2.1 and battery... unhappy marriage?


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Dec 15, 2009
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So I was trying to read through the 2.1 thread to track down anyone else that is having issues with battery life after update, but 500+ posts later of people only caring about live wallpapers got kind of old.

On 1.5 I was able to get close to 30 hours on my phone with moderate usage, and now I'm lucky if I get 16. I am running taskiller (free version) just because I adapted to using it on 1.5 and had a positive experience with its function.

I did my best to follow the setting reccomendations given in one of the articles posted on the site, but I'm still not having very much luck. If I surf the web or play a game for more than an hour, I pretty much have to not touch my phone for the rest of my day unless it's for sms or I have to call someone.

My exerience with updates on bb would lead me to believe that this may improve with usage, but I as this is my first update on my hero I don't really count on that.

Any advice?


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Apr 5, 2010
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I read a great article on Taskillers and Android. I uninstalled it and after 2 weeks my phone was faster than with the killer. Why ? Because Android learns what to end and what not to end. Also what 2.1 do you have? Are you rooted? I find that Beezys Koolaid Sugarfree 2.1 seems to run well and not kill my battery. i also flashed the new radio.


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Dec 15, 2009
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I read a great article on Taskillers and Android. I uninstalled it and after 2 weeks my phone was faster than with the killer. Why ? Because Android learns what to end and what not to end. Also what 2.1 do you have? Are you rooted? I find that Beezys Koolaid Sugarfree 2.1 seems to run well and not kill my battery. i also flashed the new radio.

I am not rooted, and I'm using last week's leak, which I'm really happy with -- except for the battery. I will try going without the task killer for a couple weeks and see if it improves. Is there anything else you have in mind?


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
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I read a great article on Taskillers and Android. I uninstalled it and after 2 weeks my phone was faster than with the killer. Why ? Because Android learns what to end and what not to end. Also what 2.1 do you have? Are you rooted? I find that Beezys Koolaid Sugarfree 2.1 seems to run well and not kill my battery. i also flashed the new radio.

The new radio caused nothing but problems for me... also THIS seems to be helping.


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May 14, 2010
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extended life battery on Ebay, I found it carries me through the day of hard use. I have always ran my smartphones hard and needed extra batteries, on the Pre 3 batteries a day was normal, my Berry was about the same. I have the extended life plus the battery that came with Hero, I also ordered two more for those days when I really ru in hard watching movies and/or playing on apps that drain. I believe in using the phone hard, I give every phone about a 1 year life span in my hands-they last longer I just tend to update to something new in a year.

Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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This won't help if your Time Without Signal isn't 50%, which it shouldn't be (although I haven't checked with an official based ROM, yet). My battery is at 87% now being unplugged for over 5 hours with alarms going off.


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May 10, 2010
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hmmm this is very interesting..I don't really have a battery problem, but how much did this help you?

Cell Standby was 50%+ and TWS was 50%

Now around 25% and 20%.

I've been running music, youtube videos, internet, GPS/Bluetooth/Wifi CONSTANTLY since 6:30 this morning and still have over 50% left.

This won't help if your Time Without Signal isn't 50%, which it shouldn't be (although I haven't checked with an official based ROM, yet). My battery is at 87% now being unplugged for over 5 hours with alarms going off.

I've had this problem no matter what ROM I use.

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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I'm no Sprint Expert, nor a cellphone expert. I know that its a Sprint PRI, but not quite sure why its happening to you still. I have the 1.70_003 PRI and don't have the issue with signal being at 50%. I also updated my radio last night and so far so good today.

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