Android OS/Android System using battery on standby

Any apps that use location service a lot or bluetooth always on ?

I used to have more apps with location access, but I only allow 3 apps for location now: Camera, Maps, and Weather Timeline. I turn Bluetooth off except when I'm in the car. I also made sure to turn off the WiFi Scanning for location accuracy (Bluetooth is off by default). I've never had save location history or share location for Google.
Read my Post #9 - it's been happening to me but just occasionally and I have been doing what you say EVERY night before bed since it started! Still happens! Weird...
Sorry- missed that detail. But maybe the Gsam update will help you narrow down the issue.
I've noticed unusual overnight drain the last week or so. Normally cell standby is at the top of the list (around 3%) in usage section. Lately it's Android OS and Device Idle. Starting to search online everywhere else for ideas.

Battery drain.jpg

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