Atrix or wait?? Your opinions..


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Ok so the title says it all. I currently have a BB 9700 and I've been with Blackberry since 06. I've been waiting too long for RIM to play catch up. I want to Jump ship but I want Atrix owners opinions on this device. I'm pretty sure any Android device I get will be light years better than what I currently own. I've been reading mixed reviews on the device and I cat make up my mind. Is the Atrix going to be my first Android device? :confused:

Thanks for your opinions... :-\


Retired Moderator
Dec 9, 2009
i would go for it. its a top-notch android device, and even though a lot of new devices will be announced at CTIA in a few weeks, IMHO the atrix will still be one of the best android phones available (especially on at&t in particular) for at least the next year or longer.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
There are quite a good amount of Blackberry converts here, they should chime in.

Personally, I say make the jump. I know I was deciding between a blackberry and this and am glad I got the Atrix.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
i personally like the atrix. it does what i want it to do, similar to when i had the 9700. (i was with BB since 06-07 from the pearl-9000-9700)

if you like to change theme frequently, the atrix and every other android gives you that capability and you make it what you want it to be, just like the 9700.

the only downfall (to me) is it wont sync with my school email, and hotmail (im thinking there is an app for this. I have yet look for one since these emails arent as important as they used to be). google and yahoo email works great.

atrix is the best android for AT&T. i made the jump, and i was glad to made it. the help you found on CB is the same here.

however, if you feel you still need time to consider. take the time. especially if you are committing another 2 year agreement with AT&T.

continue to read more reviews and see if the atrix suits your personal need. dont jump to the atrix because it was the newest thing on the market. find what suits your personal need. :D
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Thanks guys for your input. I've been on CB the last couple of years and I just think BB OS is outdated. They recently acquired QNX but there's no sign of them rolling out with a new OS with QNX besides on the Playbook.

Anyways I'm really contemplating on getting the Atrix and I can't wait. Even with the whole HSPA+ thing going on. I really hope ATT gets the ball rolling with this. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. :)


Well-known member
May 31, 2010
You're gonna love the Atrix. It's a beast of the phone and going to be top of the heap for a while. Even the Bionic wont be as fast since it will have half the RAM. The screen is so detailed, games and videos look amazing! Plus no lag at all. Hopefully 2.4 will help optimize the OS a little more for dual core. But in a years time. This phone's specs will be the standard. Make the jump!

Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk
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Active member
Jan 8, 2011
9700 user here too considering the Atrix. Someone else in this thread earlier said you can't use Hotmail on the Atrix without an app.. is that true?? If so that's a dealbreaker for me. My main email is hotmail and it's been my email address since 1997. Definitely not changing that for a phone and want to have it easily accessible on my next device like it is on my 9700.
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Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
Hotmail like any other mail client can be set up on the Atrix. Ive owned plenty of Androids and im a prior BlackBerry Convert. Love the fact of the switch I made. The Atrix is the Best Android Handset Ive owned.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2011
former blackberry bold 9700 owner here. I got my atrix last tuesday, comparing it with the blackberry (even the bb torch) would be like comparing ford with bugatti veyron.... honestly... I now realize how much i was missing before switching to android platform. but atrix being a dual core phone with 1gb Ram and amazing display will blow you away after blackberry. there is one thing though i will need to adjust to, is the battery life, basically atrix will do everything the same as your bb in terms of functionality, but you'll have to get used to carry a charger or a spare battery with you. because it just may not last you for the whole day like bold 9700. hotmail should work fine on Atrix, it looks like you dont need any special apps for that. i just googled the following word combination "hotmail on atrix" and the first link was motoral atrix official support site with instructions on how to setup hotmail. i am not sure though if email can be pushed to the device like gmail... but it definetely can be setup... I personally have 2 gmail accounts and ordered a spare battery to always have with me. couldn't be more happier....

ohh few words about virtual keyboard.. that was my major concern. I make lots of mistakes in portrait mode when trying to type fast, but almost no or few typos when in landscape mode. but i am sure it won't be a problem after few weeks.
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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Hello! I am coming from a blackberry bold 9000. I was a huge blackberry fan but like the rest of us converts...I couldn't wait for blackberry to catch up any longer. I'm still a fan of blackberries....but there isn't a thing that the blackberry can do that the Droid cannot. The Droid is a million times better in all ways possible! You will not regret your switch. The atrix is my first android phone and I am just blown away. Also...since u are coming from a blackberry u must love to customize! lets u customize everything.

There are people waiting for the next best thing but people will never be satisfied with what's out now. The atrix will be worth your money...hope this helps !

Say goodbye to crackberry and hello to android central. :p
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Wow! Didn't know there where that many blackberry converts. It's awesome to hear that I'm not the only one. I know battery life will be something I will have to get used to but it's should be well worth it. I'm really looking for some kind of social hub that updates all your social network sites at the same time. Not sure what it called but can the Atrix do this for me?


Active member
Mar 3, 2011
Get it! You wont regret knowing you have the best Android smart phone in your hands! It's almost like walking around knowing you got a street post in your pants! lol :eek: Well maybe i exaggerated a bit.

On the serious note... I went from the HTC Inspire to the Atrix and have ZERO regrets! It's fast (coming from the iPhone 3gs) and the battery life on it is SUPERB! Atleast for me it has been. Second day with it!
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New member
Mar 15, 2011
I also have had my Blackberry bold for over two years now and it is dying!! I am tired of waiting for RIM. I was just wondering if this phone allows you to personalize texts with different tones for different people? Also, Can you only allow certain people to ring thru ( Emergency calls from daughter) while the others do not?
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Mar 15, 2011
I am in the same boat; however I am going to wait till CTIA for sprint to announce something since they are my current carrier on a webos pixi. However if they don't announce anything that intrests me im going for the Atrix it looks like an awesome phone.

I never thought I would leave Sprint, but their slowly loosing competive advantage in price, their android selection does't do it for me. no highend 4" screen devices, 4.3 is too big. And their 4G plans are pretty rediculous if you ask me. ATT starting to look good, chicago already has 4G and they have any mobile any time now too.

However I would suggest waiting a little for atrix as their seems to be some intial build quality issues.
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Mar 16, 2011
Hello!! First Post Folks

Hello, I too am in somewhat of the same boat as some of you. I have been the hardcore BB owner and user for the longest time. Currently a Torch user. So long cant even really date how long. I have wanted to make the jump to Android for a long time, and have had the Atrix in my sights since the rumors of its existance began. I consider myself very well educated in the phone department, visiting all the expert websites daily. That includes tearing phones apart and OS upgrading. But Im not out of touch, I know my limits and know I dont know everything.
Now that being said, I may be somewhat too educated. I read forums and see the problems and complaints with the Atrix. Makes me overthink and second guess my hopes of owning this device soon. I guess I just need some more positive feedback on some of my concerns.
One question i have that i cant seem to get a straight answer on is. What is a solution to my att bb email?? Will it be no more?? I have a Gmail as well and know it will be fine. Also I have a business and a regular job, and just a general need to be organized, thats why Ive always owned Berries. The network speed isnt a massive concern simply because Im realistic enough to know it will be fixed and upgraded in time.
I appreciate any help in advance, and hope to become an Android newbie soon!!!!!!!!!

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