Ask us about the Sprint Evo 4G


Apr 22, 2010
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Push E-mail...

Sorry if this has been covered before, I could not find it...

Will the EVO ( or other Android phones) do push e-mail? I have seen where they (android) will push G-mail, but will it do others? Specificall Yahoo/Att mail?


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Apr 23, 2010
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I really need to know if the evo will support avi files, i mean if they did all this harware improvements they have to support avi files in that way it will be a lot easier for everybody to have video files in the device without having to use a third party app...does anybody have an update on this..???


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Nov 9, 2009
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Bluetooth voice dialing

I'm so bummed that I can't get a Droid or Incredible owing to their lack of Bluetooth initiated voice dialing. Do you think the Evo will have it? Rumors?

Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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doubt it, unless its a feature of Froyo, and it somehow magically releases with it.
you can do voice activated dialing, even with the bluetooth on your head, the phone just can't be in a pocket, it has to be in plain sight and you hold down the search button for 3 seconds.


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May 2, 2010
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Wimax in Europe

Since the phone is CDMA, I'd like to know if the Wimax (4G) will work on other Wimax services (such as in Europe). I'd then use Skype or something similar on the phone when overseas...


May 2, 2010
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Looks to be b/g :/ Hopefully its just because it couldn't run on N anyway (the N1 doesn't, but has the radio) due to software limitations.
Im very interested in this phone to replace my iPhone 3GS, but was hoping for N support. Any idea on why this isnt here? Is it software or hardware?


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Feb 10, 2010
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Im very interested in this phone to replace my iPhone 3GS, but was hoping for N support. Any idea on why this isnt here? Is it software or hardware?

I don't think anyone really knows yet. The Nexus One has the hardware, but software wise it isn't functioning...yet:) Unless someone can get a confirmation as to what chip is inside, we'll have to wait until the tear down.


Apr 22, 2010
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Here are my problems with the phone. While Sprint says it's 4G... it's not going to be much faster than 3G+ HSPA (AT&T). That's not really the phones problem however. The phone is most likely going to have a backbone of CDMA 1XEVDO REV A. Not going to be to quick on the net this way. If your lucky and are in a major metropolitan area you could access WiMax but chances are your probably not going to get speeds faster that 20 mbps. WiMax has been capped at 40 mbps in real use studies. Being that is will most likely be a serialized device and not SIM based, that means that us Canadians wont get to use it at all. The WiMax will probably run similar to a wifi connection, after all it is a protocal of 802.16e, just a variation of wifi protocal. So untill sprint moves their voice over to V o IP looks like that handset is staying on Sprint. So i guess most of my problems about this phone are with the network and not the actual device. Cuz let's be honest there has never been a phone this packed. This thing is the best of all world's... its like sidney crosby meets michael jordan... siiick!

couldn't agree more....Wimax is a bit overrated but this phone is still straight NASTYNESS!!! lol


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May 8, 2010
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Ok I am new here and have never had an Android phone. I currently own the Touch Pro 2 which was my 1st smart phone ever. I cannot wait for this phone to come and am due for my upgrade in August but was told I could slide early. I've been reading about the EVO and watching videos for a week now. Only concern for me is I am coming from a physical keyboard which I love. I Know this has a big screen and will do voice to text so I am not really worried about it. And people are talking about Amoled verses TFT I don't know what Amoled is except from reading it's on some newer phones. I know it comes with an 8 gig card which is cool and I have an 8 gig I use now with my pro 2 so I'll be good there. I just know nothing about Android but am familiar with HTC from having the Pro 2? I don't know how much memory it has but I am guessing a gig will hold a lot of apps cause there are about 10 - 20 I see that I want right now..

Having colored LEDS for different things sounds cool. And I too am wondering about the battery cause I read somewhere that the touch Pro 2 battery will work on this phone. Can anyone verify that? I have the original one plus a generic one but I don't think there 1500 I think onei s 1400 and the generic might be 11 I forget now but it would really benefit me if they worked. I also have a docking station that not only charges my phone but it has an extra battery slot so I can charge my phone and extra battery at the same time. So if my Touch Pro 2 batteries work then I'll use that dock just for the battery cause the Pro 2 is mini usb and HTC said there doing away with minis and all will be micros now which means I'll need a new car charger. I had a Lotus previously I think it was micro. if it was will that car charger and AC charger work on the EVO? Also I have Roxio 10 I think it is so I am guessing that would convert my videos to what I need? I want to be able to put my tivo recorded shows on there but they will have to be converted cause there in HD and too big.

I was in 2 sprint stores today had they had no clue when the phone would be out and I said oh it's gonna be June 6th. LOL! They just said it's going to ba a hot phone and I was tolds Android is better than win mo and I will like it better. I've had to hard reset my phone like 4 times already. But I already have all these websites bookmarked with apps and have read from several people what there favorite apps are. I am new here but have been on PPC Geeks since my touch pro 2 and have been on the Sprint forums forever. Can't wait for this phone.. I live in Kentucky and don't know when we will get 4G but I am still pysched about getting this phone and can't wait. I just hope I can get used to the keyboard if not i'll talk in the mic. I heard that works well but I also watched a video on Swype for on screen keyboards.
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Apr 21, 2010
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This is a basic hardware question that I hope will be easy to answer: With many phones these days you get a headset that has a mic and controls the phone (at least to switch between audio and calls). Will the Evo have this functionality? Do other HTC/Sense/Android phones have these? Will my Pre headphones work with an HTC phone? Or do I have to step up to BlueTooth to get this functionality?

After driving with a phone that switches between my podcasts and a call, I can't go backwards. And no, I don't even have a working stereo in my car, let alone bluetooth.

I haven't heard an answer on this one yet, so I'm moving it to the front of the list to see if I can get some answers. I know I'm a "Newbie", but come on folks, help a brother out. Thanks!:cool:
Jan 3, 2010
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Here is the reason why?
1st of all the battery life of HTC sucks.

2nd once, you get to 256mb or in a new 4g phone 500mb you cannot download more apps , cannot run them or save em or run em from SD Card.

so, whats the use of buying HTC phones when you cannot download the apps you like & enjoy!

So, apple wins. You think HTC is coming out with something new 4g, wait when apple releases his new phone it will be all over.

I don't mind a bigger screen. I, actually would enjoy a bigger screen then what I have is an HTC Hero. I am happy that I dropped Blackerry for HTC Hero but, cannot download apps so, if Sprint does not get an Iphone I am going to ATT & I am a very new customer of Sprint + I have started to notice that I am getting a lot of dropped calls which I thought Sprint was good for.:rolleyes:
Before you make the jump to AT&T to get an iPhone, and if your main concern is dropped calls, you may want to read this article by CNN Money.

AT&T dropping more calls than ever - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech

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