Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar not adding events to Google calendar


New member
Jun 25, 2013
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I'm a new member and I did do searches through the forums and didn't seem to find anyone having this problem. I am using the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar. I have added my account to the kindle, (it states that it supports email, contacts, calendar synching). If I add an event to google calendar via my pc or my android phone the event is visible on the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar. If I add an event to the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar it is not visible on google calendar via my pc or my android phone.

This problem was reported to Amazon Kindle Support about 10 days ago. The call taker was helpful in providing base line troubleshooting found in the help forums of deleting and adding the account back. When this did not solve my problem he escalated the "ticket" to a Level 2/Specialist. The Specialist assisted in updating the System Version and email version. When this did not resolve my problem the specialist reported he was going to escalate to a Developer. The Specialist seemed to think that the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar should synch and add events to google calender. The Specialist called me today and reported that a new update was sent out that should resolve this problem and to call back into support if it did not resolve my problem. When I had a chance to test the Calendar later it still did not resolve the problem. Events added to the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar are not added to the Google Calendar.

I called Amazon Kindle Support. I attempted to tell the Call taker about the previous ticket (Did not get/request a ticket number, I should know better than that). The call taker wanted to try base line troubleshooting again. When this did not resolve my problem and he found the ticket and listened to me as I told him that a Specialist was already working on this and it had been escalated to developers, he transferred me to a Specialist. This new Specialist attempted to have me delete and add the account again. I told him I had just done that and it did not work. I told him about the ticket and the Specialist that helped me, who had just called me via telephone not more than 2 hours prior, The new Specialist said that no one with that name worked there. When I provided his fellow employee's name and email address he was able to locate the notes in the ticket. The new specialist reported that he didn't see where the ticket was escalated to a developer. But I have an email, that should be in the ticket from the first specialist that he was escalating it to the development team. The new Specialist wanted me to restore my Amazon Kindle Fire HD to factory settings. When I refused he said that the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Calendar was working as designed. The new specialist said that it was written to "pull" from Google Calendar but not to "push" to it.

I apologize for being long winded but I feel better after venting. I will be pursuing this further with Amazon. I just think that if I can create and send an email from my Kindle Fire HD and it shows up in the sent mail folder at gmail, then calendar events should synch the same way especially when the Kindle states that email, contacts, and Calendar synching is supported.
