2.3.6 update.


Mar 28, 2011
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Just got a new update pushed to my Tmo Nexus One, 2.3.6, GRK39F. Looks like there was an update to GMail, but I'm not seeing anything else jump out at me.

Maybe they finally fixed the clock dropping time when it sits in the dock issue? Here's hoping, anyway.

Oh, noticed one thing: Tethering and mobile hotspot are still present on the N1. So that's an improvement over the update version that the NexusS got.
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Mar 28, 2011
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You can customize what categories it syncs, and which priority inboxes it will sync as well, so it won't be such a bandwidth hog, if that's a problem for you.

My problem right now is that the clock is even more FUBAR than it was before the "fix." One minute it was 5 minutes slow, then 10 minutes later, it was an hour and half fast. *sigh*

How do you screw up fixing something as basic as the clock, Google? It's been broken since 2.3.3, and I can't trust the phone do perform a basic function-- tell time.


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Mar 29, 2010
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I can only speak for my N1's clock but it is always spot on.

However, my gallery has lost the pinch to zoom capability it has had since purchase a year ago August.


Phil Nickinson

Android Central Editor Emeritus
Apr 21, 2009
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Gmail's not actually a part of the ROM anymore, and those updates rolled out in June.

You can customize what categories it syncs, and which priority inboxes it will sync as well, so it won't be such a bandwidth hog, if that's a problem for you.

My problem right now is that the clock is even more FUBAR than it was before the "fix." One minute it was 5 minutes slow, then 10 minutes later, it was an hour and half fast. *sigh*

How do you screw up fixing something as basic as the clock, Google? It's been broken since 2.3.3, and I can't trust the phone do perform a basic function-- tell time.


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Feb 13, 2011
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Maybe they finally fixed the clock dropping time when it sits in the dock issue? Here's hoping, anyway.

I've been working around the nightly clock drift by using zdbox's ability to toggle airplane mode. I noticed that whenever the cell radio reconnects that the time gets reset, so if I ever briefly set airplane mode or toggle the 2G-only mode (on or off) the phone's time would get set. I check the time by manually running ClockSync (w/o root) so I can see how close the clock is to atomic time, and it is usually just a few seconds off when I schedule a single radio-toggle event each morning.

Here are a few things that I think are different in 2.3.6:
  • I'm seeing fast GPS satellite locks, so hopefully that bug is fixed.
  • A second google-calendar reminder for the same event will now cause the phone to re-beep for the 2nd reminder, even if I haven't dismissed the first reminder (I use full-screen calendar reminders, and I'm pretty sure that the 2nd reminder used to only beep if I had dismissed the first one for the event).
  • The first time my upgraded phone made a bluetooth connection in my car dock, it caused the phone to beep several times. I only noticed later that there was a notification asking me to confirm that I wanted to connect to the already-paired BT device (which it went ahead and did anyway). Maybe some BT events are going to be more noisy? I haven't seen any issue with other connection events.
Sadly, my N1 still won't let me use my Verbatim folding keyboard with it (it will pair, and then not connect). Ah well.


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Mar 29, 2010
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I am not exactly sure, but it seems that Google also increased DATA throughput on the device.

Ofter the OTA, I ran a speedtest and on 3G (on the same server, in the same location, at the same time) I am now seeing speeds in the 2Mbps Down / 1Mbps range on the at&t Mobility network, where before I was seeing 900Kbps Down / 400Kbps Up range.

Thinking this might have just been a network upgrade I also ran a test on my home WiFi network and saw speed increases there too.

So, I am not sure exactly what is going on, other than to say that MAYBE El Googl did something to DATA throughput.



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Jan 22, 2010
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Love that we are still getting updates. A good alternative to the stock Gallery app is QuickPic.

I have not noticed this bug in the docked clock.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
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I haven't noticed a digital clock problem. I do have a problem getting the phone to stay docked, It will "un-dock" itself an not charge. It's really frustrating since it's not cheap.


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Dec 7, 2010
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I haven't noticed anything different after the update. I wondered about WiFi connectivity, but now I think it is no different. I also lost GPS connections twice lately, but that could happen any time, I guess.

I put my nexus in the doc every night for charging (since Feb 2010). Never had a clock problem. By the way, I bought my wife a Nexus One just recently. I knew there would be a learning curve that I had to help her with and I didn't want to hassle with one of the overlays like Sense UI.


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Oct 20, 2011
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I've noticed my bluetooth connection to my desk phone is now broken.
I still connect and work with my car, but I have a desk phone from AT&T that has is a "two line" phone, one a land line and the other a blue tooth connection to a cell phone. This has always worked with my Nexus One until this update. I connect OK, but when I answer from the the desk phone, I make the connection, but the audio stays on the N1 (very confusing when in different rooms).
One of the options for the device is a check box "Use the phone for audio", but unchecking it doesn't help; when a connection is made it gets set every time.
Anyone else see such a problem and/or know a work around?

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