Alarm dismisses itself


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2013
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I set my alarm for 5 am. I've got it set to require me to solve a puzzle to turn it off. It allows me to snooze, but not dismiss until I solve the puzzle. Most mornings there is a notification that says "alarm dismissed at 520", or other time. The only other notification is usually from the email app. I always turn sync off before bed. That app is set to only refresh and sync manually, even though I get notifications all the time. I went into settings>app settings>email and unchecked the notifications box. Now I don't get notifications, which is fine, but didn't fix the problem. The only cure I've found is airplane mode. I don't like being cut off from contact, in case of emergency, so I'd like to find another solution. And obviously I could download a different alarm app, but I want my phone to work correctly. Thanks in advance.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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I have not experienced this problem and there could be many different factors. Have you tried, just for the sake of testing to disable the alarm app and install another like timely? I know that isn't the solution you are looking for but it will isolate the problem to the default app. Also have you tried to wipe the alarm apps data and set it up from scratch?