I've recently bought a new car which has AndroidAuto built in to it, which I am absolutely loving, plus it saved my £750, rather than going for the manufactures satnav option.
I've been having an issue with the sound quality for music played from Spotify/Play Music via the USB cable on my Galaxy S6. When listening to a song the pitch is constantly changing and is proving to be very annoying! Music is fine via Aux or Bluetooth. I've tried three different USB cables and have connected my wifes iPhone 7 to the car via CarPlay and all seems to work fine. This rules out the car and any cable issues.
I have disabled AdaptSound and turned off all sound effects/tone settings.
Can anyone else think of something that may be causing the issue?
This is driving me mad! The only possible thing I can think of is an interfering app, is there anyway to detect if this is the case?
I've recently bought a new car which has AndroidAuto built in to it, which I am absolutely loving, plus it saved my £750, rather than going for the manufactures satnav option.
I've been having an issue with the sound quality for music played from Spotify/Play Music via the USB cable on my Galaxy S6. When listening to a song the pitch is constantly changing and is proving to be very annoying! Music is fine via Aux or Bluetooth. I've tried three different USB cables and have connected my wifes iPhone 7 to the car via CarPlay and all seems to work fine. This rules out the car and any cable issues.
I have disabled AdaptSound and turned off all sound effects/tone settings.
Can anyone else think of something that may be causing the issue?
This is driving me mad! The only possible thing I can think of is an interfering app, is there anyway to detect if this is the case?