128GB Google Pixel XL shipments delayed until December 26th by Verizon!


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2010

Well more bad news for us waiting on The Pixel XL 128 GB Version from Verizon. It is delayed again now until December 26th. Yesterday in BJ's Wholesale a Verizon Rep told me that he was told January will be the earliest to get the Device. So far I have not received any Text or Emails from Verizon about my Pixel XL Others are reporting that they received a Text about the with the new date as seen above. I am really thinking about canceling my pre-order and going for the LG-V20. As soon as I get my update I will fill you guys in.

128GB Google Pixel XL shipments delayed until December 26th by Verizon
I think Google might be a bit unprepared for the Pixel's popularity. That... or they played it cautious.

Safe to say that it's been successful... which doesn't bode well for stock on hand.
This is why I ordered directly from Google... I got my alert from Now in Stock yesterday for the XL QB 128GB, rushed to place my order and while it's still processing, I should get it within the next couple of days with expedited shipping
Me too. I originally had an 11/18 ship date, now 12/26. I still think it's related to the connectivity issues and Verizon is waiting on a newly manufactured batch from HTC that has a better antenna. They don't want to sell anymore phones that won't stay connected that they will continue to have problems with. Of course, that's probably not it at all, but it doesn't hurt to hope, right?
There was probably an initial set number of units allocated to Verizon which has been exhausted and it is taking a while to replenish. Obviously Google didn't anticipate the device being this popular and still have to keep inventory for their own store as well. The black was available this morning from Google (went to sold out as I was typing this message). It has been coming available quite frequently from them. I ordered 128 Black XL on 10/28 and received it on 11/21 and it seems people who are ordering now are getting their device even faster.

If there were serious issues with LTE connections and they were going to make changes to the hardware I don't think Verizon would still be pushing promotions for this device. I'm not saying that it doesn't have a reception issue as many people have reported such issues but it could be fixable with a software update. FWIW I'm on T-Mobile and AT&T and haven't had an issue with LTE or bluetooth.
Well they did have some pretty intriguing black Friday offers. I wouldnt be surprised if there was an influx of Galaxy owners that saw the offers and the jumped the guns on phones this time around.
Was at the airport last week and they are still prominently displaying and mentioning the Note 7 warning.
Me too. I originally had an 11/18 ship date, now 12/26. I still think it's related to the connectivity issues and Verizon is waiting on a newly manufactured batch from HTC that has a better antenna. They don't want to sell anymore phones that won't stay connected that they will continue to have problems with. Of course, that's probably not it at all, but it doesn't hurt to hope, right?
this is wishfull thinking. I am also wishfully thinking. I have a replacement phone also shipping on or before 12-26. I did get my son a pixel 32g in blue, just walked into verizon last friday and 20 minutes later left with the new phone. But when I tried to order it online, it told me ship date was 12-20 for the pixel 32.

BTW my son loves the pixel. He had an admittedly terrible galaxy core prime (his first phone so I wasnt going to go big). He had the phone for a few hours and just walks up to me and says, my old phone sucked. He hadnt complained prior. I gave him the option of an s7 or the pixel and he chose the pixel. Not the only reason but much prefers the daydream over the gear vr.
I ordered a black Pixel XL 128gb from Verizon yesterday morning....Its on the FedEx truck for delivery today by noon...They have one hour.haha. I guess I am REALLY lucky!
It seems it was the XL that Google flubbed on. The smaller Pixel is available everywhere I've checked. In store stock(128GB also) at both Corp stores as well as Best Buy. Phablets are the new thing.
It seems it was the XL that Google flubbed on. The smaller Pixel is available everywhere I've checked. In store stock(128GB also) at both Corp stores as well as Best Buy. Phablets are the new thing.

Remember that when people cry foul that no one makes small phones anymore... :) They DO make some, but people keep buying up all the big ones.
Remember that when people cry foul that no one makes small phones anymore... :) They DO make some, but people keep buying up all the big ones.

Yep, years ago I wondered why there weren't more larger screen sizes as it seemed so logical. Now after using them for a couple years I'm ready to go back to smaller and the pixel would probably be about the smallest on Verizon anyway. If I needed a phone I'd most likely get it. Hard justifying a purchase I don't need. But then?
I ordered a black Pixel XL 128gb from Verizon yesterday morning....Its on the FedEx truck for delivery today by noon...They have one hour.haha. I guess I am REALLY lucky!

Pics or it didn't happen. Those of us that have had orders in for a while now would like to see.
That's crazy cause I ordered a pixel XL 128 gb last night and it's already shipped. Should be here Thursday. Happy I don't have to go through Verizon

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