Avg 8 hours?


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Sep 2, 2011
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Hey all,

I'm average about 7-8 hours of battery life..
With moderate usage I would say. Playing some music, texting, some tweets here and there
and an occasional check or two on the internet..

What am I doing wrong? Or is this about right for this phone. I know a couple of my friends
who have androids get prob 10 or more hours.. I kinda got 8 hours with my OG droid..
ITs just kinda annoying brand new phone and it cant last a whole day.. idk..

Did a test with 4g on, which is spotty on long island.. some times I have it sometimes I dont, and
it lasted 7 hours..

Test today, I'm around 9 hours, thats with a 2 hour nap in there, so I didnt even touch the phone.. lol

Any help is appreciated..

I'm curious to see if these new HD screens, or phones coming out on the horizon are going to have
good, bad, moderate battery life..


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Aug 29, 2011
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You'll probably want to drop into the official battery life thread to see what other people are getting out of theirs. Right of the bat, if you're not in a strong 4G area or aren't using it, switch to CDMA only. That seems to help a little. I'd also recommend keeping GPS usage low. The built in task manager app can be set to kill certain apps when the phone is idle, also.


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Mar 1, 2011
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Welcome to my hell, I never got the battery life I wanted but others are having better luck. Head over to the battery life tips thread.

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May 5, 2010
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After 16 to 17 hours, I have 30% to 50% left using the extended battery. So, that's my first question for you...are you running the standard or the extended battery?

I am rooted with a number of bloat apps frozen, but I don't turn gps or 4g (or anything else) off. I use the phone all day, but I'm not streaming music or watching movies. I think one of the big battery drainers is Social Location. I do remember reading a thread on turning that off without root...try googling how to turn off social location.


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May 20, 2011
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Yes 7-8 hours is if you are using moderate-heavy use. I get about 9-10 with moderate... some calls, texts, emails, web, but nothing too heaving.

I have 40% left, dunno if its higher or lower, thanks motorola for battery estimations only....
I also did use the battery calibration app to this morning so it might be a lil off to while the files rebuild

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Jun 26, 2010
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With the standard battery, I was getting roughly 24hr before I have to re-charge (with 4G/GPS on and wifi/bluetooth off), mostly txting/email/web... little talk time. With the extended battery, I am lasting about a day and a half, sometimes more. When I first used each battery, I would completely drain it until the phone shut off by itself, and then recharge it while the phone while off until it was full (did this 2 times each). I am actually getting much better better battery life on the Bionic than previous Charge and Evo.


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Sep 2, 2011
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After 16 to 17 hours, I have 30% to 50% left using the extended battery. So, that's my first question for you...are you running the standard or the extended battery?

I am rooted with a number of bloat apps frozen, but I don't turn gps or 4g (or anything else) off. I use the phone all day, but I'm not streaming music or watching movies. I think one of the big battery drainers is Social Location. I do remember reading a thread on turning that off without root...try googling how to turn off social location.

def using the standard battery.. I have the car mount and bedside dock..

Thats what I dont understand, I get that Android gives you opportunities to do a lot more then IoS.. which is pretty boring to me.. but to not have battery right, seems like something that shouldnt require that much tweaking.. idk..

lol ok so do you think rooting helps with saving battery?
what apps did u use for root aand frozen apps


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Sep 2, 2011
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With the standard battery, I was getting roughly 24hr before I have to re-charge (with 4G/GPS on and wifi/bluetooth off), mostly txting/email/web... little talk time. With the extended battery, I am lasting about a day and a half, sometimes more. When I first used each battery, I would completely drain it until the phone shut off by itself, and then recharge it while the phone while off until it was full (did this 2 times each). I am actually getting much better better battery life on the Bionic than previous Charge and Evo.

That has to be impossible. lmao like no offense but what do you do not even touch your phone?
Remember those first screens of the bionic having good battery life? it lasted like a day and a bit more
with no activity, it seems improbable that you can have 4g on text email and web... and get 24 hours...


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Sep 2, 2011
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Yes 7-8 hours is if you are using moderate-heavy use. I get about 9-10 with moderate... some calls, texts, emails, web, but nothing too heaving.

I have 40% left, dunno if its higher or lower, thanks motorola for battery estimations only....
I also did use the battery calibration app to this morning so it might be a lil off to while the files rebuild

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see that seems on board with what Im getting.. Are you satisified with that? Orrr...



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Jun 26, 2010
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That has to be impossible. lmao like no offense but what do you do not even touch your phone?
Remember those first screens of the bionic having good battery life? it lasted like a day and a bit more
with no activity, it seems improbable that you can have 4g on text email and web... and get 24 hours...

SF is a small city and easy to cover so the the 4G is very strong here... I get 4/4 bars at home and at work. Right now, with my extended battery I am at 80% and it has been running on battery for 7h33m... if you do the math, that should last me almost 38h. Last month, I had 2700 txt messages, 2.5GB data, and 350m talk time... I have 6 email accounts and 2 of which are soley used on the phone for replies. I am not making this up. Make sure your battery is calibrated.


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Sep 2, 2011
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SF is a small city and easy to cover so the the 4G is very strong here... I get 4/4 bars at home and at work. Right now, with my extended battery I am at 80% and it has been running on battery for 7h33m... if you do the math, that should last me almost 38h. Last month, I had 2700 txt messages, 2.5GB data, and 350m talk time... I have 6 email accounts and 2 of which are soley used on the phone for replies. I am not making this up. Make sure your battery is calibrated.

how do you calibrate your battery.. That just seems very odd.
Most of us on moderate usage are getting 10 ish hours


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Jun 26, 2010
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If your phone is rooted, you can use battery calibration from the market, or simply erase the batterystats.bin system file. If you rather not root, you can charge your phone up 100% and then do a factory reset (this will erase all your data, including the batterystats.bin file), and let it drain until the phone shuts off by itself. Charge it up to 100% again (I usually let it sit there an extra hour or so), then discharge it until it turns off. After 2-3 cycles, the batterystats.bin should be monitoring the battery correctly and so you can recharge whenever you like. You can also try to discharge it as is now until it it shuts off, then charge it to 100% w/out turning it on... turn it on once it is as 100% and discharge it to nothing again... do this 2-3 times. I do this with all my devices (laptops, phones, etc)... only way to get the battery to act correctly.


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May 20, 2011
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see that seems on board with what Im getting.. Are you satisified with that? Orrr...


its not great, but u are essentially hauling around a mini computer. it is what it is... Only true way to get great battery life of 2+ days is to get rid of 4g and down grade the display.... or carry some huge battery


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May 5, 2010
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Yes, I had to let it go. Loved the phone but I was at the end of my 14 day costco limit.

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That's sad. I think you should have worked more with it (I don't mean that in any way as an attack) because all phones that are duel core, 4.3 + inches and 4G are going to take some understanding to get the most from them. In other words, it's not going to get better any time soon. Turning things off (like wifi or 4g or gps) is not the solution either. I think the problem is all related to the apps we individually decide to download...some are poorly written and some are too data intensive. As an example, I found calendar widgets were killing the battery on my X (I decided to get rid of the calendar widgets and keep the X). This phone is capable of 24 hours of normal smartphone use (surfing/texting/emailing/game playing). It's kind of like the Bionic camera...some say it sucks and others say it's great. If you page through the pictures thread, you find images that suck and images that are great. Conclusion...the camera works fine, but you have to learn how to use it.


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Mar 1, 2011
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That's sad. I think you should have worked more with it (I don't mean that in any way as an attack) because all phones that are duel core, 4.3 + inches and 4G are going to take some understanding to get the most from them. In other words, it's not going to get better any time soon. Turning things off (like wifi or 4g or gps) is not the solution either. I think the problem is all related to the apps we individually decide to download...some are poorly written and some are too data intensive. As an example, I found calendar widgets were killing the battery on my X (I decided to get rid of the calendar widgets and keep the X). This phone is capable of 24 hours of normal smartphone use (surfing/texting/emailing/game playing). It's kind of like the Bionic camera...some say it sucks and others say it's great. If you page through the pictures thread, you find images that suck and images that are great. Conclusion...the camera works fine, but you have to learn how to use it.
I decided to keep my X too. Not a big deal, I knew better than to buy a phone on launch day. It makes sense to let everyone else do the bug check. Now I need to check out the other forums to see if there is a launch date for the Nexus Prime, here we go again.

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May 20, 2011
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I decided to keep my X too. Not a big deal, I knew better than to buy a phone on launch day. It makes sense to let everyone else do the bug check. Now I need to check out the other forums to see if there is a launch date for the Nexus Prime, here we go again.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

By that time the bionic will be smooth as butter and the Prime will be buggy (every phone is initially)... remember it is still a samsung, I say that coming from a Droid Charge, IMO great phone (when rooted/Rom/kernel). Awesome when rooted and ROM'd but lack of Manfactuer support and updates leaves it solely to the Devs.

I personally think you should just stick it out, devs on the bionic will move quickly since there are already some bases to go off of, Atrix, X, D2/3... just saying, I wouldnt have tried to hold out longer, but if you are happier with that particular phone that is all that matters..

GO 4G!!! Battery sucks but damn its fast.

I spent the night in a 3G areas on a off duty job... even while watching on 3G Netflix, once its starts up it gets flowing and gets the job done.. But 4G definitely is much quicker. (obviously)


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
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I decided to keep my X too. Not a big deal, I knew better than to buy a phone on launch day. It makes sense to let everyone else do the bug check. Now I need to check out the other forums to see if there is a launch date for the Nexus Prime, here we go again.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

That's not really what I meant. I kept my X way back when the X was new (July 2010) and the battery was horrible. Discovering the apps that were draining my battery fixed my issues and I was glad that I kept the X...back then. Now I very happily own the Bionic and have done the same with it, figuring out how to get 24 hours of my extended battery, doing everything I want with the phone. All of these super phones are going to draw a lot of juice, so you've got to figure out what the problematic apps are instead of returning and waiting for whatever comes next.

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