Ads randomly pop up on my phone

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Actually I just sat here and did that factory reset and even a master reset and IT DID NOT WORK! So no...this is unnecessary to do.
You have adware on your phone from a bad app. Try uninstalling apps from most recent first until you get rid of the one that's doing the pop ups. Usually it's a game app that has pop ups.
i may have found something for this. i just tried it and i have not seen its results due to the recentness of this. try going into google chrome, which i assume you use, (if not try to do something similar) and click the three vertical dots to open the menu, click settings and scroll down to site settings. There should be something that says notifications, make sure that that is on 'Ask First' or 'Blocked' all together, then go down to pop-ups. Here is where i found that although pop-ups were blocked, a website i had visited or something i had clicked, had set itself to be an exception to the blockage of pop-ups. So even though it was blocked, they still appeared on my apps and homescreen. i deleted the exception for pop-up ads and left the setting on 'blocked'. Hopefully this is the resolution to your problem as well as my own. :cool:
Try this, it worked for me!!.....If you are still having the problem. It in the future. Before factory resting. Go into settings, accounts, google, and then there should be a button that says ads. When you click on it there should be an option to opt out of interest based ads. I hope it works for you...

"If you are still having the problem. It in the future. Before factory resting. Go into settings, accounts, Google, and then there should be a button that says ads. When you click on it there should be an option to opt out of interest based ads." it worked for me, I hope it works for you! (This was someone else's advice)
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The problem is caused by the temp files and files in the system cache.
I think you play games on ur device and perhaps you download other apps so that you can get more points or coins...
The problem is, after uninstalling those apps, they leave some files behind...also, when u use web browser from ur phone, they leave temp files and so on....To solve your problem you have to get rid of those unwanted files....

Go to play store and download Clean Master
Clean junk files and if possible , protect ur wifi
Good luck
I've got it even worse: they've recently changed to TALKING ads. Like I turn off my alarm in the morning, turn off the phone, and then it starts yelling at me!
Guess I'll ask my question in this thread seems relevant. After having no issues I now see ads on my lock screen when charging and only when charging. I've tried all suggestions I've read, I uninstalled all 15 apps I've loaded since got phone (switched from iOS) but that didn't resolve it. I went into apps manager and turned off Google ads still no good. I downloaded an Ad monitor program from Play store but it didn't tell me what app could be doing it. Here is the real concern, when the ads pop up during charging and screen is locked all you have to do is press ad for a few seconds and it unlocks the phone with no thumbprint required!!! What a huge security and privacy issue. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Guess I'll ask my question in this thread seems relevant. After having no issues I now see ads on my lock screen when charging and only when charging. I've tried all suggestions I've read, I uninstalled all 15 apps I've loaded since got phone (switched from iOS) but that didn't resolve it. I went into apps manager and turned off Google ads still no good. I downloaded an Ad monitor program from Play store but it didn't tell me what app could be doing it. Here is the real concern, when the ads pop up during charging and screen is locked all you have to do is press ad for a few seconds and it unlocks the phone with no thumbprint required!!! What a huge security and privacy issue. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Welcome to the Nexus 5 forum. :)

Have you tried Safe Mode?
Also, have you checked in Settings, Security, Device Administrators, that there is nothing suspicious in there?
I have a similar problem on my Nexus 7 AOS 5.1.1 (after scanning this board, I find that different models of Android have the same problem - but this is the first one topic I saw). Seems to have started with AOS 5??

Random ads pop up between program launches/calls. If a program calls another program, or does some type of calling routine, the ad launches.
This is NOT related to any single program or browser, and does not launch every time (seems some time of time factor that controls it.)
A simple touch of the 'back' button and it closes, no reason to wait.

Is there some time of system logger app that will keep track of system call action? This would help to find the called/calling program.
A new problem has just started. Nexus 7 keeps rebooting it self (I have not localized the problem yet - too new) Seems to have something to do with streaming media - not sure yet.

Any ideas before I do a complete system reset. Rather not since some apps were installed on a limited time trial and can not be reinstalled. (app of the day - maybe the problem came from this app??)
System Reset would be a Royal Pain!!!
All my apps (but one) came from Google Play, and that one I know is clean.

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New developments - now it opens the ad page, but it is blank (guess it lost it's link?)

Will try your suggestion.

I know i shouldnt be using waze while driving but i accidentally ran over a dog crossing the street while i was trying to close google ad.
Believe me all of you download this free anti-virus called "malwarebytes"

It will scan your whole android and find the problem
I know i shouldnt be using waze while driving but i accidentally ran over a dog crossing the street while i was trying to close google ad.
You shouldn't be handling your mobile while operating a motor vehicle in general. In some (many?) states it is now become illegal. Put the phone down before you have a more serious accident!
i may have found something for this. i just tried it and i have not seen its results due to the recentness of this. try going into google chrome, which i assume you use, (if not try to do something similar) and click the three vertical dots to open the menu, click settings and scroll down to site settings. There should be something that says notifications, make sure that that is on 'Ask First' or 'Blocked' all together, then go down to pop-ups. Here is where i found that although pop-ups were blocked, a website i had visited or something i had clicked, had set itself to be an exception to the blockage of pop-ups. So even though it was blocked, they still appeared on my apps and homescreen. i deleted the exception for pop-up ads and left the setting on 'blocked'. Hopefully this is the resolution to your problem as well as my own. :cool:

Same here, found 3 sites on the pop-up option that were " allowed ". Blocked them...but i still get the ads :( i think i started to get tge ads after the latest android update. :( and this was like 2-3 days ago. And i haven't downloaded any apps for a long time now.
Guys, i found my problem. I have an HTC M7, and it was twitter that was causing the pop ups. And even tho i went into google play, and unistalled it, it was still on my phone ( twitter for htc, or something like that ). Settings --> apps --> search " twitter ", and you should get 2 results. Click on both of them, and hit force stop and disable. It's been a few hours since i haven't got any ads. Let me know if it worked for you to.
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