Android fan sites and the iPhone


Aug 20, 2014
Call me crazy. But there is something I've been noticing lately and I would like to have it discussed in depth. It would be nice to also have the gang from AC comment also and hear what they have to say as well.

I watch a lot of tech reviews. Mobile mostly , AC , Pocketnow , MKBHD , Android Authority etc , etc. It's what interests me. Call it a hobby. I'm that guy at work who when everyone has an issue they come to me and nine times out of ten I have an answer without hesitation. Android in particular. I have been a big fan of the OS for several years now.

Here is my issue that is starting to creep up in my mind and I can see it presenting a problem for me as far as my own choice of OEM in the coming months:

It seems like most reviewers , whether it be in print , youtubers , websites or otherwise , while extolling the virtues of Android and all the righteous goodness of everything that is not Apple , not only has an iPhone in their back pocket , but does all their work on macbooks as well.

I suppose I understand the macbook thing , as my work uses them for the heavy lifting as well , but I think spending all day every day being overwhelmingly pro Android , yet that person's personal choice for a handset is an iPhone , is somewhat perplexing to me.

I'm certainly not wanting to start a nasty debate , just wondering if others have noticed this as well , and being someone who has never had an iPhone ( note 4 currently ) I may start to wonder if that grass is really greener on the other side of the fence.

Thanks in advance and looking forward to the discussion!

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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
But are those iPhones actually their personal phones, or are they required to use them because they're provided by the employer?

The other thing I would mention about Android and Google in general is that Google doesn't produce software and services just for Android devices--they make a lot of their apps for iOS and other platforms (and, as many point out, the apps on iOS often seem better than the ones on Android), so it's not necessarily surprising that a Google engineer or a blogger who is an Android (and therefore Google) enthusiast would also have an iPhone somewhere in his or her stable.

I personally think there's no problem with trying out other platforms. It expands your horizons, and may ultimately reinforce why you like Android better. Or maybe you'll like iOS better. Whatever works best for you is the important thing. I've tinkered enough with my wife's old iPhone 4S (ugh) and iPad Mini (meh) to know that iOS really doesn't capture my imagination, but that's just me.


Aug 20, 2014
All valid points Diddy. I had forgotten about the example of google services being better on IOS (subjective?) . Unfortunately I don't live in a world where my employer buys me an iPhone for our business , that would be nice indeed and probably be very helpful in educating me.

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Co-Ambassador Team Lead
Jun 10, 2014
I have indeed noticed what you describe and have to say I find it annoying when Apple devices and iOS are used as the standard by reference to which Android devices and OS are judged. I use both systems, as well as Windows Phone, and am happy to enjoy the advantages of all three, while not really being very troubled by their respective shortcomings.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
They're all great choices, I don't begrudge anyone their preference. I use Android because I prefer it. That doesn't mean I can't admire the other options too, and it certainly doesn't diminish my enjoyment of Android if someone else uses a different OS. The whole point of having a choice is so everyone can find something that works for them.


Aug 20, 2014
So if I pay attention to what many do then , might I conclude then for the best experience , I should just get an iPhone but use all google services as I have been?

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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Are you certain these writers use iPhones personally and exclusively? I think that might be a flawed assumption.

You'll be the best judge of what works best for you. If you really want to try an iPhone, then by all means do it. I think T-Mobile still has their Test Drive available, where they give you an iPhone to try out on their network for free for a month. Last I knew, it was an iPhone 5, but when I just checked the site, it sounds like Test Drive is currently on hold due to being out of stock. But you can sign up on a waitlist:

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