Iam guessing so it made my speeds way faster. But I literally watched my battery deplete in front of me. I might have just been unlucky though
I called Sprint yesterday about this and they wanted me to run all the software updates first. My office is in a lousy spot where reception is terrible and data beyond text typically gags. Since I wasn't getting the downloads, I scheduled a call back for 7:30 pm at home. She never called.
Fed up and unable to get my MLS, I got crazy and rooted with UnrEVOked3 and changed the proxy settings as listed. After 3-4 hours off the charger while I slept, it was at 87% battery, typical drainage for standby on wi-fi either here or at my g/f's.
Well, I took a fully charged phone off the line at work and now, only FOUR HOURS later, it's at 14%!!!
Not. Good. I'm going to switch it back because it doesn't matter if streams don't stall if the phone is dead from not being on line power. Even at the very beginning when I was only getting 5 hours on a charge did this crap out that quickly and this is far from the 12-15 hours I can typically get.
Question, though, is can I call Sprint and get whatever this fix is pushed to me now that I'm rooted or am I screwed unless I unroot and thus make my $6 investment in Titanium Backup Pro thrown-away money? Having serious regrets now.
EDIT: I just changed the proxy numbers back. Is there anything else I need to do? Do I have to delete my profile and let the PRL update after a reboot or what?