Android privacy?


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Dec 21, 2014
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I currently have a Blackberry, and I'm thinking it may be time to upgrade. I'm looking at an iPhone and a Galaxy S5. I currently own an iPad so I know the iOS. However, I don't know much about Android. I am a private person. If I got an Android is there a way to still be anonymous? I don't want a YouTube channel, don't want to be part of Google plus, etc, etc etc.

Sofia Shepherd

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Dec 19, 2014
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my experience with the galaxy centura is that the only thing u cant be anonymus with is the play store u can disable the google+ and the talk back and all that you can use youtube just the same as on an ipad or computer the only reason u need to sign in is if its not pg u control wat has ur info and. u still have all ur privacy