Battery Disconnected Warning


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Nov 20, 2009
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I have a one month old AT&T Galaxy Note. Yesterday, I woke up to a "Disconnected Battery" warning. The battery didn't charge overnight due to this warning. Looked around this forum and didn't see anything. Then I did a search on Google and saw that this seems to be a fairly frequent occurrence with Samsung phones. Anyway, there were suggestions to remove the battery and wait an hour, try a different battery (I have one), clean the micro USB port, put a piece of tape/paper on the bottom of the battery and place it in the phone.... None of these worked. Then I read this forum: Galaxy note battery disconnected error? - I have a galaxy note running the latest version of gingerbread (2.3.6) & after trying to charge my phone using the car charger I keep getting a "battery disconnected" error every time I plug the phone to char
It says to drop the phone from about two feet and it'll get rid of this warning. There were a lot of replies that said it worked. What the heck, I tried it. I know it sounds stupid but I did drop it on a table while in its case. The only thing I can say is that I agree with all those other people, IT WORKED! Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who has the problem.


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Feb 11, 2012
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A picture is worth a thousand words...
But thanks, I just hope I never have to do this.


Mar 1, 2012
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I don't know if I could bring myself to drop in my GALAXY NOTE lol. If that worked then your connector pin on the actual phone that connect to the battery might have been jammed. Next time or to anyone having this problem just carefully free up the connector with a finger or paper clip. Hope this helps somebody, & remember ANDROID IS THE FUTURE - KID ANDROID.


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Jul 23, 2012
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Send it for service! I It's a known issue with the tiny battery port!

It damages easily and is only compatible with Samsung assecories. I damaged the port using a blackberry micro usb cable which was slightly tighter fitting and the constant forcing it in damaged the tint port!

Sent from my SGH-I717R using Android Central Forums


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Mar 3, 2011
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I have found this to be the battery in my case, it is not that the battery was bad, it was that the casing around the contacts had become distorted from using an external charger. I used a really sharp knife and removed the affected border between the contacts and the phone is perfect, so have a look at the 3 contacts that mate to the phone and look with the battery installed to see that each of the contacts is sitting firmly against the mating surface. I have had this happen to 2 batteries now, both aftermarket batteries, the original (so far) is still good. This may not fix everybodie's "disconnected battery" warning, but it will surely help someone else out there! :)


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Nov 12, 2012
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I tried everything and then decided to take the advice......dropped the phone on the floor, put the battery back in, and it began charging. WOW! Thanks. I thought I was going to have to buy a new phone.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I tried everything and then decided to take the advice......dropped the phone on the floor, put the battery back in, and it began charging. WOW! Thanks. I thought I was going to have to buy a new phone.

I have a one month old AT&T Galaxy Note. Yesterday, I woke up to a "Disconnected Battery" warning. The battery didn't charge overnight due to this warning. Looked around this forum and didn't see anything. Then I did a search on Google and saw that this seems to be a fairly frequent occurrence with Samsung phones. Anyway, there were suggestions to remove the battery and wait an hour, try a different battery (I have one), clean the micro USB port, put a piece of tape/paper on the bottom of the battery and place it in the phone.... None of these worked. Then I read this forum: Galaxy note battery disconnected error? - I have a galaxy note running the latest version of gingerbread (2.3.6) & after trying to charge my phone using the car charger I keep getting a "battery disconnected" error every time I plug the phone to char
It says to drop the phone from about two feet and it'll get rid of this warning. There were a lot of replies that said it worked. What the heck, I tried it. I know it sounds stupid but I did drop it on a table while in its case. The only thing I can say is that I agree with all those other people, IT WORKED! Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who has the problem.

Ken Do

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Nov 23, 2012
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When I first read this thread I thought people were trolling. My note 2 was giving me the same problem.... but I followed the instructions and the phone is now charging... ... :confused:


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2012
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My god. You're all....... Awesome..... :D
I'll tell to everyone drop their phone everytime they got problem. Lol. :mad::banghead:

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Android Central Forums

Anisah Haaris

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Mar 21, 2013
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I just tried it and its charging. I got so worried as it was a gift from my dad.
Thank you to the person who suggested this. Wow' can't believe it.

Thanks x:-*


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Apr 8, 2013
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Okay that was definitely trolling, i thought to myself. I am not going to drop my S3 -untill my battery reads 8% and i figured i gotta do something about this...

After some intense browsing, i got frustated and thought what the heck. U cast this on urself galaxy... so i open everything and throw my phone to the sofa (hey it's hard leather), gave the docking area a couple of furious taps... and when i plugged the charger, it's charging!!!

So yeah, as ridiculous as it may sound, it works.
There's probably a wobbly part around there that would get back into its rightful position with a little nudge


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May 18, 2013
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I had my Galaxy SII which was doing the exact thing as everyone else's phone. Instead of dropping my phone, in fear of breaking it, i gave it a hard smack, and it began working again. I guess it has the same effect.

Raj Kumar9

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May 22, 2013
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:) tried every thing (remove the battery and wait an hour, try a different battery,clean the micro USB port, put a piece of tape/paper on the bottom of the battery, cleaning the pin..charging point) but the problem could'nt resolved........ and then i decided to drop my S2 on tabel ...........HEHEHEHE:):p AND NOW ITS WORKING PERFECTLY........... sorry dude you advice seems insane but i must admit......IT WORKS, THANKS A LOT:D

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