I'm done. Too many issues, even after the March update.


Mar 6, 2012
At the very least Google needs to get a handle on the extreme differences reported in different samples. Hero and others report problems that made their Pixel 6's unusable and there are others, myself included, that report having none of those problems. It would seem that Google needs to tighten the acceptable bell curve of sample variation.

I totally agree with you.


New member
Apr 4, 2022
I'm done with the Pixel 6 Pro. I've had it since October, was hopeful that the March update with the multitude of fixes would improve the phone, so I took the simcard out of the S22U and put it in the Pixel 6 Pro. I was on the 12 Beta, so I had to factory reset and rolled back to the March update. Thought I'd use it for a week or two and decide if the update fixed enough and I liked the phone enough to keep it over the S22U, but just after two days I've had so many issues, I'm just going to sell it off (at a considerable loss I'm sure) and move on.

1. Twice today I had an issue where I've received a call, I couldn't hear anything, but the person on the other end could hear me. I've had to hang up twice and ended up calling them for the call to go through.

2. For whatever reason this bug still occurrs where I'm on the Youtube app, I'm *not* watching a video, I swipe up to go home and the picture in picture pops up with the youtube app in the little window, my homescreen goes black and non-interactive, yet I can actually interact with youtube picture in picture window and move it around to see videos listed etc. This happens a handful of times a week and it's just frustrating:

View attachment 343335

3. Multiple times a week my Youtube Music widget will go blank like this:

View attachment 343332

I tap on the app and I get this:

View attachment 343333

I have to restart the phone to get Youtube Music working again. Turning on off wifi/cellular network doesn't fix it.

4. Google backup/restore failed to actually recover my messages on Google Messages:

View attachment 343334

5. Bluetooth connected to my car (2016 Mazda 3) just constantly cuts out on calls. Has been doing this ever since I got the phone and the March update didn't do anything to fix it. Or if I get a call and use the controls on my steering wheel to answer, it'll answer the call 5+ seconds I pressed the answer button. I have to either use it through speaker by reaching over to the phone to answer a call, which is dangerous and illegal, or just ignore the call totally. No previous phone I have had issues with my car's bluetooth and unsurprisingly, my Galaxy S22 Ultra works with my car's bluetooth without issues as well.

6. The phone still heats up crazy hot randomly while doing something simple (like browsing Chrome, Youtube etc) and I believe due to the heat, I get pretty poor battery life.

7. March update didn't improve the performance/hit rate of the fingerprint scanner. Slowest fingerprint scanner in a flagship phone by far.

Then there are just weird design decisions:

8. Still not a fan of the notification tiles, still don't like I have to take multiple steps to turn wifi on and off rather than just one press.

9. For whatever reason, if you have your phone set to adaptive charging, but you set your Pixel Stand 2 to max charging, it'll ignore the max charging setting and apply adaptive charging. So if you want adaptive charging through cable, but max through wireless - too bad, the setting on the phone will override whatever you want on the wireless charger. And there's no notification/popup telling you that your phone's charging is set to adaptive, so if you want max wireless charging, you'll have to turn off adaptive charging. After the factory reset, I couldn't figure out why my phone wasn't max charging on the wireless charger, then plugged it on through cable and it clicked to me, it defaulted to adaptive charging after a reset, but there's nothing to make that clear to me when I went to select max wireless charging.

10. Google seems to think that 'hide sensitive content' in your lockscreen notifications excludes your email address, so when I get an email through Gmail, my email address is displayed on the lockscreen. Guess my email address isn't sensitive content that I wouldn't want people easily see.....

I'm over it. This has been the worst, most buggiest phone I've ever used. Five (!!!) months after its release, it still has so many bugs and issues, I'm blown away that this is a product Google put their name to. Don't think I'll bother with the Pixel again, less I hear that the Pixel 7 has *significantly* less issues than the Pixel 6. I know people will pass this off like I just happened to get a lemon, or there will be the obligatory 'no issues with mine!' posts, like that is supposed to downplay the wide-spread problems with the phone. It doesn't.

Totally done with the phone. Worst phone purchase I've ever made.

I am right there with you. I have had three of these phones - maybe four - sent to me because they are so freaking crazy dysfunctional. It's like my phone got drunk without me. There was a day that I swiped down from the top of the screen to access the menu and what I saw instead of the menu that I was expecting was a black screen. The further down I swiped the more black the screen became. There was nothing I could do. There was no menu. Nothing!? It was just a black screen!? It was the weirdest thing! I had to restart my phone and then it went back to normal.

The Damned microphone not shutting off after texts and duplicating texts. I use my phone for work as a delivery person and I communicate via text altogether too often to have this kind of mistake happening week after week after week with all of my customers. It's infuriating. Verizon is done talking to me about it and I don't blame them. I need to speak to Google about it. I don't want this phone anymore and I don't want to lose $900 over it. It's not my fault they put out a screwed up phone. I can't believe how dreadful this has been. I loved Google pixel phones. I've had four or five of them starting with the second pixel and following the line all the way up to the six pro. It is been an absolutely dreadful and embarrassing event for google. I don't ever want to see a Google pixel phone again. I'm so grossed out and so disappointed. I've been on the phone with Verizon technical support when calls kept dropping and they were mystified. How many times I go to access my phone screen and it's like I'm Shadow boxing. I try to access the menu and the phone goes black. I tried to hit the power button and the phone goes black. I tried to answer call and the phone goes black. I look at my phone with a disgusted expression and it goes black. What in the living hell Google? And then just to move forward is there nothing's happening and there are no issues anywhere. It's infuriating.


Well-known member
May 25, 2011
Please please, take a few minutes to write to google via Twitter @MadebyGoogle or emailing their support. They NEED to hear this from customers. Apple does such a better job at quality control and Google needs to take note and up their game!


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
Please please, take a few minutes to write to google via Twitter @MadebyGoogle or emailing their support. They NEED to hear this from customers. Apple does such a better job at quality control and Google needs to take note and up their game!

I spent three months dealing with Google Advanced Tech Support regarding the extremely weak modem design on my Pixel 6 Pro. They STONEWALLED the entire time. Many others on the Google Support Forums expressed with frustration the same stonewalling. Google did NOT want to address the problem. I finally had enough. My carrier and I worked out full advanced credits for the $1100 and gave me nice, additional bill credits for my current phone. I’m watching how many with the 6 series will be jumping to the 7. I bet here, most will. For obvious reasons. I however will not be a beta tester for a new Google Pixel.

I Can Be Your Hero

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
Please please, take a few minutes to write to google via Twitter @MadebyGoogle or emailing their support. They NEED to hear this from customers. Apple does such a better job at quality control and Google needs to take note and up their game!

I don't have Twitter. But I'd rather notify Google through official channels. I'm guessing the Pixel Twitter account is just run by their marketing team and issues complaints aren't really escalated up to Google's Pixel team.

Or maybe I'm out of the loop and that's exactly what happens. Either way, it's not my problem now. If Google don't know by now that many people are having issues with the Pixel 6, then I don't even want to try the Pixel 7.


New member
Aug 28, 2021
I'm so mad at Google. I've had all Google phones since the Nexus One. Since Pixel 2 or 3 Google started disabling VoLTE on phones taken to and used with SIMs from countries where Pixels are not officially sold at.

With Pixel 6, Google crossed the line, they wont enable 5G if used with such SIMs... Why would they cripple MY fully paid M-O-B-I-L-E device if I decided to travel with it and use local SIMs abroad? Unfair and Evil.

I do travel 50% of my time, when VoLTE was crippled, I didn't care that much, not a critical service for me but, now, on the P6 line with 5G crippling, Google's attitude and actions on this regard are absolutely unacceptable. All other Android based phones manufacturers do work perfectly fine in ALL countries, except Pixel phones.

As much as I love the Pixel experience,sad to say, no more Google phones for me unless they change this evil policy.

Bye Google, it was nice while it lasted, but you are absolutely damaging tech freedom and tech mobility.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2016
Write a letter to the Office of the President of Google, stating exactly what you have said here, and see what kind of response you get, and from whom.


Mar 6, 2012
I don't have Twitter. But I'd rather notify Google through official channels. I'm guessing the Pixel Twitter account is just run by their marketing team and issues complaints aren't really escalated up to Google's Pixel team.

Or maybe I'm out of the loop and that's exactly what happens. Either way, it's not my problem now. If Google don't know by now that many people are having issues with the Pixel 6, then I don't even want to try the Pixel 7.

I don't have Twitter either, and I too wonder about who will actually "get" your message if you DM or tweet at the Google Team. I have high hopes for the Pixel 7 -- I just hope Google hits a homerun with it.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
I would bet if you wrote anyone in the executive branch of Google from Pichai on down they would ever read a letter sent to them. There are so many executive assistants between them an fan mail they'll never get it.

I would bet a good lunch that there is already some people, employed by, or under contact with Google who view the internet for complaints on their equipment and software. And this being one of the largest Android sites out there, I'm sure they are here and will most likely read this comment.

Twitter and facebook are among those places that will be read. This information will be sent along, whether it is all worked On and fixed?

When I worked out of my previous employers Detroit Division before retiring, I lived in Rochester Hills, my neighbor worked for GM his wife worked for a contract firm that hire people to nothing but read internet website, facebook (twitter probably), etc., to log complaints about vehicles produced by almost all manufacturers. (Heck were I lived I was 11 miles from GM's engineering technical center in Warren, and about 12 miles from Chrysler's Corporate headquarters in Auburn Hills and I was the only Federal employee on my block and the only person who did not work for either GM/Chrysler/Ford and I was surrounded by GM/Chrysler engineering employees and two Ford plant supervisors).

My neighbor was what GM called a Brand Quality Engineer, and he kept up on forums that were about the vehicles he was a brand quality manager for and he would actually get actively and address issues with the vehicles.

I have to think Google; as well as Samsung, Motorola, and the others companies are doing the same. Whether it be via actual company employees or contract firms; contracted to keep track of what is going on with their products.

And I'm with Morty2264, I'm hoping Google works on these issues and gets them fixed. Too late for me; I'm beyond even thinking about a Pixel 6 Pro; however, I am very open to looking seriously at a Pixel 7 Pro. I wanted a Pixel 6 Pro, too many reported problems, so I went with a S22U, and after a few, found they had a few problems. Minor to many, but major to me. So back using the old used, abused and trusted 4XL. So would be a serious person to get a Pixel 7 Pro.

Time will tell and starting Saturday, hard to say what phone I will be using; whatever throw-away available in the Suvarnabhumi Airport to use for a couple weeks.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
I would bet if you wrote anyone in the executive branch of Google from Pichai on down they would ever read a letter sent to them. There are so many executive assistants between them an fan mail they'll never get it.

I would bet a good lunch that there is already some people, employed by, or under contact with Google who view the internet for complaints on their equipment and software. And this being one of the largest Android sites out there, I'm sure they are here and will most likely read this comment.

Twitter and facebook are among those places that will be read. This information will be sent along, whether it is all worked On and fixed?

When I worked out of my previous employers Detroit Division before retiring, I lived in Rochester Hills, my neighbor worked for GM his wife worked for a contract firm that hire people to nothing but read internet website, facebook (twitter probably), etc., to log complaints about vehicles produced by almost all manufacturers. (Heck were I lived I was 11 miles from GM's engineering technical center in Warren, and about 12 miles from Chrysler's Corporate headquarters in Auburn Hills and I was the only Federal employee on my block and the only person who did not work for either GM/Chrysler/Ford and I was surrounded by GM/Chrysler engineering employees and two Ford plant supervisors).

My neighbor was what GM called a Brand Quality Engineer, and he kept up on forums that were about the vehicles he was a brand quality manager for and he would actually get actively and address issues with the vehicles.

I have to think Google; as well as Samsung, Motorola, and the others companies are doing the same. Whether it be via actual company employees or contract firms; contracted to keep track of what is going on with their products.

And I'm with Morty2264, I'm hoping Google works on these issues and gets them fixed. Too late for me; I'm beyond even thinking about a Pixel 6 Pro; however, I am very open to looking seriously at a Pixel 7 Pro. I wanted a Pixel 6 Pro, too many reported problems, so I went with a S22U, and after a few, found they had a few problems. Minor to many, but major to me. So back using the old used, abused and trusted 4XL. So would be a serious person to get a Pixel 7 Pro.

Time will tell and starting Saturday, hard to say what phone I will be using; whatever throw-away available in the Suvarnabhumi Airport to use for a couple weeks.

I still have the S22U and P6P. In my experience the P6P issues are greatly exaggerated. Each phone has its good and bad. My sim is back in the P6P for now. Each phone has features that the other doesn't. I had zero connectivity issues with P6P all-day yesterday. I know that if I didn't have options, I would be happy with either.

I Can Be Your Hero

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
I still have the S22U and P6P. In my experience the P6P issues are greatly exaggerated. Each phone has its good and bad. My sim is back in the P6P for now. Each phone has features that the other doesn't. I had zero connectivity issues with P6P all-day yesterday. I know that if I didn't have options, I would be happy with either.

They're only 'greatly exaggerated ' if you haven't experienced them. When you're the one who can't make or receive calls, when your phone calls repeatedly cut out mid-way, when your phone doesn't connect with Bluetooth your car properly, then it's not greatly exaggerated but rather extremely frustrating.

These are basic things a phone should be able to do, and Google for some reason can't get the most fundamental functions of a phone right.

You don't have those issues? Great, good for you, but there are a lot of people out there who do. This isn't some conspiracy that people are making up - every forum/message board/whatever you look, you'll see people with serious issues with the Pixel 6.

I don't know why people who don't have issues on their phones seem to think that the issues are over exaggerated. Your experience isn't indicative of everyone else's.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2015
They're only 'greatly exaggerated ' if you haven't experienced them. When you're the one who can't make or receive calls, when your phone calls repeatedly cut out mid-way, when your phone doesn't connect with Bluetooth your car properly, then it's not greatly exaggerated but rather extremely frustrating.

These are basic things a phone should be able to do, and Google for some reason can't get the most fundamental functions of a phone right.

You don't have those issues? Great, good for you, but there are a lot of people out there who do. This isn't some conspiracy that people are making up - every forum/message board/whatever you look, you'll see people with serious issues with the Pixel 6.

I don't know why people who don't have issues on their phones seem to think that the issues are over exaggerated. Your experience isn't indicative of everyone else's.
Ah yes. I remember having "exaggerated" issues with a Samsung and an iPhone. My P6P is flawless.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2015
They're only 'greatly exaggerated ' if you haven't experienced them. When you're the one who can't make or receive calls, when your phone calls repeatedly cut out mid-way, when your phone doesn't connect with Bluetooth your car properly, then it's not greatly exaggerated but rather extremely frustrating.

These are basic things a phone should be able to do, and Google for some reason can't get the most fundamental functions of a phone right.

You don't have those issues? Great, good for you, but there are a lot of people out there who do. This isn't some conspiracy that people are making up - every forum/message board/whatever you look, you'll see people with serious issues with the Pixel 6.

I don't know why people who don't have issues on their phones seem to think that the issues are over exaggerated. Your experience isn't indicative of everyone else's.
I'll also add that forum and such make up such a small percentage of people. Most who come to these forums do so to help solve an issue...not because they love tech.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
They're only 'greatly exaggerated ' if you haven't experienced them. When you're the one who can't make or receive calls, when your phone calls repeatedly cut out mid-way, when your phone doesn't connect with Bluetooth your car properly, then it's not greatly exaggerated but rather extremely frustrating.

These are basic things a phone should be able to do, and Google for some reason can't get the most fundamental functions of a phone right.

You don't have those issues? Great, good for you, but there are a lot of people out there who do. This isn't some conspiracy that people are making up - every forum/message board/whatever you look, you'll see people with serious issues with the Pixel 6.

I don't know why people who don't have issues on their phones seem to think that the issues are over exaggerated. Your experience isn't indicative of everyone else's.

Incredible, not one issue with your Samsung. I have also learned to speak of my experience, not for the masses. If you notice my second sentence, "in my experience", so yes, they are greatly exaggerated since I haven't had "serious" issues. IMO, a "serious" issue would have been the Note 7 combusting in my hand.

This is all moot.

You have been down on the Pixel since Day 1. Enough so, that even after you sell it and no longer have any stake in Pixel it is necessary to for you revisit this thread and continue to whack the pinata. Kind of like getting a divorce but you continue to visit her Instagram page to see who she is dating.

And while my experience isn't indicative of everyone's, neither is yours. Because the phone didn't meet your needs and function as you wanted it to okay, however this thread has endured your experience ad nauseum, but when I post mine you feel the need to quote it.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
(I'll lead with an apology for the long post )

I also have the S22U and P6P and for me, I do enjoy both for different reasons. I didn't purchase the S22U because I was having significant issues with the P6 (only got it because I have significant issues and can't resist shiny new phones LOL). I can't deny the fact there were issues a-plenty with the P6P out of the box, because there certainly was ... and there are still issues! I've just been fortunate where the issues I've experienced, and am currently experiencing, while aggravating and somewhat disappointing are not significant enough to affect core functionality. I have to admit that I have been enjoying my S22U experience more so than the P6P and it's because of the littles bugs and issues I've experienced on the P6P ... even though these bugs/issues are small and don't affect core functionality, they're still there it annoys me that they are. I'm not saying that the S22U is perfect and flawless or more "superior" than the P6P, because of course it's not! I'm just saying that I can understand how a significantly negative experience with a device can put a "bad taste in your mouth" and taint your view of that device and/or manufacturer.

I think it all boils down to the fact that we all have different expectations and experiences with these devices and when we purchase something for a significant amount of money (and that significant dollar amount is a personal determination, in my opinion, as we all have varying income levels, cost of living expenses,etc.) and that something fails to function as it should or how we hoped it would for us, it's extremely frustrating. When you end up spending hours and hours trying to rectify the issues and cannot it's infuriating! I think this holds especially true for those of us on forums like this because odds are if you're here and post regularly, you're an enthusiast of some sort. We follow these devices more closely than Johnny Q Public and are more passionate about them ... when you get a dud of a device, it cuts deep LOL
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2016
I think a phone which either will not make or drops calls goes somewhat beyond “expectations”.

My Pixel 6 has been fine, but I do wish Google displayed a bit more enthusiasm in addressing these frustrations for those who have them.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
I think a phone which either will not make or drops calls goes somewhat beyond “expectations”.

Agreed. Nowadays, with folks making less and less phone calls it's easy to forget that these things are cell phones first and foremost LOL

I remember years ago when I was on Verizon I had a horrible experience with the Galaxy Nexus ... I was so excited to finally be able to get a Nexus on Verizon and it was a nightmare! Constantly dropped calls and could not make/receive calls in areas that weren't previously problem areas. Spent several hours on the phone with Verizon and went through 4 of those phones before Verizon finally let me switch to another device. Needless to say it was YEARS before I even contemplated getting another Samsung device! (I eventually dumped Verizon too but not solely because of that experience but because their prices are T.G.H.! ) So I can certainly relate to the OPs anger and frustration!

I Can Be Your Hero

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
Incredible, not one issue with your Samsung. I have also learned to speak of my experience, not for the masses. If you notice my second sentence, "in my experience", so yes, they are greatly exaggerated since I haven't had "serious" issues. IMO, a "serious" issue would have been the Note 7 combusting in my hand.

A phone that can't make/recieve phone calls or one that persistently drops calls or cannot form a stable bluetooth connection is a major, serious issue. This is an absolutely basic function a phone should have, and one that phones have had for decades. Yet the Pixel 6 has had issues with this.

You have been down on the Pixel since Day 1. Enough so, that even after you sell it and no longer have any stake in Pixel it is necessary to for you revisit this thread and continue to whack the pinata. Kind of like getting a divorce but you continue to visit her Instagram page to see who she is dating.

I still have the Pixel, simply because of it's abysmal resale value and little interest, it's hard to sell. Aside from that, even if I didn't have it - care to show me where only Pixel owners are to post in the Pixel forum of AC? I didn't know that was a requirement.

And while my experience isn't indicative of everyone's, neither is yours. Because the phone didn't meet your needs and function as you wanted it to okay, however this thread has endured your experience ad nauseum, but when I post mine you feel the need to quote it.

Because your post is dismissive. You said the issues were 'greatly exaggerated', yet you said you didn't have them. So how could they be greatly exaggerated if you didn't experience them? You're deliberately trying to gaslight/dismiss issues people are having because you personally haven't experienced them.

'Hey guys, in my experience, cancer is greatly exaggerated. I personally have had zero issues with it'. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it? If you're not having issues with the phone, great, but that doesn't mean other people aren't and doesn't mean they're 'greatly exaggerated'.

I think a phone which either will not make or drops calls goes somewhat beyond “expectations”.

Exactly right. Calls are the core functionality of a phone. Without that, it's not a phone. But no, apparently the phone has to blow up in your hand to be considered a 'serious' issue.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
[Keep it civil, i know how these types of threads can heat up quickly , everyone going have different experience and lets respect that in a tasteful way , if you feel its too much then i suggest move along as it be best for everyone]

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