Verizon sent me a certified like-new device even though I was in my 30 day return period. So now I am fighting them on that. I understand not getting a new replacement device after 30 days, but during a return period, this was insulting.
Anyway the new phone does not fluctuate quite as much but the signal is still poor. I am in supposedly a very strong Verizon coverage area. The tech rep on the phone said I am surrounded by towers, this makes no sense. I have read a few reddit threads where folks say their pixel 6's have much worse service, with their same carrier, where their previous phones did great, including other previous generation Pixels. I have no idea if this can be fixed via a software/firmware update. I tried reading more about this modem - honestly I don't care if I have slower 5G speeds, they are already way more than fast enough for most people, including me. I need a good signal so my phone can be a phone, not just a wifi device.
I am trying to get my hands on someone with a Samsung Verizon device to come around with me and we can measure signal strength db in the same areas next to my p6pro