hoping that would fix it but not sure it's going to. At the moment I'm at -103 dBm. I've been averaging between -99 and -105
Hey, same problem here!! Except i'm on Tmobile. I too just upgraded to the LG V20 after being an Samsung S6 user. Was really excited about the LG and like you, I do love the phones screen, camera, browsing experience etc, but am having huge issues connecting. It's not just connecting calls but also connecting to the internet and also receiving MMS and sending pic texts. It's also not very intelligent when it comes to switching from wifi to network internet or calls when it needs to.

The samsung s6 and previous generations I've had on Samsung were brilliant at getting the user connected if wifi was on but signal was poor...it would route the most optimal signal to make sure you got the end result. With the LG V20, IF wifi is turned on and the wifi signal fails it doesn't catch a wave on the network to get you connected and just craps out if you try to make a call. Even with wifi turned off, I would say about 40% to 60% of my call initiations DO fail and are unable to connect. Sometimes I can make call after call with a perfect win rate with no issue and then out of no where it will begin a fail streak again. So this is VERY frustrating.

I got the phone about 10 days ago and I'm still within the 14day return period with tmobile. I was hoping that the issue was the phone was just a lemon and would get the LG v20 again but I've read too many other users experiencing the same issue. Although tmobile claims this is not a known problem. I went a few days ago to talk about replacing this and they suggested they first make some adjustments and switch my sim card out. They also changed a few network settings like turned roaming on. It seemed to work fine for a few calls and then once more started the fail streak.

I just called tmobile to explain my frustration and that I do not expect to be charged the $50 restocking fee and that I want a brand new phone (other or LGv20) since this issue has been happening right from the onset of the new purchase. They're honoring the $50 wave and invited me to go get any phone of my choosing.

Overall, minus the connection issues It's a great phone...but again, worthless if you can't connect obviously. I'm attached to this phone simply because of the screen size being 5.7 compared to other phablet like devices that are 5.5. But with the call connectivity and also that you can't simultaneously attach more than one image in a text thread....like you can only attach one image at a time and then go back and repeat the attachment function again...i mean what's that about!! like build the UI right! Why leave something like this out!?

So I'm inclined to get the iphone 7S plus or the samsung s7. The samsungs have all been very good to me when it comes to dependability on network & wifi connection. Appreciate any feedback someone else might have
Omg, I'm sorry but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having issues. I'm on Verizon and I am now on my 5th warranty LG V20. Nothing that Verizon has done helps anything. I keep dropping calls, everyone thinks I'm hanging up on them. Ugh.

The insurance/warranty has told me that they don't think sending me another phone is going to solve the problem, seriously it took them 5 phones to reach this conclusion. Verizon said there's nothing else they can do that the problem is my device. I'm stuck in the middle with a phone that doesn't work. I have to get this resolved.
I have the v20 from TM and have the same problem.it takes spells and will cut out no matter where i am . i can hear them and they cant hear me, this happens at the house ,driving down the road or setting still.
TM local store replaced the phone and the sim card and still have the same problem,called LG and they said it's a TM problem.called TM and they wrote a ticket on it and 3 days later got back to me, they said they want me to take m sim card out and borrow a phone for a couple days and install my sim card in the other phone .first off i don't have a 2nd and i am sure no one is going to let me have their own personal phone. And by the way there are alot of complaints about this problem on the internet bur TM or LG knows nothing about it. So i am filing a written complaint with the FCC . If anyone knows of another way to handle this let me know. I told them i would be glad to take the phone back and trade it for the samsung 8 but they would also have to take back the new phone case i just purchased for $50 and that didn't go over with them plus they want a add'l down payment.in talking to the FCC i guess TM has alot of problems. so let me know if anyone is having any luck with this problem. thanks
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We've had V20's for a couple of weeks. This is the most configurable phone I've ever seen (okay, likely I should get out more)!

T-Mobile has a good set of set-up instructions, but a few steps aren't identical, maybe because it was from a pre-release unit. If you basically know where you're supposed to end up it isn't difficult - but IMO, in no way is this a plug & play phone.

Settings-Networks-More-Mobile Networks-Network Mode-select the GSM/WCDMA/LTE auto.

Be sure and turn Roaming Data OFF

The play Store has several good apps to sniff out adjacent cell towers and map them, showing their signal strength.
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Band 30 is the problem not the Phone, I have done an unofficial experiment with phones on AT&T that have band 30 in them vs ones that do not have band 30.
1) AT&T branded Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Always kept staying latched on to band 30 and would be sitting around - 119db.
2) Honor 8 unlocked no band 30, would usually hang onto band 2 or 17, usually sitting around - 82db.
3) Moto X Play unlocked, no band 30, would be on band 2, 5 or 17 typical signal - 81.
4) OnePlus 3, band 30, typical signal - 118db.
5) AT&T branded LG V20, less hanging on to band 30 then the others but when it does signal is around - 119.
I wish AT&T would explain why their own phones utilizing band 30 have such horrible signal strength. I've been being annoyed by this since AT&T started pushing band 30, and I don't understand why band 30 seems to be given priority over the other bands that have a much better signal.
V20 on Verizon and I have all kinds of connection issues. Dropped calls, intermittent cutting in and out during conversations, crappy sounding calls on bluetooth in my car (I can hear caller but they can't hear me). Same problems I had with my second G4. My G2 (My backup phone) and my wife's V10 work fine in the same areas. Swapping sim cards has not helped.

It is so incredibly frustrating when I am on call (neurosurgery) and have to ask everyone I am speaking to to repeat themselves because it is all broken up or I just plain didn't hear it. Last LG phone for me...

I'm retired and moved to the Philippines. Granted right where my house is at has a poor signal to start with, but my V20 has a very hard time getting any signal inside the house and often even outside around the house.
I'm currently using a Xperia XZ and it always has several bars when inside the house.
I also have a Huawei P9 and a Huawei Mate 9 and they also have no problems with a signal inside the house.
I've had people at the house with samsung s6 and s7 edge and some iphones. All could get a signal inside the house.
This V20 is the worst phone I've had or seen with regards to signal strength.
Wow, I'm on AT&T with the V20. I never had any dropped calls. In fact, people say I sound much better than my HTC One M9. The HTC dropped calls frequently too. But I do see the bar levels are never more than 3 bars. There must be something going on with LG and LTE.

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