Audio Eraser Limitations


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Oct 21, 2021
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I have a YouTube channel with several hundred short videos of figs grown on my farm. Some have annoying distracting noises and I shot several videos today to test out the audio eraser feature as well as evaluate video quality. Video quality is great IMO. Some limitations or drawbacks I've noticed thus far:

1. The edited videos make it sound somewhat like I'm in a closet, a bit unnatural
2. When trying to edit a video over 2 minutes long I'm told to trim the video to 2 minutes or less
3. I saw "um" quite often and none of these are filtered out though I had understood this as one possibility of the feature.

Overall, I like the edited quality but maybe not quite as good or useful as I had hoped.

I Can Be Your Hero

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Aug 14, 2012
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1. Yes when you use audio eraser, it does change the sound of the remaining audio. Doesn't sound very good, so I don't bother with it.
2. Yes, seems like a limitation.
3. I don't think it filters 'um' out of audio eraser. I thought filtering out 'um' and 'ah' was with the improved speech to text, unless I'm confused and audio eraser can do that too?

Agree that audio eraser isn't nearly as good as advertised. I tried it a couple of times, audio is ruined when you use it, so I just don't bother using it.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
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Overall for my situation it does make the video better but not great. Number 3 "um" was my wife's memory who pointed it out in my video in a not very nice way! :)

Kizzy Catwoman

Feb 2, 2017
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It works for me. I take car videos and often have TV on in the background. I don't want the distraction and it filters out the speech leaving the cat noises like purring etc. For my use case it has been perfect.
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Dec 19, 2013
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I was recording my kid dancing to Blippy, and at some point, I was talking to her. I decided to try and edit out my voice, but it also affected all the other voices. It ended up sounding like someone had just turned on ANC, as everything got quieter and more muffled.

It seems to me that you can't isolate 1 voice above other voices and simply erase it, but rather it's meant to take out other noises that aren't similar.

Kinda weak.

I Can Be Your Hero

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
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It seems to me that you can't isolate 1 voice above other voices and simply erase it, but rather it's meant to take out other noises that aren't similar.

Kinda weak.

It's not just that though. I was recording out and about and was talking, there was background traffic noise and wind noises. Muted them and my voice became super quiet and really hard to hear. Change the tone of my voice to so it didn't really sound like me either.

So I revert it back to the original and yes it has audible background noise, but I was at least louder and sounded normal.