Had my Tour for 2 months, but I've been to psyched out by this device.
According to this post, the Droid will be retailing for 560. Just curious as to who else is making this move aside from myself!
Has anyone figured out what the actual full retail price is? Ive read its 559, 599 and 749, and i just called my local best buy and they said they have no idea how much its going to be.
The Storm 2 is 350'ish on CL right now.
According to Droiddoes on twitter... "With no contract the device will be at $559.99"
I'm thinking this is due to the BOGO deal they have going... If I were going storm2 I would get two and sell one on CL as well... but Droid won't have the BOGO deal (or at least we haven't heard about it yet) so I don't think you'll see that many popping up on CL.
I'm thinking this is due to the BOGO deal they have going... If I were going storm2 I would get two and sell one on CL as well... but Droid won't have the BOGO deal (or at least we haven't heard about it yet) so I don't think you'll see that many popping up on CL.
For VZW's BOGO with Blackberries, doesn't the 2nd phone need to be activated and have a new 2-yr contract with them?
I'll be paying full retail. But I have the good fortune of being able to sell my Touch Pro 2 on eBay to offset the cost. I will probably end up paying a little less out of pocket than if I was renewing my contract and paying $199 for it on a 2 year.