A Newbie.. or is that noob?


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Sep 16, 2018
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Hi all,

Have been following the Note 9 posts for a couple of days now.

I’ve been an avid iPhone (can I use that word here?!) user since the iPhone 4, currently on the IPhone 7 Plus :/

Today I am (I didn’t sleep much because of this) heading to CPW to purchase the Note 9 in Midnight Black - they have an epic trade in deal on for the handset only.

The last Samsung I bought was the Galaxy SIII which I returned a few weeks later as I could not get on with the OS. Appreciate things have moved on since then.

I do own a Lenovo Tab and a Chromebook so not immersed fully into the Apple ecosystem!

I’ve been to see the Note 9 a few times now and am ready to take the plunge.. wish me luck!

Great tips and advice from users on this site and I’m sure I’ll be checking in with my thoughts from time to time.



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May 30, 2016
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I picked myvodafone Note 9 in Black 512gb from my local Samsung Experience Store in the UK and it's a powerful device indeed. My first Note series Samsung phone too.

This forum holds lots of useful advice etc as well as YouTube etc.

What trade in deals are they offering you?

Enjoy your journey. ;)


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Sep 16, 2018
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Thanks for the well wishes.

They have an extra £200 trade in bringing the iPhone 7+ trade in to £440.

Seems silly to pass it up as my handset is now over 2 years old. I have a SIM only deal with EE at a bargain price and looked at the new range of IPhones but they are not very inspiring to me. Plus the £’s they want versus what I use the phone for it’s not going to offer me value.


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May 30, 2016
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Very nice.

They did have some deals including accessories too - I think.

I traded in my Samsung Galaxy s8 to the Samsung Store and received £300 off the price of my Note 9.

Have you decided on colour and storage / ram size ?


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Sep 16, 2018
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That’s a good trade in for the S8, I was wondering what the resale of these devices are like as iPhone’s tend to hold prices. Thanks for the heads up on that one.

It has to be the classic Midnight Black and I only need the 128GB - I believe that is the 6GB RAM.

I tend to use about 18GB over a couple of years of device ownership meaning I’m not a heavy device user but like the feel of a premium device when I am using one.


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May 8, 2014
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Not gonna lie it won't hold its value like a iPhone will infact no handsets really do, but your making the right choice 100% it will take abit of time getting used to the Note but when you do it won't disappoint.

your gaining the best smartphone screen in the business, expandable storage ontop of your 128gb, a headphone jack!

I done the same deal traded in a 8 plus and haven't looked back.


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May 30, 2016
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Not gonna lie it won't hold its value like a iPhone will infact no handsets really do, but your making the right choice 100% it will take abit of time getting used to the Note but when you do it won't disappoint.

your gaining the best smartphone screen in the business, expandable storage ontop of your 128gb, a headphone jack!

I done the same deal traded in a 8 plus and haven't looked back.

And no notch ;)


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May 30, 2016
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That’s a good trade in for the S8, I was wondering what the resale of these devices are like as iPhone’s tend to hold prices. Thanks for the heads up on that one.

It has to be the classic Midnight Black and I only need the 128GB - I believe that is the 6GB RAM.

I tend to use about 18GB over a couple of years of device ownership meaning I’m not a heavy device user but like the feel of a premium device when I am using one.

Black version for me too and as I prefer not to use Sd Cards the 512Gb future proofs me along with the 8gb of Ram.

In regards to holding price it's a buyers market.

It's worth what someone is prepared to pay for it.


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May 8, 2014
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I'd love the 512gb version but I don't keep handsets long enough haha and I wouldn't use the extra space, would like it just for the extra ram.

my advice if your looking decent money back, keep the handset it good condition and in 12 months time you'll get a decent trade in for a Note 10 via Carphone Warehouse etc they were giving £575 for the Note 8 at the start of that promotion so it's not alot of money to upgrade really for a brand new handset.


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Oct 24, 2015
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Conrats on the Note 9 move - wish you the best of luck with it. It's an incredible device, really.

Now- you've not had a Samsung since the Slll, but have you been on any android device over the last several years, or just Apple? (Not counting the laptops/other tech). If not, that's quite a big move from one ecosystem to another. Some people have no issues with it, others do. Note 9 has so much to offer, you are bound to be able to create its setup to your liking though :) Customization abilities are seemingly endless.

You'll find custom launchers a great tool, if you want to go that route. You can customize your home screen in many ways such as iconsize, background color/photos, icon design, what various motions do (Swipe up, swipe down, etc). I use Nova Launcher, have a custom theme, and custom icons with a size to my liking. Here's a couple of screen shots to show you.

You will love it - I can't imagine you wouldn't.

Not sure with Apple, but with the Note 9, you can pick any bluetooth device to pair it to - no matter the Mfg (Only thing I'm not sure of is pairing Apple Bluetooth to Samsung phones). I have two different bluetooth keyboards, a third different mfg bluetooth mouse, and have used a few different smart watches.


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Sep 16, 2018
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@bigsmoke79 - that’s an immense trade in for the Note 8.
@amyf27 - some sound advice there. Luckily I didn’t go full on with Apple and have exposure with Android through a Lenovo Tab 3 - but that is kinda an out of the box set up.

From what I’ve read about the device exciting times are ahead however (annoyingly) there was no stock in CPW! The order has been placed so roll on delivery day on Tuesday and of course hometime from work! Thanks for all your replies everyone - a definite warm welcome and I’ll look forward to interacting with you all on the forums.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2018
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Hi, same here I came from using iPhones for 6 years and switched to the note 9. My only other android phone was a note 1. However, I was not an avid iPhone user and when I was using my iPhone 7 I was already secretly jealous of people with better looking android phones such as the s8 plus back then.

To me, the switch to using a different ecosystem was not a big deal and I'm currently loving the note 9 as it has so much features!! Some are hidden away and only if you're an avid fan will you get to know them, eg the ability of the phone to automatically help u send a message out at say 4am in the morning.

However, you might miss the iPhone's simplicity and ease of you as small glitches might happen here and there with your daily usage over time. All the best towards your note 9 ownership and I hope you'll love it like I love mine!