Annoying little issue


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Aug 30, 2011
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Hi all i'm a recent webOS convert and I have to say I love my MOPHO. That being said I have an issue with a constant popup I keep getting it says "Sorry! The process com.motorola.service.main has stopped unexpectedly, please try again." With the option to force close. This happens constantly whether i'm in email or playing a game or just using the browser it just comes up whenever it wants. I push force close and thats the end off it doesnt close out what ever im doing at the time it just closes the popup. Like I said its just a small annoyance but i'de like to know how to remedy this if anyone has or have had this issue if you could help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Aug 2, 2011
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Not sure if this will help but I had the same issue after rooting my phone and changing the resolution. I beleive that is the motoblur service. I changed to launcherpro and it stopped the error.


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Aug 30, 2011
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Not sure if this will help but I had the same issue after rooting my phone and changing the resolution. I beleive that is the motoblur service. I changed to launcherpro and it stopped the error.

Thanks for your help, I failed to mention I haven't rooted my phone just downloaded a few apps from market I appreciate the help though thanks


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Aug 30, 2011
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Ok so i did the factory reset a couple days ago and now the issue is back. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Any ideas anyone? I love my MoPho but its making me look real hard at the Epic 4g Touch and I'm still within my 30 day return policy but like i said i love my MoPho any help would be great for this first time androidian.


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Feb 14, 2010
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really if your still having the issue you could always try rsd and flash the stock rom, but if i was within my 30 i would just get a replacement and not mess around ya know. Now with regards to the gs2 its a beast phone(i work for sprint coporate store) but unless i get a special price im gonna hang onto the photon. i do miss the screen a bit but this phone has been way more than i expected. i went from OG evo to launch day epic, epic to nexus, nexus to photon and like i said if i get a special pricing on the sgs2 then ill pick it up. regular price im sticking. but if i had to choose between teh two i love samsung and would probably get it. but the photon is an amazing phone. more than i thought it would be


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Nov 1, 2009
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Ok so i did the factory reset a couple days ago and now the issue is back. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Any ideas anyone? I love my MoPho but its making me look real hard at the Epic 4g Touch and I'm still within my 30 day return policy but like i said i love my MoPho any help would be great for this first time androidian.
Agree w/kgbcapthowdy: go back and get it replaced. I am on my 2nd photon and it behaves a *LOT* better than the first one. I suspect there was a hardware flaw in the first one. If I had the same issues with this phone, I was going to conclude that the photon design had some flaw. But since this one works so much better I'm concluding that it was just one bad apple (*). You might be have got one from the same basket.

(*) I mean via the old cliched statement about bad apples. I am *not* trying to make any commentary on the company from Cupertino.


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Aug 30, 2011
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That was my next step to get it replaced but since ive never had to replace a phone b4 im worried they will give me a refurb which would greatly irk me. New is what i bought new is what i want not someones throw back know what i mean guys.


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Jul 15, 2011
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really if your still having the issue you could always try rsd and flash the stock rom, but if i was within my 30 i would just get a replacement and not mess around ya know. Now with regards to the gs2 its a beast phone(i work for sprint coporate store) but unless i get a special price im gonna hang onto the photon. i do miss the screen a bit but this phone has been way more than i expected. i went from OG evo to launch day epic, epic to nexus, nexus to photon and like i said if i get a special pricing on the sgs2 then ill pick it up. regular price im sticking. but if i had to choose between teh two i love samsung and would probably get it. but the photon is an amazing phone. more than i thought it would be

I have not had this issue, hope the exchange for new helps...slightly off topic, does anyone know why this phone was not promoted more by Sprint? this is a great phone, but go to the website, and on launch day nothing but HTC and speed/price comps. kgbcapthowdy, you work in the corp Sprint area, any insights?


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2010
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I have not had this issue, hope the exchange for new helps...slightly off topic, does anyone know why this phone was not promoted more by Sprint? this is a great phone, but go to the website, and on launch day nothing but HTC and speed/price comps. kgbcapthowdy, you work in the corp Sprint area, any insights?

i honestly have no idea. must some marketing agreement with HTC. I tend to lean that way b/c the phone placement in the store is as far away from the evo as possible lol. But i love the photon so i think im gonna hold of on the gs2 for now. save my upgrade for something a few months down the road.


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Aug 30, 2011
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Hey kgb again thanks for all your help just one more question. I called the Sprint store where i purchased my MoPho and they claim i have to return to their shop which is not a corporate store in order to exchange my phone. Is this true or can i go anywhere else? Thanks again sorry to bother so much.


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Feb 14, 2010
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Hey kgb again thanks for all your help just one more question. I called the Sprint store where i purchased my MoPho and they claim i have to return to their shop which is not a corporate store in order to exchange my phone. Is this true or can i go anywhere else? Thanks again sorry to bother so much.

yes you do. corporate stores have to way to transfer stock from another non corporate store. sorry to say lol


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Aug 30, 2011
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yes you do. corporate stores have to way to transfer stock from another non corporate store. sorry to say lol

Makes a lot of sense i didn't think about it in that way once again thanks a million. Here's to hoping that my replacement mopho kicks azz like my Yankees are.


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Mar 1, 2010
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Hey kgb again thanks for all your help just one more question. I called the Sprint store where i purchased my MoPho and they claim i have to return to their shop which is not a corporate store in order to exchange my phone. Is this true or can i go anywhere else? Thanks again sorry to bother so much.

I've exchanged non-corporate bought phones at corporate Sprint stores which is essentially what you'll be doing. It's not as though you're returning it for a refund. I was never told I had to take it back to the store I got it from.


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Feb 14, 2010
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I've exchanged non-corporate bought phones at corporate Sprint stores which is essentially what you'll be doing. It's not as though you're returning it for a refund. I was never told I had to take it back to the store I got it from.

if you were within your first 30 days someone risked their job for you. unless there was a special circumstance. some stores can do it in the store givin certain circumstances. this kind of situation would have to go back where he got it.


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Oct 7, 2011
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I'm having the same issue with my stock Bionic. It started this afternoon. I *think* it has something to do with one of my email accounts. If you google this, you'll find a lot of people have the same issue and factory resetting is NOT going to solve this. Keep searching the web. Someone has got to figure this out soon. All forums have threads regarding this. Hang in there, I KNOW it's a pain... I'm dealing with it too.


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Aug 30, 2011
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Gudasau thanks for the encouragement but I resolved it long ago by swapping my phone for a brand new one but I have a theory u might want to try out. When I swapped my phone out I started having issues with the Contacts app where I couldn't see certain contacts I tried everything to no avail until I stopped syncing contacts from Yahoo in the email app and everything started working perfectly afterwards. The reason i'm suggesting this is because u said u *think* it might have something to do with your email ,let me know if it works because its the one thing I never tried before exchanging my previous phone and have always wondered if this was the problem that is if you have Yahoo mail and are syncing contacts from that account if not it'll be a mystery forever lol.

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