Android Cheap iPhones?


Resident Linux Fiend
Apr 4, 2011
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The iPhone is a terrible design for a mobile phone is just a very opinionated and almost laughable statement. The iPhone feels fantastic in the hand and is very portable and easily fits into a pocket. I never used a case when I had my 4S, it was beautiful and felt great without it. I dropped it twice and it cracked the second time. Took it to apple new screen for 20 bucks in 5 minutes problem solved.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

And the fact you say it is an opinionated and laughable statement, is in itself an opinionated and laughable statement. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and my opinion is... I cant stand the iphone.

iOS is ridiculous. I dont want a scrolling list of my apps. I want to customize anything and everything about my phone.

The iphone isn't durable. Everyone I see with one has a busted screen.

Remember the signal strength issues? I'm too tired right now to remember all the problems they've had, but the list goes on. Honestly, a lot of the problems you see on here are user created, or are just settings that were ignored. I've used android ever since its launch with the g1, and honestly, I'm not going anywhere. My google account is backed up, my apps, contacts, EVERYTHING I store in my phone is there every time I change my rom or get a new device.

As far as android being cheaply built, I have to disagree as well. I have a low end device in my room that had survived a 90+ mph fastball pitch at a wall...

Swyped from my Photon using t-talk 2


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Oct 6, 2010
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I am having just as much fun with my iPhone jail-broken as I did with my OG Droid and Nexus. Widgets, live wallpaper, tether hacks, scrolling apps, a free market where we all post and use fresh stuff....whatever, it is all there. The only glass I ever broke was gorilla glass on my og droid I dropped. Dropped my iPhone naked, it survived without a scratch...guess that stainless steel frame is a helluva beast.

But I love Android too:D
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Themer. You've seen them
Jul 11, 2011
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Wow a thread completely about how great iphone is better than android.... in an android forum...

I gotta say, my LG Optimus can nearly out perform an iphone 4 with half the hardware capabilities. Also, as to the build quality, I prefer a phone I can drop. I use my optimus as a projectile, as a club to hit that annoying kid in class, as a hackey sack when I'm really bored, as something to throw up in the air. I gotta say, id have been through about ten iphones the way I treat my little optimus. No I'm not careless, I just give my phone a chance to prove itself. I don't use a case either....

Seriously, what the heck is the point of having a shiny aluminum back, or a beautiful black back on your iphone when you are obligated to cover it up with an ugly otterbox to keep it safe. It makes no sense....

My grandmas got an iPhone, and its great for her (still too complicated) but its great for her because she's not great with computers. Basically iPhone users I have found fall into three categories: non-tech saavy people, hipsters/people that want to be in style, people who blindly follow their shepherd steve jobs.


Ps. Why this thread... in an android forum... this thread is like the definition of trolling :p jkkkkk

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Jan 14, 2012
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I have and iPod touch and a Mytouch 4g, my iPod is my secondary device and it works well as one, My phone on the other hand I use for everything , I customize and tweak it to get the best performance out of it and when I show my friends they are wowed by it and when I show my friends the apps on my iPod 's screen they are bored because of how visually old IOS looks compared to android and IOS 5 compared to an older iteration of of the os looks basically the same.


Resident Linux Fiend
Apr 4, 2011
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Wow a thread completely about how great iphone is better than android.... in an android forum...

I gotta say, my LG Optimus can nearly out perform an iphone 4 with half the hardware capabilities. Also, as to the build quality, I prefer a phone I can drop. I use my optimus as a projectile, as a club to hit that annoying kid in class, as a hackey sack when I'm really bored, as something to throw up in the air. I gotta say, id have been through about ten iphones the way I treat my little optimus. No I'm not careless, I just give my phone a chance to prove itself. I don't use a case either....

Seriously, what the heck is the point of having a shiny aluminum back, or a beautiful black back on your iphone when you are obligated to cover it up with an ugly otterbox to keep it safe. It makes no sense....

My grandmas got an iPhone, and its great for her (still too complicated) but its great for her because she's not great with computers. Basically iPhone users I have found fall into three categories: non-tech saavy people, hipsters/people that want to be in style, people who blindly follow their shepherd steve jobs.


Ps. Why this thread... in an android forum... this thread is like the definition of trolling :p jkkkkk

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk 2

The optimus is the one I was talking about in my post lol!

Swyped from my Photon using t-talk 2


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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I love the Android UI! I admit, I have that helicopter glass, stainless steel phone people hate....but breaking the software and running a android theme HTC with the widgets and animations is about the best of both worlds for me....Android UI and Ferrari feel. Nothing wrong with getting the word out that a aircraft/Swiss quality device with a premium exotic flavor of android that is released once a year isn't desirable...

I am glad cheep androids exist and people can get into the OS for free....and access the net/apps. This is a Android forum, if you don't love the OS, leave:cool:


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Apr 4, 2012
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Apologies to others as this is lengthy...

Let me get this straight
... all things iPhone are good looking and all things Android are ugly?

Never said that...

... if you accidently drop something you are immature?
Now who sounds opinionated?

That is my opinion, yes. I apologize if I don't feel as though adults should have a problem exerting a tiny conscious effort towards taking care of something they paid for, especially in regards to a $200 phone. Maybe I'm just silly, I have always felt I should respect and take care of things I worked hard to get, part of that is my parents, part of that is common sense. I have managed to drop a phone once in I can't even remember how many years now, I'm not special so I have trouble understanding why others can't do the same. It takes as much effort as avoiding stepping on some gum. Is that honestly too much for someone to handle? lol... Seeing how we both have opinions on the matter, I'd say we both sound opinionated.

Three people purchase Android phones for every one person buying an iPhone. Pricing is comparable, so what gives? Either:
1) Many people find the styling of Android phones attractive,
2) iOS5 sucks so badly that three people out of four would rather carry an ugly Android phone than a pretty iPhone.
So... Which is it? ;-)

Pricing isn't comparable when talking about the iPhone 4/4S. For every $200 Android phone there are 3 much cheaper ones. The 4, new, was $200 on contract, as is the current 4S until the next version comes out, which are the phones we are talking about since they have the glass back. Aesthetics and software are not the only things people consider when buying a cell phone. ;-)

Although I personally prefer the Android OS, I'd hazard to admit I don't think iOS5 sucks that badly. So I'd say a whole heap of people like the design and feel of an Android phone enough to purchase it over an iPhone.

iOS being good or bad is your rightful opinion. Design and feel are not the only things people look at when picking a phone.

As for dropping the phone... people have accidents all the time. It doesn't mean they are immature. I suppose you think people spilling their coffee, slipping on a slick surface, tripping on a ledge or getting in a car accident are also child-like?

The idea that this thing in your pocket is expensive and should be treated preciously is a matter of context and attitude. The price of the smartphone for many people is inconsequential. For many (perhaps most people) breakage and the associated inconvenience means far more than the cost.

Many people (again, perhaps most) don't respect the phone in the least. It's simply a tool they keep in their pocket and have no intention to treat it preciously. They've got things more important on their mind. The phone needs to keep up with them, not them with it. It needs to survive falling off a desk when moving stuff around. It needs to survive being tossed onto the island in a kitchen when we get home... with our keys. It needs to survive at the bottom of a tennis bag when it's tossed on the bench court side... or when it falls off that bench onto the floor. Etc...etc...etc... I mean seriously... who owns who here?

Yes, I do feel that way about treating a phone carelessly. Aforementioned reasons. Within normal use for over two years my iPhone has lasted perfectly fine, I can sell it in near-excellent condition. I never said you have to baby your device. I'm talking about when people mistreat their phone. Careless accidents that could have been avoided by simply paying attention, etc.

The idea of form over function might be just fine for YOU, but you need to have an open mind and admit it might not be the best design, in terms of durability, for a lot of people. Especially for people like me who feel I shouldn't have to purchase a case. That's all I said. As an engineer and someone who abuses my phones, I found the iPhone a bit fragile. That's both a professional and personal *opinion*. I owned the first three... as did my wife... as did my son.

The iPhone 4/4S is fragile, I never disagreed with that at all. In fact, I said in a previous post how it has glass on the outside and if you drop it, it breaks. Also wasn't aware that you "have" to purchase and use a case with the iPhone, that's news to me. Tons of people with iPhones use it without a case.

My son is an accomplished junior athlete. ...and I must admit I could have done a better job of teaching him the value of a dollar. There's just no friggin' way he's going to treat a phone as if it's anything more than what it is... a disposable phone of the month to text his friends with. We just ordered a second Sony SmartWatch for him. The first one (days old) got *washed* in his pull over... hence, my aggravated comment about knowing the value of a dollar.

I'm so glad you said this. Exactly what I am talking about. (the bold sentence)

When you say "disposable phone of the month," that is quite different from the $200 phone that my point is about. You buy your son a $200 disposable phone every month? I think not.

We replace a lot less phones now that we've moved to Android. Don't get me wrong, they still go through phones, but it's more because they want to than because they have to. I'll take a good looking phone that will survive ME rather than a great looking phone that that requires precious care. I'm the only one that actually keeps a phone the entire contract time.

For people like yourself who, for one reason or another, don't mind fretting over... a friggin' phone... knock yourself out.

Awesome, that's how you wanna roll that's perfectly fine. Different strokes for different folks. I don't "fret" over my phone in the slightest. It's not like I think about the safety of my phone all day or sit here planning out the week with my phone in mind... give me a break. I just take care of things I paid money for, which is something you admitted yourself you get aggravated over when your own son does the opposite. I will knock myself acting like an adult, barely thinking about my phone yet still managing to not mistreat it, thanks! :p

Anyway, I never once said you have to go about things the way I do. The only thing you have said in any of your responses that I really disagree with is the mentality towards how a $200 phone should be treated. Don't feel the same way? Cool! hahaha... So that's my piece, I really don't wish to continue this for the sake of the thread, feel free to PM me if you want to discuss it further, though.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
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I love the Android UI! I admit, I have that helicopter glass, stainless steel phone people hate....but breaking the software and running a android theme HTC with the widgets and animations is about the best of both worlds for me....Android UI and Ferrari feel. Nothing wrong with getting the word out that a aircraft/Swiss quality device with a premium exotic flavor of android that is released once a year isn't desirable...

I am glad cheep androids exist and people can get into the OS for free....and access the net/apps. This is a Android forum, if you don't love the OS, leave:cool:


I'm sorry, but I've got to say something here. You've been on multiple threads arguing with me, proclaiming how superior iPhone/iPad and iOS is over Android.

Now someone states the obvious on this thread... that coming to an Android forum and spouting on about the superiority of Apple and iOS is essentially trolling and now you "love Android" and say anyone that doesn't should leave this forum?

Seriously? Anyone can look up your recent posts and see how you really feel.

I don't think you're a troll, but man up, own and support everything you say/proclaim.


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Oct 6, 2010
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I'm sorry, but I've got to say something here. You've been on multiple threads arguing with me, proclaiming how superior iPhone/iPad and iOS is over Android.

Now someone states the obvious on this thread... that coming to an Android forum and spouting on about the superiority of Apple and iOS is essentially trolling and now you "love Android" and say anyone that doesn't should leave this forum?

Seriously? Anyone can look up your recent posts and see how you really feel.

I don't think you're a troll, but man up, own and support everything you say/proclaim.

I think that is an error of perception on your part. I am not arguing, mearly stating my opinion. I know it can be irritating when technology is so multifaceted, and no single perspective wins, but I see you are annoyed, so just block me and you won't see my posts. : ) have a nice day.

Difference between you and I, is I keep it about the tech, please stop with "man up" stuff, and get back to the topic.


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Jan 15, 2011
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Personally I like long responses. Too few people actually offer insight into... or support for... their opinions. This conversation seems to be directly in the context of this thread. There is no need for a PM. People are generally cool. If too long for them, most just chill and move on.

The iPhone 4/4S is fragile, I never disagreed with that at all. In fact, I said in a previous post how it has glass on the outside and if you drop it, it breaks.

Yes! Thank you! Yes, that’s all I ever said in the beginning… that the iPhone was very attractive, but too fragile in my opinion. And you reacted as if I called your mother a bad name.

I'm so glad you said this. Exactly what I am talking about. (the bold sentence)

Yes, I love my son dearly. He’s everything I could ask of in a son. I failed him in one respect. My love for him and the time I am away from him on business trips caused me to spoil him somewhat. Now that consumption is part of his identity. Trying to “fix” it would cause more him more pain than the money is worth. The good news is he is as brilliant as he is a good looking athlete and I have no doubt he will be able to afford the lifestyle I've allowed him to adopt.

When you say "disposable phone of the month," that is quite different from the $200 phone that my point is about. You buy your son a $200 disposable phone every month? I think not.

You are correct. I do not buy him $200 phones for him each month. They are out of contract, so cost me hundreds more than that. He also doesn’t really change his phone every month. I was being a bit over the top there. It’s more like every three or four months. Sooner only if a hot new phone came out. He has a bunch of nieces and nephews and likes giving his old phones to them. I like that too. I don’t like the idea of selling a smart phone. I’m afraid there may be personal info hidden in there, even with a wipe. The only one nobody wanted is his old Charge from last Summer. I’ve been playing with it… rooting and such… and keeping it as my backup phone… hopefully will never need it.

The thing you are missing is you will not be in the position you are today 10 or 20 years from now. You’re probably a bright guy. In 20 years from now any money you spend on any phone will be forgotten a moment after you take back your credit card. It might seem like an expensive item to you today that needs to be cared for, but in all likelihood, it won’t in your future.

One last analogy to try to make the point.
My phone is just a piece of hardware that will wear out… like shoes.
I like high quality comfortable shoes. I spend a lot of time selecting a pair that look good and feel good on my feet. I probably spend way too much on each pair, but I only own a few pair (black, brown, and burgundy). I’m on my feet a lot and I feel the expense is more than justified. After I buy my shoes, I don’t protect them. I don’t even think about them. I just use them… until they wear out. If they wear out early because I kick them off when I get home or sometimes force my foot into them without untying... I can get them repaired, but the fact is they failed me, I didn't fail them.
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Jan 15, 2011
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I think that is an error of perception on your part. I am not arguing, mearly stating my opinion. I know it can be irritating when technology is so multifaceted, and no single perspective wins, but I see you are annoyed, so just block me and you won't see my posts. : ) have a nice day.

Difference between you and I, is I keep it about the tech, please stop with "man up" stuff, and get back to the topic.

My perception is in error? Seriously? [sigh] Look up the word "argument." Any time two people have differing opinions, no matter how benign the ensuing conversation may be, it is called an "argument." The act of them discussing their differing opinions with each other is called "arguing"... no matter how benign that discussion is.

My point remains. My history with you consists of you bashing the crap out of Android and proclaiming the slam-dunk superiority of iOS, iPhone and iPad. I was taken aback. I had to say something because your turn to loving Android and suggesting anyone that doesn't should leave this forum seemed surreal.

Again, anyone interested, including yourself can search on your post history or mine to see exactly what I'm talking about.


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Oct 6, 2010
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My perception is in error? Seriously?

[sigh] Look up the word "argument." Any time two people have differing opinions, no matter how benign the ensuing conversation may be, it is called an "argument." The act of them discussing their differing opinions with each other is called "arguing", again... no matter how benign that discussion is.

My point remains. My history with you consists of you bashing the crap out of Android and proclaiming the slam-dunk superiority of iOS, iPhone and iPad.

I was taken aback. I had to say something because your turn to loving Android and suggesting anyone that doesn't should leave this forum seemed surreal.
We do have a short history, as I have been here for some time. It is true, I was Jaded by a awful horrendous experience with the Galaxy nexus. It is true, it left a bad taste in my mouth, so bad I got a 4s.

Arguments are going back and forth making points, sure. But we can post our opinions and move on without arguing back and forth as well.

Deep down I am a Android fan and are in the market for another device, just don't want a cheap one! Bahahah!!!

Seriously, I have said it numerous times that I like both OS, so nothing surreal there.

I love that AC allows folks here with both OS to contribute. What a boring world without the OP ED right??! We agree to hard feelings.


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Oct 6, 2010
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Wow, this thread has really gotten out of hand:p

Can you make it better and real it in with getting back on topic?

Is there a high quality Android device on the horizon with a awesome exotic flavor of Android that will compete with the iPhone 5?


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May 3, 2011
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I would not agree with that perception at all. IPhone is certainly a nice device, but there are many Android devices that may be better. Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Moto Droid Razr, the new HTC One, just to name a few. Honestly, until the next iPhone comes out with a device that will run on Verizon's 4g LTE network, it's already playing second fiddle. I phone isn't doing anything that's revolutionary these days imho. Waiting a year to release a new device isn't helping them either, by the time it hits the market,Android has already released a phone with as good, if not better, specs. With Android you don't get a one size fits all. There are different screen sizes, removable batteries, sd cards, and a ton of customizations you just can't get with the iPhone.
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Feb 16, 2011
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Can you make it better and real it in with getting back on topic?

I already voiced my opinion back on page one (and you agreed with me, for that matter). Just saying, this thread has 6+ pages in as many days, and there are quite a few arguments that are going nowhere. But such is usually the case with threads of this nature. This topic could probably have its own sub-form.
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Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Can you make it better and real it in with getting back on topic?

Is there a high quality Android device on the horizon with a awesome exotic flavor of Android that will compete with the iPhone 5?

That's hard to say because there is no official news from Apple on what will be on the next iPhone.


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Apr 4, 2012
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@Maikai.Guy: Right on, I totally understand man. Maybe in 20 years I will feel different, who knows, you're right it's totally possible. I wanted to say now in hindsight I apologize if my last reply was too sarcastic, I can be a douche sometimes :\

@Johnly: Gotta say after reading a few of your posts you seem a little two-faced on the subject, not gonna lie man. My iPhone 4 is jailbroken as well, tons of Cydia apps and tweaks going on. I don't care how extensive you think you have gotten with a jailbroken iPhone, but it's still not close to what Android can do on it's own out of the box. Just doesn't compare. And as far as your question about competing with iPhone 5... yeah, there will be an Android that competes, actually more than one, just like there has been for years now. I can already say given Apple's trends over the years, the One X and GSIII, and anything else that comes out that is comparable to those, are going to be ahead of the iPhone 5 even after it comes out. Apple always goes with slightly more than minimum when it comes to hardware, Android is always pushing the envelope. No other way to look at it really.

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