Android & Me Unboxing


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Dec 10, 2010
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Over at Android and Me, they just received the HTC Inspire 4G. In the brief description, the reviewer noted, "Fortunately, I’m happy to report that the HTC Inspire 4G is the first phone on AT&T that allows users to install applications from the SD card and other sources." Looks like AT&T is allowing sideloading of apps which is very nice to read!!

Source: Video: Unboxing the HTC Inspire 4G from AT&T – Android and Me


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
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This may be a silly question, but what is everybody wanting to "Side Load" that makes this feature such a big deal? I read the Android and Me article a few times, and the author appears to have removed his SD card, hooked it up to his laptop, loaded the .apk on the card, and put the card back in the phone and moved the .apk to the system > apps folder and installed from there. I don't see how AT&T could block that. I can see how they could stop you from downloading directly to the phone...

If that process seems a little complicated and you REALLY REALLY REALLY needed to load MiKandi on your phone, root it, flash a custom ROM, and do what you want, because you just took control over a device you paid for and can now use it how YOU see fit. Just MHO


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2011
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Can you toggle between 4g/3g/2g networks with this phone? My captivate is stuck just with 3g and kills my battery.