I was waiting for someone to say that.
You might be right... but there are essentially no better alternatives than Android Linux right now. I generally detest Apple- and their ecosystem is much worse in so many other ways. MS? No way. I would rather have no phone at all. Eventually we might have more choices, like FirefoxOS Linux or Ubuntu Linux Phone.
It is actually surprising how much you can un-Google a Nexus and still have it be a great smartphone...
I have both, but use my Nexus as primary, for the screen size. I have no love for Apple whatsoever, but it wasn't until I got my Nexus that I started to see Google in a more sinister light.
IOS has better quality apps right across the board with the exception of anything to do with file or network management. The way IOS sandboxes your data and can't talk to USB devices is intolerable, particulary when you move up to the iPad and try to use it as a notebook replacement. As I mentioned in the OP I love the way the gallery app sorts by date and location, but the file management side is atrocious. For example, you can't just drag and drop some photos across. You have to register the device with the PC and syncronize your folders, otherwise it will delete everything off your mobile device. It's dire.
Every time IOS updates it's about tying you to the platform and getting you to buy stuff from them. When Google updates it's about getting more information on you. Apple are greedy bastards. Google is creepy.
My experience of the two app stores is a bit like my experience with OSX and Windows, but in reverse. At first glance it looks like the Mac has a comparable range of applications and is simpler to manage than Windows, but when you start playing you soon realize the features are stripped back and the Mac way of doing things is just as arcane, often moreso. While Android has torrent apps etc, many of the ports are skeletal. Also, Apple's Facetime is far superior to anything on Android, and iMessage/Texting is much nicer than the horrible Hangouts, or Textra for that matter. Generally speaking it works better as a telephone. But the Nexus is more versatile. You feel less controlled. Just constantly monitored.
But Android is definitely catching up. It will probably be better at everything within a couple of years. Except support. That's hopeless.