almost perfect but fails in signal

LOL nah not like that....check pm and also the other threads about android OS. I think im onto something
I'm not doubting anyone else's experiences, just providing my own.

I borrowed 2 phones and put them side-by-side with E4GT. I got the RX power from ##DEBUG#. This was all on PCS ch25 indoors stationary and native Sprint signal.

-91 dBm - Samsung Epic 4G Touch
-92 dBm - LG Optimus S
-92 dBm - HTC Touch Pro

I moved around a bit and the signal levels ranged from -89 dBm to -101 dBm, however the 3 phones were always within 3 dBm of each other as long I held them in place and allowed them to settle. I'm confident the E4GT I was testing is performing similar to other phones. It is possible not all the E4GT phones are built the same or there is some other factor going on, maybe different channel or CLR vs PCS channel.

I know the earlier Epic 4G had a bug where it couldn't roam on PCS channels but could on CLR.

I just went outside and placed both phone on a bench 4 feet apart, I got the below
-89 dBm EVO 4G
-74 dBm Samsung

I just went outside and placed both phone on a bench 4 feet apart, I got the below
-89 dBm EVO 4G
-74 dBm Samsung

Your Samsung is getting way better signal than your Evo 4G. That's pretty impressive.

Given what I was reading I was happy just to get the same performance as other phones. It seems the Sammy is capable of either much better performance than other phones or somehow your Evo is not performing up to par.

If they are 4 feet apart try swapping positions too.
It's because sprint utilizes one radio for data and another for calls and text.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic longest phone name in the world Touch 4G

True, but I thought many bars equal high call quality AND fast data. If the bars don't really reflect data speed quality, is there any way to just look at your phone to see if your data speeds are relatively good without having to run an actual speed test?
I just went outside and placed both phone on a bench 4 feet apart, I got the below
-89 dBm EVO 4G
-74 dBm Samsung


That's encouraging. My EVO 4G and 3D have never done well in my house. My Photon does fine. We'll see about the SGSIIE4GT....
The number of colorful bars mean nothing on any phone

Care to show us screenshots of your phone and other phones showing signal strength in dBm relative to the same tower?


I posted my dBm at 5 and 6 bars down a bit from that first post. I don't have another phone to compare it to though sorry. Well unless you want to see it against a Palm Pre, which I doubt. :-)
Your Samsung is getting way better signal than your Evo 4G. That's pretty impressive.

Given what I was reading I was happy just to get the same performance as other phones. It seems the Sammy is capable of either much better performance than other phones or somehow your Evo is not performing up to par.

If they are 4 feet apart try swapping positions too.

Meanwhile, the EVO gets a signal when my sammy don't.
I'm going to do another comparison where the evo gets a signal and the sammy don't.
I dont believe this thing about bad signal quality. I live in low service area the phone gets the same signal strength that the photon did, which I traded in for sgs2. I dont know whats wrong with your phones, but this phone gets stronger signal in the same spot as my dads evo 3d.
I dont believe this thing about bad signal quality. I live in low service area the phone gets the same signal strength that the photon did, which I traded in for sgs2. I dont know whats wrong with your phones, but this phone gets stronger signal in the same spot as my dads evo 3d.
I'm having same great results as well.
Owned a couple EVOs for over a year would get signal flux 0 - 5 bars quite frequently at home.
That isn't the case with Epic touch , It stays strong 5 bar no issues.
Data is also faster then EVO & 3D.

Im getting feeling these complaints are due to some towers software not being updated....there's defiantly clash of some sort Sprint needs to figure out.
If new radio update was pushed I would decline why fix it if it isn't broke.
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Meanwhile, the EVO gets a signal when my sammy don't.
I'm going to do another comparison where the evo gets a signal and the sammy don't.
Could you be more specific, the dBm signal strength you posted for the E4GT should have been 4 or 5 bars. Are you saying you had -74 dBm signal strength on the E4GT and the phone said you didn't have signal? That would be quite odd. Perhaps you are saying that particular test area, the Sammy did better, but in other places the Evo could get signal but the E4GT couldn't.

If the latter, try to isolate what PCS channel the phones are using, they might not be using the same ones. Also one might be using CLR and the other PCS. Sprint doesn't use CLR, but VZ does. There must be some explanation because the E4GT was capable of pretty good signal in some situations based on what you posted.
As with all phones, its going to depend on what area you're in. Some phones might hold a low signal better than others.

This phone reception wise is nowhere close to the Photon. I have had both. It also isn't as good with regards to the quality of the external speaker.

As far as audio quality through headphones, it's not as good as the last gen Galaxy S phones, but still holds its own with most of the current batch of phones. This is a known side effect of Samsung changing the audio processor from the one they used last time.
As with all phones, its going to depend on what area you're in. Some phones might hold a low signal better than others.

This phone reception wise is nowhere close to the Photon. I have had both. It also isn't as good with regards to the quality of the external speaker.

For those having signal problems with the ET, just be patient. There usually is a software fix for it. Same thing happened with my EVO 4G and Nexus S 4G. After the update, all was good. You just need to wait it out.
my wifes EPIC Touch is about 1 bar less than my EVO wherever we are at, my big issue right now is at the house we have an Airave, and the EPIC Touch can't send any texts and is touchy on receiving them thru the Airave, while my EVO works perfectly. Called Sprint Tech and they said its a known issue between the Airave and the EPIC Touch, with an unknown time for a resolution.
You can try re-setting your phone to the network , this may or may not help. You will need you MSL ( pm and I can get it to you Sunday off today) ##72786# it will re activate your phone. and some times helps data or connectivity issues.
For those having signal problems with the ET, just be patient. There usually is a software fix for it. Same thing happened with my EVO 4G and Nexus S 4G. After the update, all was good. You just need to wait it out.

Exactly. I don't remember the last time a smartphone was released that didn't require a maintenance patch within the first month of release. The phone is only a week old. The Photon has had three updates already, I think. Patience is a virtue.
Epic Touch 4G is Epic Fail.
Just as the title of the thread says this phone royally fails in getting a signal.
Where the EVO 4G got 5 signal bars this phone refuses to find any mobile network signal, and to get any signal the phone has to be restarted.
The EVO never went into roaming this happily goes into roaming at every opportunity.
Even in an area of full 4G coverage this phone wants 2 find maybe 1 bar or the sweet "zzz"
The only good thing about this phone is the screen.
I think its about time to return the phone.
This is in the Bay Area in Nor Cal.
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