Battery Case/Pack?


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Sep 25, 2014
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Ok, so this might be silly to ask on my part, and I apologize in advance for the "duh!" moment, but I'm confused. Let's say you have a battery case, or 10,000 mAh battery pack, that's good for 3 charges. How does that work? Does it basically mean that you can put your phone in said case for 3 charges before the case/pack itself needs charging? How long do these last before it starts to degrade? I figure, if I get the next Nexus phablet, I can just get one of these and double the battery life. So basically, whatever capacity a phone comes with isn't such a big deal, as long as you have one on hand?

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Jun 22, 2010
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Well, yes. These external batteries effectively allow you to run your phone (device whatever) down, then continue to use it and or recharge it while connected to the external battery. The math is rough, because the external batteries don't always hold the capacity they claim, but yes, you could recharge about 3X if your internal device battery is 3300mh.

But not all external batteries are the same, and like the one in your phone, they degrade over time. And there is quite a difference between a $15 10,000mh external battery and one selling for $40. The quality of the battery inside the external battery case makes a big difference, with quality manufacturers ilke Anker outperforming other cheaper batteries. Check out some Amazon reviews and you'll see what I mean. But ALL external batteries degrade, so constant charging / recharing will take their toll, just like your phone's battery takes.


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Dec 27, 2009
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The battery itself lasted me a whole day with no issues. I do have a mophie XL juice pack as well but I haven't had it long enough to say when it will degrade. You gotta remember one thing though. When you're using the juice pack to charge don't use your phone or it will be charging at the same time you are using (discharging ) your device. Which will use more of the juice pack power. All in all...I don't think you'll really need the juice pack although they are nice for back up

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Q&A Team
Jul 7, 2013
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My only experience is with Mophie cases on iPhones for others and an external battery pack that I own. The Mophie packs have a switch on them, you can turn the switch off and the phone just runs off its internal battery and with the switch on the phone thinks it's always charging as the Mophie pack/case is basically that - a charger. The Mophie case would stay on the phone all the time and the switch controls if the phone draws current from it. What I've seen on iPhones, the phone can heat up more and if you ALWAYS have the switch on the internal battery in the phone can degrade faster.

The external packs, you plug in when needed. I have an Anker 16,000 mAh, I use it to top up if needed to make it through the day and it's always in my computer bag. This battery pack increased the charge on my Samsung tablet while I was watching a movie on the tablet.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2014
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Thanks for the info everyone. While I prefer that big batteries come native in devices I buy, it's good to know that these cases and juice packs help add power when needed.

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