All about Incredible batteries (Replacements, Charging..ect)


Mar 24, 2010
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I use my phone as my primary alarm clock. I bought the 1750 seidio and at first the battery was still acting like I had the oem 1300. I turned off my phone one night and noticed a huge difference in performance of the battery. It appeared that the OS only wanted to charge the battery to 65%. I noticed that when I charged the battery with the phone on, once the LED turned green, I turned off the phone and the battery would then continue to charge. Any one else notice this? Charging with the phone off, I am now getting more out of my battery.

Hey everyone, ive been kinda lurking this thread for a bit figured i should post what ive found. I bought my Incredible day 1 and i just recently swapped the OEM battery for the Seidio 1750 and my battery life has been slightly better. Ive had the batter for at least a week now.

ok so i read the quote above^

and then i drained my batt, turned it off and charged it over night, battery life seem somewhat normal and then i had to plug it in around 50% (access memory via USB) and i left it there for the rest of the evening and overnight.

when i took it off yesterday at 7am the drain was super slow and by 11pm i still had 65% so i left it unplugged overnight and when i woke up, i had 55% so ive been letting it go till now and its at 44% at about 1d 7h 55m, so thats what? 32 hours? this has to be a fluke but even still, how did i break the laws of physics?



Jun 8, 2010
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I ended up getting the Seidio 1750 from Amazon for $40.

Was it worth the $$$? Probably not.

Am I glad I got it? Hell yeah. Without it I'd be looking at less than 15-20% by late evening. Now I'm looking at a little under 50%.


Well-known member
May 20, 2010
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I've had the 1750 in my Dinc for the past 3 days and it's almost as bad as the OEM!! What gives? What's the true secret to battery life???


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Apr 9, 2010
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Very Nice! You beat me to it.

The question you have to ask is: Am I sufferring because of the battery life. If "no", then it would not be worth the extra $40. If "yes", than it is. I was one of the "yes" people.

If you can charge your DI a couple of times during the day, then you should be fine. I needed mine to go 7am to 9pm without a charge. Stock wouldn't do it, the 1750 will.

And from what I'm hearing, the "bump" charge can work on the Seido too. So if you charge your battery turned off OR charge the last hour turned off, you'll completely top off your battery, where as charging while on will get you to around 85-90%.

Tony: I think your solution was good because it will charge multiple devices. If I have a long weekend without access to a charger, I just bring the stock one with me (charged) in addition to the Sedio (charged) and I can go 2-3 days. My wife has a samsung Phone. If I used your method, I'd be able to charge her phone as well...with my method..she's on her own and I'm perfectly happy with that. ;-)


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May 8, 2010
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I'm a little late to the party, but here's my experience with Lithium Ion batteries.

I've had my current phone (MotoRizr Z6TV) for 2.5 years now. My battery lasts on stand-by with occasional use (about 10 texts sent/received per day, 20 min of talk time per day, pics taken/sent daily) for at least 7 days (well over the reported time). A couple friends have the phone, and none have reported even close to results like I've gotten (one friend said she might get 5 days, max with less use than I put mine through). I've been getting the same life out of it for all 2.5 years. I always get good reception, but not great, in places I frequently have the phone.

When I first got the phone, I conditioned it by running it dead out of the box and recharging it full, doing that for the first few charges. After that, I only recharged the phone when the low battery indicator came up (which I believe is 10% life or less), occasionally letting it die completely. And, I never charged the phone while it was powered on. I also rarely let it sit on the charger for long after it was fully charged. And, as I've said, my battery life doesn't seem to have gotten any worse over the years. If it has, its been such an incremental drop I haven't even noticed.

I read posts from people saying that all of the steps I took with my battery actually mean very little in terms of battery life, and some steps I took (letting battery die/get so low before charging) even have negative impacts on the battery life. But my experience seems to support the contrary.

I am no expert in the field of batteries, so if someone who is says otherwise I believe them, as my experience may be the exception. And I am not against the notion of charging cycles having a lot to do with it, considering I've only put my phone through maybe 130 cycles over its life.

However, regarding my routine, I have one question that I have yet to see be answered in terms of Lithium Ion batteries. I was told that utilizing a battery while it is charging is not a good idea. One reason being that this forces the battery to get extra hot, as it is pulling double duty (accepting a charge and powering the device), which we know is not good for overall battery life. This is also my laptop manufacturers don't recommend charging a laptop while using it. Is this a sound theory?


I would say, your routine would be the ideal way to do it. The main thing to worry about is how low your battery voltage dropped before you charged it. I would think most phones have a built in safety cut off. I would guess no lower than 3v for single cell lithium packs. (I'm thinking fully charged they are 4.2v) But as long as you do not go below the safety net, running the phone down is not a problem and should not affect battery life. What is bad is running them down all the way dead, or even keeping them stored fully charged. A fully charged pack stored for very long periods of time will not perform as good. You will probably gain internal resistance and loose battery life/performance.

But anyways, for many of us, your routine is not possible. I use mine as my alarm clock. So the phone must be powered on (but in sleep mode or whatever you call it). Plus I usually have a playlist on when I go to bed. And when I go to bed, that's usually when my phone is plugged in. If you wanted to use your phone while plugged in, it should be fine depending on the charger and the battery level. If it's a slow charger, then this is not a good idea because the charger may not be able to keep up with the power drain. I had this problem earlier when I ran my DI to the red zone and hooked it up to my apple charger. I tried to jump on the internet, but it would not let me because the battery was too low and the charger could not keep up until the battery level was high enough. I think the HTC charger is a fast charger. At least it is very fast when I use it. I never use it when I go to bed for this reason. So I use the apple/iphone one instead.

My original iphone lasted me 2 years, and no issues with battery life. I plugged it in every night before I went to bed. I'm now using the same charger on my DI with the 1750 battery. I do not see me having any issues at all with battery life for the next 18 months (or 2 years or whenever I switch to a new phone). Just do not be plug in happy and keep the phone plugged in every chance you can. Let the battery do it's job, and only charge it when it needs it. You'll be perfectly fine sticking with your routine. ;)
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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2009
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Has there been any explanation as to why the phone often times (but not always) immediately loses about 7% of its charge after unplugging it?


Well-known member
May 8, 2010
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Has there been any explanation as to why the phone often times (but not always) immediately loses about 7% of its charge after unplugging it?

I would guess that the HTC is a fast charger, therefore you are not getting 100% charge. More like 90~95% charge. Try this test: charge off your computer/usb and see if it is better.


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Oct 18, 2009
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I would guess that the HTC is a fast charger, therefore you are not getting 100% charge. More like 90~95% charge. Try this test: charge off your computer/usb and see if it is better.

I'm actually not using the HTC charger - using the charger from my old BlackBerry Tour that was the same type. I'll try switching to the HTC one and see if that changes anything.


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Jun 9, 2010
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I found a deal on eBay for 2 batteries and an external charger. I think I paid about $15 or so. So far they have been great and it's really nice ti have the external charger and a spare battery in my pocket.


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May 1, 2010
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Eh but who honestly wants to carry around a charger and an extra battery? I leave one a car charger within limits and a house charger at home. More than enough.


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Apr 26, 2010
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i finally got the Seidio others have recommended. on the first full charge, i got a full day and night of light usage. just about 24 hours. the next day, i got about 12 hours of heavy use - email, internet, games, pandora, youtube, phone calls, the works. this is only my 3rd charge but i'm already quite happy with it. i'll keep the stock battery around as a reserve.

and while the 2150 is tempting, i like the size of the phone too much to get a physically larger battery and case back.


Jun 11, 2010
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who's the genius at HTC that said, "Hey everybody, lets put a 1300mA battery in a phone that's basically a computer and runs a bunch of apps!" What a DF.
Jun 7, 2010
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I'm still contemplating on getting the Seidio Innocell 1750 mAh Battery. I've had my phone for just a few days, but the battery life is a killer compared to my old bb.

I read that once fully charged with phone on, to turn the phone off and plug back in. I did this and the light has been red for 15 minutes or so (still charging). This must mean that when on, the phone doesn't actually come to a full charge.... right?


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May 1, 2010
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who's the genius at HTC that said, "Hey everybody, lets put a 1300mA battery in a phone that's basically a computer and runs a bunch of apps!" What a DF.

It's called profit margin. They know most people will never use the phone as intended and it will be just fine. Anyone who comes online for the most part "plays" with their phone more and they know those niche users will come looking for longer lasting parts, hence $40+ battery. Profit margin, welcome to the wild world of capitalism.


A Dude
May 14, 2010
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I have been "bump charging" on a daily basis for about 2 or 3 weeks now. It makes a tremendous difference in my daily battery life but I have noticed that it is slowly getting worse... as in the battery is draining quicker as days go on with the same usage. I think the "bump charging" is killing my battery. I could be wrong but this are my speculations. I guess I'll be ordering the Seidio 1750 as soon as possible.


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May 2, 2010
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Just ordered the 2150mAh battery from Verizon... I'll have to figure out a way to mod my case/holster combo, or figure out another way to protect the phone... I've been able to get a day out of a charge on the stock battery, but the other day was the first time I didn't have access to a charger and needed to use the phone regularly... The battery drained like there was a hole in it... I get 25% off on all accessories at Verizon, so it came out to be the same price as if I got the 1750 Seidio... I have big hands, so I won't mind the extra bulk...

After I get it on Tuesday, I'll post a report, as I'm sure others will do as well...

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