Anybody with poor fluctuating signal?


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
I switched to Verizon from at&t with the 6 pro. I live in Jersey City, right next to NYC with extremely dense coverage, everybody says Verizon is excellent here, yet out and about the signal is also over the place, rarely more than 2 bars even when outside. In my condo it can fluctuate from 89 dbm to almost 130 in the same spot.
Yeah my P6P does that too but I think it's more an issue with the display of the signal strength meter or more likely, it isn't correctly indicating the signal strength. I've had no issues with calls but the strength meter is all over the place.

Sometimes, I'll just move it from my lap to hold it up about a foot in the air while sitting in my living room and it goes from one bar to 4 or 5, which is why I think the software controlling this meter is out of whack. Hopefully, they'll get it ironed out with an update.
Yeah my P6P does that too but I think it's more an issue with the display of the signal strength meter or more likely, it isn't correctly indicating the signal strength. I've had no issues with calls but the strength meter is all over the place.

Sometimes, I'll just move it from my lap to hold it up about a foot in the air while sitting in my living room and it goes from one bar to 4 or 5, which is why I think the software controlling this meter is out of whack. Hopefully, they'll get it ironed out with an update.

Yeah, but he said the actual dBm's are jumping all over the place
Yeah, but he said the actual dBm's are jumping all over the place

Well, I don't even know how to see that info and as long as I can make and receive calls, I'm good, regardless what the signal strength says it is.

To the OP, can you make and receive calls OK?
Sometimes restarting the phone in that moment or put phone in air plane mode for 1 minute refresh the signal.
I've tried everything. After a couple weeks talking to Verizon tech support they are sending me a replacement device that will be here this week.
I was concerned about this, but after a day of use my signal has actually been better and more consistent than my s21 Ultra was. Pleasant surprise.
Verizon sent me a certified like-new device even though I was in my 30 day return period. So now I am fighting them on that. I understand not getting a new replacement device after 30 days, but during a return period, this was insulting.

Anyway the new phone does not fluctuate quite as much but the signal is still poor. I am in supposedly a very strong Verizon coverage area. The tech rep on the phone said I am surrounded by towers, this makes no sense. I have read a few reddit threads where folks say their pixel 6's have much worse service, with their same carrier, where their previous phones did great, including other previous generation Pixels. I have no idea if this can be fixed via a software/firmware update. I tried reading more about this modem - honestly I don't care if I have slower 5G speeds, they are already way more than fast enough for most people, including me. I need a good signal so my phone can be a phone, not just a wifi device.

I am trying to get my hands on someone with a Samsung Verizon device to come around with me and we can measure signal strength db in the same areas next to my p6pro
Verizon sent me a certified like-new device even though I was in my 30 day return period. So now I am fighting them on that. I understand not getting a new replacement device after 30 days, but during a return period, this was insulting.

Anyway the new phone does not fluctuate quite as much but the signal is still poor. I am in supposedly a very strong Verizon coverage area. The tech rep on the phone said I am surrounded by towers, this makes no sense. I have read a few reddit threads where folks say their pixel 6's have much worse service, with their same carrier, where their previous phones did great, including other previous generation Pixels. I have no idea if this can be fixed via a software/firmware update. I tried reading more about this modem - honestly I don't care if I have slower 5G speeds, they are already way more than fast enough for most people, including me. I need a good signal so my phone can be a phone, not just a wifi device.

I am trying to get my hands on someone with a Samsung Verizon device to come around with me and we can measure signal strength db in the same areas next to my p6pro

I know you are 0 for 2 on a new phone, but have you tried a Network Reset? I remember having to do this a couple years ago.
I know you are 0 for 2 on a new phone, but have you tried a Network Reset? I remember having to do this a couple years ago.

Yeah we did that twice with the first phone. And a factory reset. And got a new sim.

I gotta call Verizon today and figure which phone I'm sending back. This new one gets a lot warmer and the FPS is just not quite as good. I want a new phone when they get them back in stock, then I'll grab the Samsung s21 if a software update hasn't fixed the modem cell reception by then.
Yeah we did that twice with the first phone. And a factory reset. And got a new sim.

I gotta call Verizon today and figure which phone I'm sending back. This new one gets a lot warmer and the FPS is just not quite as good. I want a new phone when they get them back in stock, then I'll grab the Samsung s21 if a software update hasn't fixed the modem cell reception by then.

The fact that you have two different phones with different characteristics is interesting. I assume both have all the latest Google Updates/Patches? The December one sounded like might address some of what you mention.

Check this comment left on another Pixel Update site 9 hours ago...
"I've been on Verizon for many years. Last month was the 1st time ever, my update on a Pixel device was delayed, and that was because Google "forgot" to build a pathway for the Verizon build before release. Prior to that I got my updates on the 1st or 2nd-5th of each and every month. In another article, Kellen said all P6 & 6 Pros aren't getting the Dec update until next week. (Again, not Verizon's fault)."
The fact that you have two different phones with different characteristics is interesting. I assume both have all the latest Google Updates/Patches? The December one sounded like might address some of what you mention.

Check this comment left on another Pixel Update site 9 hours ago...
"I've been on Verizon for many years. Last month was the 1st time ever, my update on a Pixel device was delayed, and that was because Google "forgot" to build a pathway for the Verizon build before release. Prior to that I got my updates on the 1st or 2nd-5th of each and every month. In another article, Kellen said all P6 & 6 Pros aren't getting the Dec update until next week. (Again, not Verizon's fault)."

I'm definitely hanging out with the p6pro until mid January. I resolved the issue with Verizon I will be keeping the original phone, as ultimately with more testing it works better than the refurb (better FPS, doesn't get warm, and signal is the same after more observations) - they will send me a new 256GB phone in mid-January. If the Dec & Jan patches don't improve the modem's cell reception issues, I will sell the new p6pro and get the S22 that comes out late January. That would be my first non Google phone since the Nexus 6P.
If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is convincing you that you want/need a Samsung phone?
I thought my posts elaborated but this phone with its Samsung modern is getting a much poorer signal in areas that phones with Qualcomm modems are doing fine. According to numerous users I've seen post online and even according to the last Verizon tech rep I talked to.

I need good reception.
I thought my posts elaborated but this phone with its Samsung modern is getting a much poorer signal in areas that phones with Qualcomm modems are doing fine. According to numerous users I've seen post online and even according to the last Verizon tech rep I talked to.

I need good reception.

Thank you.
Yeah I've been getting this. Connection fluctuates from 5G to 4G down even to 3G, then goes back up. I think the December update is supposed to fix it.
PC-Mag article; Google Pixel 6 Pro vs. Samsung Galaxy S21: Which One Wins At 5G?

Also includes some 4G LTE info....

This guy is not waiting anymore for google to release software updates to repair a problem when only thing available is speculation, hopes and dreams to the needed fix.

And the question is, will it be fixed; is it possible to be fixed via a software update or is it an internal problem with what appears to be an outdated modem? Not just this article, but others (including me) questioning the use of this modem vs. the more up to date X60; a modem used by almost (if not all) cell phones released in the USA; including Samsung the producer of the 5123 Exynos modem. That's a question for google engineers....why use the Exynos modem when Samsung does not even use it for release in the USA? (COSTS....)

The Tensor chip was designed around the architecture of the Exynos 2100 Samsung chip which used the 5123 modem was it impossible to use the X60 or did it save a lot of money? It does seem strange that google went with this 5123 modem being the first company to use it for the USA; when in fact the designer of this modem does not use it in the USA but only for overseas phones. For me, it all comes back to the fact non one used the Exynos 5123 modem in the USA; google is the first.

I'll either stick with my 4XL for a few months or if a good price comes along, grab a Samsung S21 Ultra with a proven in the USA Qualcomm X60 modem, as well as a more accurate, faster FPS and, if wanted, facial rec.

I'll be very curious as to see what the Pixel 7 has when it is released next year. However, hard to get a customer back after they leave; if they have a good experience with the new product.
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