Are you happy with the S24 Ultra?

So I've had the S23 Ultra locked to TMobile, an unlocked OnePlus 12 and not the S24 Ultra. I chose the OnePlus over the S23 Ultra because of battery life. I left OnePlus and started using my S23 ultra again.
I ultimately decided to order an S24 Ultra cause of the sale for the blue version. I'm not in love with the color, but it was only $400 with S23 Ultra trade-in.
I kept the S24 Ultra cause it does offer better battery over S23 Ultra, and the esthetics are better, in my opinion. Also, I was sold on the S23 Ultra as a keeper of a phone. The S24 Ultra will get longer updates. So I decided to keep it.
For years I buy the Galaxy Sxx Ultra on the day they are officially introduced. For last year and this year, you basically receive a phone that is in beta status, and it takes Samsung way too long to fix things, “maybe June” is the last thing I read about several very important fixes. I might change my mind about buying right on release date and wait about 5 to 6 months after, by that time the phone should be out of beta and work as intended. It was certainly the case with last year’s Galaxy S23 Ultra, this year, we only know when Samsung decided to fix things.
I got the pre-launch deal on my S24U, coming from the S22U, and I'm quite happy with the upgrade. I really liked my 22, but the 24 is, in the phrese from an old children's story, is "ever so much more so." Is it the Alpha-Omega? No. Really, no phone is. It's an incremental step and improvement in a long-lived line of phones, and stands in its own light. I like it quite well, and glad I made the trade.
I hate it ...upgraded for the same reason, better camera - I miss everything about my S22 Ultra except I will say I have much better battery life - I find the s24U heavy and incomfortable to hold and I don't find the camera or features to be *better* than what I had - I've considered switching to s23U
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I prefer a heavier phone. It feels like i have something in my hand, something that i'm not likely to drop. Couple that with a decent, grippy case and i'm good to go. The camera is adequate for my needs, and the battery life is great. If you really hate this phone, then you should trade it in for one that you're more comfortable with.
I hate it ...upgraded for the same reason, better camera - I miss everything about my S22 Ultra except I will say I have much better battery life - I find the s24U heavy and incomfortable to hold and I don't find the camera or features to be *better* than what I had - I've considered switching to s23U
I had the exact opposite reaction. I gave my S22U to my aunt and got the S24U. Every time I handle her phone, it seems heavier than what I'm obviously accustomed to - the S24U. curious.
I had the exact opposite reaction. I gave my S22U to my aunt and got the S24U. Every time I handle her phone, it seems heavier than what I'm obviously accustomed to - the S24U. curious.
I feel the same. Despite the S24 Ultra being heavier than the S22 Ultra, it doesn't feel as heavy to me because it seems better balanced. The S22 Ultra felt more top-heavy to me.
I will say I traded in my S23U for the S24U with no hesitation. The S24U has been a total beast of a phone.
I have used the zoom to get pics I cannot get with my P8P or 15PM. I used the zoom a few weeks ago to identify a black bear that was walking across a lake from me. The picture was too grainy to be anything but the zoom was good enough for me to see what type of animal it was from across a lake!

But I will say this...I wish I could get all the goodness of the S24U...only with rounded edges. Even if that meant no S-Pen.
See, this is what i love about the s24u. Don't need Android File Transfer any more. Don't have to plug the phone into the computer any more to add files, pics or whatever. My google file app does it all. I did a lot of reading before i bought this phone, and that fact was never mentioned at all. Couldn't do that with my pixel 8. It just gets better.:giggle:
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I put my comments on Page 1 but one thing I've come to realize, despite at my own accord upgrading to every Ultra (even before there was Ultra, S10 5G Chonker Boy), every iteration improves on something the last should have, though sometimes that improvement is worse.

The S23 U had a less curved screen. Great right? No, now the domed UV LOCA Screen protectors don't have enough surface to grip to. So I thought, awesome, finally!! a flat screen. Phone felt great but, in my case I do use zoom a lot and the camera was/is a significant downgrade.

So will the S25 be THE perfect Galaxy, of course not. It might for me, but might not be for others here. Just like many of you love the S24 U and I didn't love mine which I'm sure has found a nice new home as a mildly used factory referb.
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I am wondering now that the S24 Ultra has been out for a few months now If you are happy with it. I came from the S22 Ultra which I absolutely loved. I am uncertain on how I feel with the S24 Ultra. My reason for upgrading was strictly the camera. I wanted the best camera out there for my travels. I used to carry a big DSLR around, but found my S22 ultra had some very good results in the photo department. I figured it could only get better with the S24 Ultra. My feelings with the S24 Ultra so far is my picture quality is no better then my S22 Ultra. And from what I have seen in reviews the S23 Ultra still shines better then the S24 Ultra. The only thing I can say is it does have better battery usage then my old phone. Other than that it seems no better and even worse at times than my S22 Ultra. I am even thinking about jumping ship and going with the Iphone 15 Pro Max. The only thing holding me back is I did have an Iphone many years ago and it did not play well with a windows pc for sharing photos and other files. I am assuming apple has not changed on that either as they are so damn stubborn on trying to get people stuck to there ecosystem. With all this I feel disappointed in my purchase and wish I still had my S22 Ultra.
How do you all feel on your purchase or upgrade. Did Samsung deliver you what you expected, or do you feel cheated by promising you something better which is actually worse?
Let me know what you think.
Hello! I’ve been an iPhone user since iPhone 6. About 4 days ago I upgraded to Samsung S24 Ultra, because of my best friend keep telling me that I should. I switched from iPhone 14 Max Pro to S24 Ultra. Well…..I was blown away by the features of this phone….WOW! The only one thing I can’t figure out is how to use the mp3 file(s) as a voicemail greeting. I read lots of stuff online where people are suggesting play the file and recording it with S24 Ultra while in Voicemail Greetings set up lol. Nuh….. I hope that someday someone will do it…. Anyway—-I LOVE MY S24 ULTRA!!!!
<Snipped quote> The only one thing I can’t figure out is how to use the mp3 file(s) as a voicemail greeting. I read lots of stuff online where people are suggesting play the file and recording it with S24 Ultra while in Voicemail Greetings set up lol. Nuh….. I hope that someday someone will do it…. <End of Snipped quote>
I saw your post about voicemail & didn't respond cause playing the file during the voicemail greetings setup is the only way I could think of. 🤔
Well I'm not unhappy but I wouldn't say I'm happy either. This device has been buggy for me. For instance it wouldn't connect to my car's Bluetooth when I first got it. After the 3rd day I factory reset it and it began to work. It still seems to have connection issues with different things at different times. The other day I walked around all day without it connecting to my watch. Yesterday I sent a text first thing in the morning and got no texts or replies most of the day. I ran into someone I texted and mentioned they hadn't replied and they showed me two replies. I restarted the phone and had 6 messages. The other day I tried to make a call and it didn't go through. I hung up, checked my signal and tried again and it went through. If it was just Bluetooth, just data or just voice that would be one thing but this random weird stuff is annoying and worrisome. I don't want to factory reset it again, I'm not even sure it would have an effect. You mentioned the camera, one annoying thing over noticed with the camera is switching cameras. I take a lot of up close pics and it hasn't failed yet that just as I'm going to take the pic the phone decides to change the sensor it wants to use. Which of course changes focus, moves it in frame and makes me rethink my sanity.
All of this👆 I came from a S22 Ultra (I only upgrade every 2 years) and while I'm happy overall with my S24 Ultra, the only things I really like better is the improved internal storage and UWB. Could care less about the AI crap that I don't use anyway.

Oh, and I hate how two new games (always random ones) keep getting installed on my phone every time there's an update! Not sure if that's an S24 Ultra thing or a Verizon one, but it's annoying. If wanted games, I'm perfectly capable of navigating the Play Store to find them. I've just gotten to the point where I automatically check my app drawer for the aforementioned games and immediately uninstall them.
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All of this I came from a S22 Ultra (I only upgrade every 2 years) and while I'm happy overall with my S24 Ultra, the only things I really like better is the improved internal storage and UWB. Could care less about the AI crap that I don't use anyway.

Oh, and I hate how two new games (always random ones) keep getting installed on my phone every time there's an update! Not sure if that's an S24 Ultra thing or a Verizon one, but it's annoying. If wanted games, I'm perfectly capable of navigating the Play Store to find them. I've just gotten to the point where I automatically check my app drawer for the aforementioned games and immediately uninstall them.
That must be a Verizon thing. I have a factory-unlocked S24 Ultra from Samsung and didn't have any preinstalled games on it.

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